Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 6.1

Have a great day everyone.
Good morning

20,347 steps yesterday. Did a walking tour of the Jewish ghetto in the morning. It was freezing cold and the guide tried his best to rein in some inappropriately behaving guests but it clearly threw him off his game and the tour suffered a bit.
Breakfasted beforehand as, well it was breakfast time…IMG_1083.jpeg

I strolled solo around the old town in the afternoon. Popped into a few churches, saw some sculptures with odd facial expressions and marvelled at how meticulous the rebuilding of Warsaw had been. It’s beautiful but it does feel a little Disneyfied right in the middle of the castle district I find.

She seems shocked that she’s holding a ball!


Today, Warsaw Rising museum, lunch, Old Town tour plus meandering.
Morning all. 6.2 on this chilly morn. 2c and frosty roofs! Brrr!

Yesterday was a lovely day, albeit a chilly wind, got the bedding washed and dried and ironing done. We now have water in the greenhouse, irrigation system didn’t arrive but we’ve had an email from Evri that they have it. Our Evri delivery man is always here between 8.30 and 9.30 so fingers crossed it’s here this morning. Otherwise a nice quiet day.

Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Morning a 5.9 for me so good to get back in the 5s if only just.
Really nice day yesterday WFH but did manage to sort out replacing the old half barrel with the new one- planted up.I have never liked whisky but the smell of the barrel was lovely.
Plasterers finished in the kitchen so one job less and dogs are fine so all good in Wendal world and hope everyone is similar.
Good morning

20,347 steps yesterday. Did a walking tour of the Jewish ghetto in the morning. It was freezing cold and the guide tried his best to rein in some inappropriately behaving guests but it clearly threw him off his game and the tour suffered a bit.
Breakfasted beforehand as, well it was breakfast time…View attachment 30013

I strolled solo around the old town in the afternoon. Popped into a few churches, saw some sculptures with odd facial expressions and marvelled at how meticulous the rebuilding of Warsaw had been. It’s beautiful but it does feel a little Disneyfied right in the middle of the castle district I find.

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She seems shocked that she’s holding a ball!
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Today, Warsaw Rising museum, lunch, Old Town tour plus meandering.
Great photos. Thanks.
Up a little earlier than usual after a bit of a restless night and I've stepped over the border with a 6.1 this morning, despite a post-prandial 4.4 after yesterday evening's salmon steak with celeriac chips and veg (4.2 LH, 4.6 RH - I double-checked, as always, to be sure that's where I really was). Sometimes it's all a complete mystery to me.

Looks like that cold wind has finally dropped as the trees in the woods behind us are barely moving. Forecast is for sunny intervals and a moderate breeze. Hope so as Wednesday is a wash day and it would be nice to be able to get things out on the line.

Other than that it'll be a trip to the recycling centre over in Bracknell with a mixed load, if I can get a slot. They started an appointment system during the pandemic and they've continued with it, which means there are no longer any queues to get in like there were in the past.

Whatever your plans, enjoy your day.
Good morning a slightly more respectable 6.3

spoke to Diabetic Consultant yesterday FINALLY (via phone consultation)
who didn’t agree with my thought that I should increase my insulin
I need to do more testing at different times of day
he referred me to a healthy eating, exercise and weight loss scheme

he spoke about the non availability of GLP-1 medication
and told me he thought this is going to continue until the end of the year
so I need to try harder

Have a wonderful Wednesday 😎
A 5.8 for me.
Does anyone find different rooms give different results?
A 5.7 for me this morning. 🙂Another chilly start to the day.


Had good news yesterday, as my dads already outlived the “it’s not gallstones, it’s tumours and life expectancy of about a week” diagnosis last week, the new dr is happy to have a bash at chemo and see how it goes. He’ll be admitted to hospital Monday and start chemo Tuesday.

That’s supposed to be good news, so not sure why I had a bit of a breakdown last night. There were lots of tears over something minor, followed by a blinding headache today. I’ve taken a couple of days off work to try and recover my stress levels to something more manageable
Good morning 6.4 (yesterday 6.2). Very high carb day yesteday - comfort eating. Not sure which is worse the wretched aching legs or the COPD coughing. I am trying to plateau the steroids at 15mg but after 10 days of bliss at 30mg my bodys seems to be taking revenge. It could be the stress of dealing with the extended family over this wretched intestacy. Why anyne would make problems over so little money is beyond me. Most of them are set to inherit less than I used to make in a slack week.

Weather yesterday much better than the forecast - it was actually sunny and springlike in the evening. Don't worry though this morning dawned windy and cold with a sky full of lumpy grey clouds. Fortunately I did the animal feed run yesterday so Peachy can stay in the warm until it improves.

Congratulations to the 5.2 club of yesterday.

Hope everyone has a good day today.
Good morning all, the sun is shining and I woke to a 5.3 this morning, happy days or wot.

Have a good day everyone and stay well.
That’s supposed to be good news, so not sure why I had a bit of a breakdown last night. There were lots of tears over something minor, followed by a blinding headache today.
Lucy, I think that is very common. My first grandchild was born at 26 weeks, and initially given c50% chance of surviving, things looked very black for some weeks. I held it together emotionally, and it was only when the future looked a lot brighter that I disintegrated and couldn't function at work at all. (He's now almost 26, and you would not know he had such a shaky start!)

Do take care of yourself. Continuing prayers for you all.
Morning all and 8.2 for me although I had been awake for a while and having vivid dreams about oboes!

Looks like we've got a few USA/. Canadian dates later on in the year.

Have a good day everyone.
7.9 Today. 7.4 pre-breakfast, expecting sharp rise as we ate porridge & Blueberries. Won't be surprised if BG rises to 15 - 16 after a couple of hours!