Group 7-day waking average?

Odd time posting, AGAIN but, can’t be helped! My sleep is STILL all over the place! 🙄

But, finally got lower basal through & minor adjustments of bolus now for meals! Still not QUITE “On The Nose” with NR but, Tresiba is not dragging me down anymore! I FINALLY slept the whole day yesterday & quite a lot today as well SO body clock is out of whack: sleep being the first thing to go when BS is unstable; replenished my biscuits supply & marsh mallows held up better as I didn’t go as low while waiting for lower basal to take effect! :D

Just got up at 21:00 ish, had breakfast & just prepped a chicken & broccoli bake in the oven: keep an eye on the time; CAN be dangerous posting with something in the oven! 😳🙄:rofl:

A Very Good Morning to you all, coming up for you normal lovely lot, & have a Wonderful Day ahead! 😉

Oh! Almost forgot:- Sat. 20.04.2024 21:30 BS 7.7 🙂

PS: Got my liver scan coming up on 30.04.2024 & have to fast for 6 hours overnight beforehand which, I’m NOT looking forward to: CAN BE SO HARD TO FAST OVERNIGHT! Especially, if I can’t sleep & I know I probably won’t: I could well be a wired, talkative duracell bunny again on the way up to Belfast, this time, in the hospital transport? 😳🙄:rofl: The driver’s seen, & heard, it all driving patients around & took it in his stride the last time! :D
Good morning everyone although it doesn't feel like a good morning.

BG 5.something

My wifes mental health assessment did not go ahead yesterday because she ran away before anyone got here and she stayed in a B&B through the night. It seems like my life is falling apart.

Have a great ... oh, sod it
Good morning everyone although it doesn't feel like a good morning.

BG 5.something

My wifes mental health assessment did not go ahead yesterday because she ran away before anyone got here and she stayed in a B&B through the night. It seems like my life is falling apart.

Have a great ... oh, sod it
So sorry to hear this @Gwynn :( Hang in there, I hope things improve.
Morning all. Forgot to post yesterday.

This morning 6.7

@Gwynn Try and stay strong. I can’t imagine how difficult it is. All you’re trying to do is the best for your wife but if she’s allowing the illness to be in charge that’s tough.
Good morning,
7.7 - an attack of munchies in the night...Mobility a bit better and cough settled so had a decent nights sleep. I'm staying on 20mg for a while.

Put an hour into grooming Wolf yesterday. 8 months of rain have matted his coat so badly that it was impossible to get even a stripping comb through it and very uncomfortable for him. We decided, well have you seen the teeth on a GSD, that it was time for the clippers. He now looks a mythical monster: head and ruff, belly legs and tail covered in 6 inch long dread locks whist back and body are shaved like a balding footballer. If this morning's sunshine holds on I'll be trying to join up the dots and even giving him a shower. I think he will have to move into the conservatory until it grows out a bit.

@Gwynn Sorry to hear about your troubles - hope your wife's health improves soon.

Wishing everyone spring sunshine and good numbers.
Didn’t get a morning reading, but looking at the graph it was around 7. Sensor change needed in 3 hours, will probably do it soon as we are planning on going out for some fish & chips by the marina here (the fish is usually Barramundi which is really good).

Spent the morning exploring in the golf buggy around the island then chilled on the apartment balcony. As I type a cockatoo has just landed on the railings to see what I’m doing!

Great sunset last night here :


Here’s the local “traffic” :

@Gwynn - so sorry to hear of your problems, I do hope your wife’s health improves soon.

Take care everyone!
Top of the morning and lovely out there and must admit feeling chipper.
A 6.4 for me and a fairly flat line and lunch with friends at Wilmslow Garden Centre,a new one for us and the left over Pizza for tea after mowing the lawns.
Another lunch out today as my turn to pay and a trip to the tip and what more could anyone want.
I find the quickest way to get my BG into reverse is actually do something energetic like moving heavy boxes or digging or something and it comes down within minutes.
The only bad thing is it then spikes up again but still maintained a 99% TIR so very happy.
Anyway had a big breakfast so need to have a walk but have a good w/ end
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Good morning everyone although it doesn't feel like a good morning.

BG 5.something

My wifes mental health assessment did not go ahead yesterday because she ran away before anyone got here and she stayed in a B&B through the night. It seems like my life is falling apart.

Have a great ... oh, sod it
Gwynn.So sorry to hear about your troubles and do hope your situation improves soon.
Morning! A 6.2 for me.

Big hugs to you (((( @Gwynn ))))

Hang in there.
Morning weather looking sunny and fine

7.1 last night 's fish pie no doubt. Meeting our friends for breakfast so gotta rush, but sending commiserations to Gwyn. Hoping things get better soon.
Morning all. 🙂 8.8 here.

We made the most of the beautiful, wonderful, lovely sunshine yesterday - parked at Bosherston, and walked to St Govan’s Head to the teeny-tiny church squashed into the rocks there. Then on to Freshwater East for a steak sandwich and a pootle along the beach...aah, my kind of day out. And picked up some compost on the way home for today’s gardening session. BG did what it wanted while I did my best to keep up!

So sorry to hear about your problems @Gwynn. (((Hugs)))

6.8 off for a run walk then round to help my friend with her baby.

@Gwynn - sending you hugs, try and look after yourself at this difficult time.
Blue sky and sunshine on another lovely Berkshire morning, although at the moment it's warmer inside our fridge than it is outside according to our garden thermometer. Wish that north wind would go away. 5.6 on waking.

Quiet day ahead with nothing special planned, although my wife and I might fit in a long walk. Our eldest's futsal team are playing at Gunnersbury Park in London this afternoon. A win will secure a place in the play-offs. Our youngest has a full Sunday hours shift at Sainsbury's.

Slow-cooked lamb for our evening meal, one of my favourites, so my wife will get that into the slow-cooker once she's up and about. I'll be on roasted veg duty later.

@Gwynn - sorry to hear about the difficult time you're having.
It is always worth stopping there even if you don't really need to. Why can't they all be like that, an enjoyable experience rather than torture and same old same old.
That's one of the big bonuses of moving up to the Lake District - I pop to Tebay services for a pint of milk (and the rest!) when I've been down to Kendal or nearby. @eggyg and I met at one of their other places, Rheged, which is just outside Penrith.
That's one of the big bonuses of moving up to the Lake District - I pop to Tebay services for a pint of milk (and the rest!) when I've been down to Kendal or nearby. @eggyg and I met at one of their other places, Rheged, which is just outside Penrith.
Is Rheged on the Penrith junction but you turn towards Keswick and is about half a mile from the M6.
If so it was a favourite meeting place and the North Lakes was always handy if you wanted an alternative.
Morning all. 6.3.

Nice morning but not as nice as yesterday. It was glorious but still chilly. I really wish it would warm up a bit.
Got more lovely presents off the girls yesterday. Perfume, books, a new phone cover, chocolates of course, and they’ve booked us a boat trip for our forthcoming trip up to the Highlands and given us cash to buy lunch in the local cafe before we board. They are very thoughtful.

My birthday weekend is coming to a close, it’s been great, and we’re also having slow roasted lamb for Sunday dinner @Martin.A my favourite too.

Congratulations to the plethora of HSers yesterday, and hello to our new joiners.
@Gwynn hope things resolve very soon.

Have the best day you can.
A 5.3 for me this morning. 🙂
