Group 7-day waking average?

Not caviar either. But that would be scrumptious in a jar that size.

It was mushroom pesto (mushroom, walnuts, parmesan, walnut oil) layered with teeny tiny potato dumplings. It was odd as all the oil sunk to the bottom of the jar so the stuff at the top was D-R-Y to say the least.
About half way down the jar it became really rather delicious though and now I’m determined to make mushroom and walnut pesto.
Not caviar either. But that would be scrumptious in a jar that size.

It was mushroom pesto (mushroom, walnuts, parmesan, walnut oil) layered with teeny tiny potato dumplings. It was odd as all the oil sunk to the bottom of the jar so the stuff at the top was D-R-Y to say the least.
About half way down the jar it became really rather delicious though and now I’m determined to make mushroom and walnut pesto.
I used a jar of pistachio pesto last night, presumably they are now cheaper than pine nuts.
When I have lots of home grown basil I use almonds instead of pine nuts.
Not caviar either. But that would be scrumptious in a jar that size.

It was mushroom pesto (mushroom, walnuts, parmesan, walnut oil) layered with teeny tiny potato dumplings. It was odd as all the oil sunk to the bottom of the jar so the stuff at the top was D-R-Y to say the least.
About half way down the jar it became really rather delicious though and now I’m determined to make mushroom and walnut pesto.
Sounds good! Interesting, in the restaurant where I work they use a mushroom and aubergine pesto as part of the garnish of one dish and the chef just happens to be Polish... :confused:
Good morning - 6.5

Have a great day everyone.
Morning was 5.9 on going to bed which was ideal after our Chinese but I had a small biscuit just to keep me slightly higher.
Woke up to a 5.6 and another Unicorn so very happy with that so another quiet day before hopefully a very nice w/ end.
Anyway hope you have a fab Friday and even better w/ end.
Morning all. 7.1. Reduced basal slightly last night as i've needed JBs through the day and overnight. We'll see how it goes.
Morning all. A very nice 5 when I woke, or should I say was woken by a ping, at 6am. My daughters are still waking me up early even in their 30s and 40s!

Dry and bright day, forecast sunny intervals and a low chance of rain. We’re off out to the western lakes today for my birthday treat. Lots of folks want wined and dined and entertainment on their special day, I’m a cheap date and I’m happy to plod around muddy paths with my camera and binoculars! Although Mr Eggy has promised me fillet steak and chips for tea, at home, with a bottle of fizzy wine. So I’m not that cheap! 😉

Have a fab Friday, I will.
Morning folks. >smile< 7.1 here.

A bit of admin this morning then errands this afternoon. I like to clear the decks on Friday (no classes) so that me and him indoors can have a nice day out on Saturday. Looks a bit ominous out there, weather-wise...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY @eggyg! Enjoy your big day!!!!! >cheesy grin emoji<
Good morning my dears! 7'1. Probably the late night chocolate, ooopsie.

Went to bed later than I should and was surprised by the pretty loud sound of housemates having nighttime couple fun. Good for them. Just made me a bit concerned for the children living in the room next to me. I don't think this house is ideal for kids but I guess needs must. Anyway that must have been long past their bedtime. I also feel for the parents, having to share a room with the kids must complicate logistics for their own nighttime couple fun!

Happy birthday @eggyg ! Enjoy your plans, cheap or not, it's what makes YOU happy on YOUR day 😉
Morning all. A very nice 5 when I woke, or should I say was woken by a ping, at 6am. My daughters are still waking me up early even in their 30s and 40s!

Dry and bright day, forecast sunny intervals and a low chance of rain. We’re off out to the western lakes today for my birthday treat. Lots of folks want wined and dined and entertainment on their special day, I’m a cheap date and I’m happy to plod around muddy paths with my camera and binoculars! Although Mr Eggy has promised me fillet steak and chips for tea, at home, with a bottle of fizzy wine. So I’m not that cheap! 😉

Have a fab Friday, I will.
Yep happy birthday
5.4 for me this morning. And Happy Birthday @eggyg 🙂

5.7 for me.
I’m also wearing a Libre.
Interesting result for breakfast (25-30g of carbs)
When it dropped from the peak, the sensor threw an error and went silent for a bit.
5.4 this morning and weekly BP check 125/73, so just over the line into that zone known as High Normal. Cool and overcast when we walked down to Morrisons to pick up a newspaper and some strawberries for breakfast but sun's just broken through and hopefully the scattered showers forecast for this afternoon will give us a miss.

Picked up my replacement car key yesterday morning. They said it would take 30 minutes for them to code it and re-code the spare, so I waited. Nice to have remote function back. Not cheap, though - £168.

Friday is Big Shop Day so will get over to Sainsbury's and the garden centre greengrocer once I've had my coffee and read the newspaper, and maybe re-book Wednesday's aborted trip to the recycling centre.

Have a good day, especially you @eggyg
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7.2 this morning.

Not posted for a few days as we have been a bit hectic - last day in Cairns was rainy, so didn’t do much in the end then an 8 hour drive down from Cairns to Airlie Beach (all went smoothly), our stay here is in an apartment which is really luxurious. We then decided against the overnight reef sleep as this was a fast boat that took 3 hours to get to what is basically a floating pontoon with beds/swags next to each other on the upper deck for people to sleep. Not what we had imagined all along as sleeping on the deck of a boat. Neither of us was too keen and also not especially keen on snorkelling (which is all you can do out there). As it is still just in “stinger season” you also have to wear stinger suits which just put us off more. So, change of plans and we cancelled that overnight trip and instead booked a lovely vintage sailing yacht trip for today (Friday). It took us out to beautiful Whitehaven Beach on Whitsunday Island and was such a relaxing, enjoyable day, so we managed to salvage the time here! Off to stay on Hamilton Island (in the Whitsundays) tomorrow for 3 nights.



Happy Birthday @eggyg !

Take care everyone!
First things first, HAPPY BIRTHDAY @eggyg !!
And yes I’m shouting as you’re now so old you wouldn’t hear me otherwise!

Second things second, it rained so much in Warsaw yesterday it was a joke. Also had hail storms, snow flurries and an afternoon temperature somewhere in the high teens. In one day. Of course the rain, snow and hail only happened when I was outside strolling but at least it enabled me to take this:
