Group 7-day waking average?

And a Heinz Special for me with 5.7 this morning. 🙂


6.5 and finally feeling the cold is behind me, still sniffly but I am sure that will go, weather permitting hoping to go for a run tonight.

@ColinUK - enjoy Warsaw.

@Gwynn - sorry to hear you are having issues with your wife again, she had seemed calmer and interacting with you for a while. Congratulations on your HS especially given the circumstances.
Morning all! A 6.3 for me today. Blowing a gale, chucking it down with rain and freezing cold.

April showers have turned up to 11 😱
Morning everyone, it’s a 5.2 for me today, not had one of those in a while.

Absolutely chucking it down today and the wind is howling still we did have a great weekend so can’t complain to much.

Have a good day folks and stay well.
5.6 this morning, and after a nice mild and dry weekend it's cold and wet here this morning, and blowing a gale too. Hard to believe I spent the weekend cutting the grass, weeding and generally tidying up in the garden front & back, and getting all our washing dry on the line. Drove to Morrisons to pick up a newspaper and some bits & pieces and their car park was jammed with parents dropping their kids off at the nearby primary school. Not many walking or cycling to school this morning.

@Gwynn - sorry to hear you've had such a tough time but congrats on the HS

@Barrowman - congrats on yours, too

I suspect Berkshire's not alone in getting a battering from the weather but hope everyone has a good start to the week anyway.
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4.8 this morning when we had an early breakfast at 6:30 ready to be collected from our hotel at 7:10 for a day in the rainforest. First let me tell you that there is a reason it is called a rain forest. The drive up to the Daintree was ok, although it was dull. The heavens chose to open at the exact same time we boarded a river cruise boat. Apparently rain can go sideways and soak you through in minutes. The other stops were good, a lovely lunch of some grilled barramundi, followed by a stop at a place that specialises in tropical fruit flavoured ice cream (cue lots of insulin!).

The end of the tour was to Mossman Gorge and an interpretive walk through the rain forest on a boardwalk. Guess what happened during that? Yep, more rain. There’s a “system” just off the coast in the Coral Sea apparently. Oh well, an experience!

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS and so sorry to hear about you and your wife’s tough time. I hope things get more stable soon for you both.

@Barrowman - congratulations on your HS.

@ColinUK - enjoy Warsaw!

We’re doing our own thing tomorrow and plan to explore round Cairns, weather permitting!

Take care everyone!
7.9 here, climbing steadily in the postprandial spike of breakfast, I'll expect to be hitting 14.5 - 16.0 in the first hour after eating.
Been experiencing early morning hypo's of last (the last four days) so I'm going to reduce my evening basal down a notch.
Good morning folks. 5'6 today. We also had a mild, sunny weekend, and today it doesn't look so good. It was quite windy on my way to work, I didn't check the forecast for rain. Is not that reliable anyway.

I have a driving lesson this afternoon, was very motivated after last one and tried to book two for this week but unfortunately the instructor didn't have slots available. After I might do some cooking, I have my mind in cottage pie with cauliflower mash. Also some egg muffins and/or boiled eggs to grab for breakfast.
morning all its a 5.4 for me libra 2, i decided to use the wave sense meter i was given in hospital to check finger prick, its was only one higher 6.4.. ive been using hubbys Libre optimum meter thinking with it being the same make as the Libre 2 it would be more compatible but clearly not, so it might not be the sensors after all, he did put a new battery in but i think i will see what the next few days tests show.
Hello I believe it was 7.somthing when I first woke up. My IBS still playing up a rather bit and can't decide which way it's wonts to go for and what trouble it wants to give me. The over thinking when things do happen probably isn't helpful. I'm half thinking of trying again but that's complicated and could expensive.
The heavens chose to open at the exact same time we boarded a river cruise boat.
That reminds of the time we were on a trip to the Paulton's Park theme park when our boys were younger. It started to rain, one of those showers, similar to yours, that go from a few spots to a torrent in seconds. Luckily we were next to a cafe and popped in out of the rain, but as we did so we noticed that the nearby rollercoaster had just set off. Not the sort of thing you can just stop so that people can get off. Everyone riding it got a right soaking.
The end of the tour was to Mossman Gorge and an interpretive walk through the rain forest on a boardwalk.
What on earth is an interpretive walk??! Was it something akin to Max Wall?
Just remembered you lovely lot so, will post this now as cautiously fast as possible because I have something in the oven: SO easy to burn, as I HAVE done so in the past, when posting, & typing, takes longer than I thought!

I’ve been swing up & down this week as I can’t seem to get my insulin doses right: is it the Spring/Summer effect; not helped by my erratic eating habits due to me getting distracted & forgetting to eat while watching a newly launched contemporary cdrama on Tuesday!

Anyway, here I am today not eating until now my breakfast, 1st meal of the day, after being up since 7am: I just forgot! My BS for all those hours DOES tell me that my basal is too high as I stayed about the same for a few hours despite DP & started to drop slowly at about 0.4mmol an hour. So, I’m dropping my basal Tresiba by -4 tomorrow from 64 to 60…..
Time to get food out! Back later!
Hopefully without that slight constant drift down I can get my NR doses right: was too high, too low & my waking BS, & my sleep, all over the place & having to stay up late to correct with biscuits and/or NR!

Hope you’ve all had a Wonderful Day & I wish you all A Good Night! 😉

I’m tucking into mini Danish pastries with tea now for breakfast at 20:03! 😳 I’ve learnt to be conservative with NR, after this week, & I still put in 64 at noon today so, hopefully BS will stay up tonight but, in either case after too many late nights, I’m conked & will deal with high, if it is high, in the morning? :confused: I went through a lot of marsh mallows & biscuits this week & NR has been around a few times from 24-40 & just can’t seem to land it “On The Nose”! 🙄
Good morning everyone. Up early at 3am.

BG 5.4

I hope today is going to be better.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Good morning - 4.6

Have a great day everyone.