Group 7-day waking average?

Morning folks. :D 5.5 here.

No sooner had I started using a new Libre sensor...BG unavailable. I’ve been trialling the Dexcom G6 and had forgotten, in just 10 days, how pesky the Libre can be LOL. Fingers crossed, I’ll get an upgrade to the G6 SOON. 😎

So sorry to hear about your dad @Lucyr (((hugs))).
7.8 for me, consistent but wish it was lower
A 5.7 for me this morning. 🙂
Sorry to hear your awfully sad news @Lucyr

The news I was sad about is that last weekend I took my dad into hospital as he was very weak and badly jaundiced, we thought it was linked to his gallstones and that taking him in might bump him up the list to get his gallbladder out.

But, they found that they are tumours in the gallbladder not stones, with other tumours in the liver, kidneys, lungs, spleen, and probably his brain based on symptoms but haven’t scanned there yet, and I forget where else. He’ll find out what kind and stage etc on Monday, but have an idea of that based on the specialist he’s seeing. They said worst case, he’s only got a couple of weeks. So think the shock of that being quite different to gallstones is what got me, and had been screwing up bgs this week.

@Lucyr , so sorry to hear your news. Two weeks after having a simple hernia procedure my best friend from Hatfield Polytechnic wasn't recovering and someone decided to do a whole body MRI scan. They found tumours everywhere and diagnosed Lymphoma. Sadly he never got that last Christmas but passed free from pain at home thanks to excellent care from the local hospice doctors and nurses.

Thoughts are with you and your family ..
Morning all. 5.7.

@Lucyr so sorry to hear about your dad. My thoughts are with you and all your family. Take care.
Good morning - 5.1

So sorry to hear about your dad @Lucyr , sending thoughts.
Morning a 6.6 for me.

@Lucyr echo others thoughts about so sorry to hear about your dad and sending lotsof love.

Had a nice day yesterday and looking forward to a quiet day trying to forget in the nicest possible way about the troubles in the world.

So all try and find some comfort by spending time with family and friends and enjoying the things we can control to some extent.
Thanks for all the support. Do actually feel lucky that we have warning of what’s going to happen, it’s just the uncertainty of when and how things will progress.

Normally I live at the other end of the country too so it’s good I can just come up and work from here, but also I’m used to living alone not living with others, don’t know how long I’m going to stay here for, etc. Uncertainty isn’t my favourite thing!

Family coming over today so considering making cake but I can’t actually bake so maybe not. :rofl:
Family coming over today so considering making cake but I can’t actually bake so maybe not. :rofl:
Do it! Do it! Do it! And take pictures of the result!

And I dare anyone to criticise your baking efforts today.
6.3 this morning. Just back from a reef cruise from Cairns out to the Great Barrier Reef. Quite “lumpy” on the sea there and back, but I stared at the horizon all the time and was ok!

Yesterday at Kuranda was lovely - here’s what made the day! (This is Kiki)

So sorry to hear about your dad @Lucyr, sending virtual hugs.

Take care everyone!
So I’m at Heathrow. Heading to Warsaw. Got here about half an hour in advance of the 2hr timings and now the flight’s being delayed ten minutes every ten minutes. We’re up to an hour delay currently but can’t complain as I’m in the business class lounge and I’ve had breakfast of scrambled eggs, cheese and a decaf americano.
So far I’ve resisted the lure of the pastries, the duty free and the peculiarly large paperbacks that they sell in that throwback to a different time, WH Smiths.
So I’m at Heathrow. Heading to Warsaw. Got here about half an hour in advance of the 2hr timings and now the flight’s being delayed ten minutes every ten minutes. We’re up to an hour delay currently but can’t complain as I’m in the business class lounge and I’ve had breakfast of scrambled eggs, cheese and a decaf americano.
So far I’ve resisted the lure of the pastries, the duty free and the peculiarly large paperbacks that they sell in that throwback to a different time, WH Smiths.

I enjoyed that lounge once. Very pleasant!

I was disappointed by Smith's one in Rockers!

So I’m at Heathrow. Heading to Warsaw. Got here about half an hour in advance of the 2hr timings and now the flight’s being delayed ten minutes every ten minutes. We’re up to an hour delay currently but can’t complain as I’m in the business class lounge and I’ve had breakfast of scrambled eggs, cheese and a decaf americano.
So far I’ve resisted the lure of the pastries, the duty free and the peculiarly large paperbacks that they sell in that throwback to a different time, WH Smiths.
Enjoy. Shouldn’t be as cold this time I hope.
@MikeyBikey It’s not bad but it wouldn’t win any awards. It’s also packed this morning as there are lots of Star Alliance flights delayed.
Enjoy. Shouldn’t be as cold this time I hope.
It’s similar weather in Warsaw as it is in London. Kraków would be a little warmer, maybe a degree or three.
6.3 this morning. Just back from a reef cruise from Cairns out to the Great Barrier Reef. Quite “lumpy” on the sea there and back, but I stared at the horizon all the time and was ok!

Yesterday at Kuranda was lovely - here’s what made the day! (This is Kiki)
View attachment 29971

So sorry to hear about your dad @Lucyr, sending virtual hugs.

Take care everyone!
Hi Eternal,
Sounds like you are having the trip of a lifetime.
Really funny how mention of places can remind us of past events and sometimes “ missed opportunities”.
Many moons ago I got invited to Cairns as part of a global marketing workshop and thought I was so lucky.
Imagine how annoyed I was when my boss decided I was too junior to go even though every other country sent their equivalents.I left soon afterwards.
Anyway have never managed to get anywhere near there since so have kept it in the bucket list.
So glad you are enjoying it and meeting new friends.
Morning all and it was a 4.3 for me. I believe I was AWOL yesterday when it was a sensor unavailable again. This sensor is due for a change on Tuesday which is just as well as it's starting to read annoyingly low.

Got a car door lock to look at which isn't playing ball with the central locking.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning. 6.2

Sunny this morning but with huge clouds boiling up on all sides. Peachy the Pony is going stir crazy so have turned her out for a scamper round the top paddock. Mr Wolf has developed clotted, muddy, dreadlocks after helping me weed on Friday, not good look. No idea how I am going to get them out of his long coat, one can hardly pressure wash the dog. What a joy animals are..

Jake has finished the Great Wall of China. It may not be seen from space but its quite impressive from the study. Next garden job is to plant the enclosed area up as a shrubbery. Very impressed by those who have got veggies panted and lawns mowed, think they must live on a nearby planet. My grass is tall enough to hide guerrilla's who don't know the war is over but too wet to even top.

Steroids down to 15mg, pain in legs making life unpleasant, spent yesterday in bed with a book, except for brief forays into bathroom and kitchen where the new décor cheered me up a bit. Still hunting for the perfect bathroom chair on line without success but note a local auction is coming up. FIngers crossed.

@Lucyr So sorry to hear about your Dad.