Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. A nice round 6 on this glorious frosty morning. It’s actually below freezing today.

Thanks for all your birthday wishes yesterday. Back to normal today after being a princess for the day. Back to being Cinderella, just as I like it. We walked around Cogra Moss forest and reservoir hoping to see lots of birds, including the resident osprey, red squirrels and deer. We saw nowt, nada, zilch! Not even a robin! I could hear the little tweety birds but they weren’t showing themselves. So my photos are pretty uninspiring, the sun was reluctant to stay out too long so it all looked a bit bland. And of course as it’s a forest, forestry work was going on and it looked really bare. What a shame. At least we got some miles in, some of them uphill. Home for a lovely meal cooked by Mr Eggy, I’m now regretting telling him to leave the mess as I’d do it this morning! The dishes were done but the cooker’s a mess and there’s glasses to wash. Where’s the Marigolds? 🙄

Daughters and some of the grandchildren coming this afternoon to bring my cards and presents. Maybe I can be a princess for another day. After I’ve tidied the kitchen and made a Bolognaise for tonight’s tea and a gingerbread for the hordes.😉

Congratulations @harbottle on today’s HS.
@Wendal where have you parked your plane then? 😛

Have a super, sunny Saturday.


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Morning all, 6.2 here.
Got my comeuppance yesterday. Last couple of times I’ve been out riding, I’ve dodged the showers, so yesterday I got caught in a heavy shower just as I’d turned across an open field, with the wind blowing the rain sideways.
Good morning beautifuls! 7 in the meter today.

Went to bed late yet again despite planning a busy day. Then was kept awake a bit longer by someone playing piano (at fricking midnight!) and then someone having a heated argument. Had a disturbing dream I had no idea where it came from, and woke to find my sensor had expired one day early! I grumpily applied a new one and got a combo of pain and blood (well that sounds dramatic, the blood was minimal but you get the idea). Not a great start of the day, let me tell you!

Yesterday I tried a recipe from the Freshwell low carb website, I was very excited about it, it was a veggie quiche with a crust made of cheese and linseeds. Now, I was happy with the taste but it didn't agree with me. Not sure if I had too much of it or it was the seeds, never tried them before and they have a lot of fibre so that could explain the uncomfortable bloating.

It was pretty tho. I'd definitely try this filling in my usual crust less, seed-less quiches 🙂

Morning all. 7.5. The sun is shining and there is blue sky with a mild frost. We're off out somewhere for the day as hubby as the weekend off.
Have opened the curtains to a lovely, sunny Berkshire morning. All blue sky and not a cloud in sight. Temperature still in single figures out there according to our garden thermometer and forecast says it's only just going to scrape over the line into double figures today, but at least it's going to be dry.

My wife and I ate out yesterday evening as our youngest was working and our eldest was at futsal training and we couldn't be bothered to cook. Went to a pub that we haven't been to in years and had a really nice meal. Hunter's Chicken was on the menu, so that was me sorted, and they do a hot drink and mini-dessert option, so a small chocolate brownie too. Despite the treat this is what popped up on the meter this morning:-


Congrats @harbottle on yours.

Might be home alone for most of the day as our youngest has his 2-10 shift and my wife is heading up to Bedford shortly to visit a cousin. Not sure what our eldest is doing as he got in late last night and probably won't surface for a while. He's clearly not doing Park Run or he'd be up already.

Hope everyone's getting some of this sunshine today. Enjoy your Saturday.
Good morning. 6.9

Decided yesterday to put the steroids up a bit to 20mg - sick of pain and coughing. Not, of course, instantaneous in providing relief but certainly lifted mood - did a longish pootle round Ceredigion in beautiful sunshine --stopping intermittently to buy things - ended up with car jam packed, Only unpacked the bag from Tesco's last night so have animal feed to chair to shower caddy to lever out today. Fortunately it has dawned sunny again so not a chore. The coppa has gone down lovely for breakfast and the smoked salmon looks good ...only went in for one thing and came out with a bag full of treats.

Sorry I missed your birthday @eggyg I hope you are allowed to be a Princess today as well.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning everyone

It’s a 5.2 for me this morning so I’m joining the rest of the HS’s on the step today.

Have a good day everyone.
Have posted picture of plane for proof lol.
It was taken on my phone and usually post on one of tablets so not synchronised
Well at least it's a rather special plane taking up the car park. If its an original it is simply priceless; even if a replica its still almost uninsurable.


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Morning all another good night no alarm 4.3 this morning Libre was only 1 out so happy with that, managed to achieve a 100%TIR didnt expect that, off out to do a bit of shopping looking forward to a roast Lamb dinner tonight congrats on all you hs people


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Joining in for the first time 🙂

5.4 this morning!