Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. Clickety click 6.6, and a unicorn.

A very cold morning, just above freezing according to my weather thingy outside. Lawns and cars are white with frost. Like @Wendal I like the cold mornings and I haven’t switched the heating on but if Mr Eggy appears anytime soon it’ll be on! He’s a cold fish.

Had surprise visitors yesterday, at separate times, to deliver me presents for my forthcoming birthday, I’m a lucky girl, flowers, a house plant ( hope I don’t kill it) fizzy alcohol and smellies, for me and the house. Maybe getting older isn’t that bad.😉

No plans today, a bit pootling about the house and garden maybe, Mr Eggy will be out and about, haircut, mother’s, and Camera Club stuff. Thank goodness the season finishes with the annual dinner next Tuesday, it’s harder work than when he worked! He loves it though, he’s been elected chairman for the new season, he’s even got a ceremonial medal thingy on a ribbon for around his neck! Wonder if I get a matching one as his consort and do I need to wear a ball gown at the dinner?:rofl:

That’s me for now, the last day before I enter my 65th year. “Will you still need me, will you still feed me when I’m 64?” 😛

But it is another year before you become a pensioner and at one time you thought it would have been five years ago! :rofl:
But it is another year before you become a pensioner and at one time you thought it would have been five years ago! :rofl:
We asked for equality and we got it. I’m ok with it, but older friends didn’t get much warning, that’s the main problem. Anyways it’s another two years, I’m entering my 65th year but I’m “only” turning 64! 66 years and two months old and then I’ll get my state pension. It’ll fly in! I want it to but equally I don’t want it to. 🙄
It wasn’t tripe, quinoa, borscht or a jar full of capers…
Good morning everyone, it was a 4.1 for me earlier this morning - a jelly baby sorted that out until I had
my porridge an hour later.

Have a good day folks and stay safe.
Morning all - what a beautiful day - wall to wall sun and no wind by the look of it.

7.1 this morning. I found out why I was 10+ yesterday when I took the pod off to change it at lunchtime. The backing fabric was soaking, so it had been leaking insulin instead of putting it in me.

Hugs to @Lucy. Hope you find Dad some new trousers.

Hugs also to @Gwynn - hope things settle down for you and your wife.

Hope @MikeyBikey feels better soon.

My task today is selecting clothes for the next 5 days.... given the unpredictable weather that should be fun!
Morning all - what a beautiful day - wall to wall sun and no wind by the look of it.

7.1 this morning. I found out why I was 10+ yesterday when I took the pod off to change it at lunchtime. The backing fabric was soaking, so it had been leaking insulin instead of putting it in me.

Hugs to @Lucy. Hope you find Dad some new trousers.

Hugs also to @Gwynn - hope things settle down for you and your wife.

Hope @MikeyBikey feels better soon.

My task today is selecting clothes for the next 5 days.... given the unpredictable weather that should be fun!
Where you going for your birthdays? I’m not doing anything special for mine this year as nothing can beat last year’s trip to see the puffins. Have a great time both of you. X


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4.5 after another alarm in the middle of the night dont really understand why its changed so much but cant complain i suppose out for a meal tonight so see how my BS reacts, ive had bread three days on the trot at lunch time and its hasn't gone up much at all.
4.5 after another alarm in the middle of the night dont really understand why its changed so much but cant complain i suppose out for a meal tonight so see how my BS reacts, ive had bread three days on the trot at lunch time and its hasn't gone up much at all.
I'm just the same as far as bread is concerned @Pam123 , toast with my porridge at breakfast and a sandwich at lunchtime seems to make barely any difference to my bg reading I'm pleased to say.
I'm just the same as far as bread is concerned @Pam123 , toast with my porridge at breakfast and a sandwich at lunchtime seems to make barely any difference to my bg reading I'm pleased to say.
i have always had issues with bread until 3 days ago no idea why its Chocolate i can eat without it making much difference to my BG and im happy with that LOL
Evening all. 5 something this morning. Its stayed like that all day, even with eating no lunch and only half a cup of coffee. Feeling peckish not so long ago, i had a croissant with a coffee while seeing a friend. Despite bolussing, i've shot to 15!!

@ColinUK i think its caviar. Put us out of our misery.
Evening all. 5 something this morning. Its stayed like that all day, even with eating no lunch and only half a cup of coffee. Feeling peckish not so long ago, i had a croissant with a coffee while seeing a friend. Despite bolussing, i've shot to 15!!

@ColinUK i think its caviar. Put us out of our misery.
I expect he's off out surveying the localities - far too engrossed to agree with us two that it's Caviar Freesia - but I'm sure I recognise the little jar.