Group 7-day waking average?

Hello everyone, here I am in my fourth persona. the last one was michael12421
Hope that you are all well
Great to see you back here!
A bit high today at 10.9 (I've been ill), rising after breakfast to 19.4 (Fruit). Been trying to get tem down with two short walks and some exercising, currently they're 16 and falling.
Sounds good to me! One of my childhood favourites was pasta with chopped hotdogs and plenty of cheese, heated to melt the cheese. I think I'd find it a bit dry nowadays, as I didn't put any sauce, but could still eat it :D
It was dry, too much macaroni. I wish I’d had a sandwich. 😳
Kids and daughter all had clean plates, me and Mr Eggy both said “ roll on teatime!” :rofl:

7.4 slightly better on the cold front, although lots of coughing overnight. Was supposed to be going out for dinner tonight as it is our 38th wedding anniversary, but goi g to have pizza delivered instead, I don’t feel like eating out, I am sure the other diners don’t want to listen to my coughing and nose blowing while eating, hubby is on early shift so been up since 4am and will need to be in bed again by 9pm, so goi g to have a belated celebration when he next gets a weekend off.
congratulations on your wedding anniversary, its ours to 36 years hope you feel better soon
Hello everyone, here I am in my fourth persona. the last one was michael12421
Hope that you are all well

Ola @miguel81 !

I have merged your accounts together, so that all your old posts now belong to your new persona 🙂

Lovely to see you posting again @Kaylz

And thanks again for helping Michael out 🙂
Good morning! I think my body clock has got confused as no pain or nightmares. A decent 6.9 at this early hour.

Sensor change today. Also should email a former work colleague. His daughter sent me his email address saying he would love to hear from me. He is about 20 years older but I lost track of him about 12 years ago as they (with his wife) used to spend six months abroad each year, moved house and changed phone numbers more often than my student mice back then!

Dark but suspect cloudy. Yesterday brightened up in the afternoon but around 4:00 it started getting dark as thick cloud rolled in and the temperature dropped sharply! :(
Morning all. Seems the DF is playing games with me this morning as I’ve scored a 10.1
5.4 for me!
A stressful week just gone.
Morning. 6.5 at 5.30 when I first woke. I tossed and turned until 6.30 and then got up, it’s now 7!

Very busy and tiring day yesterday. I went to bed at 9.30! Today is my cooking/prepping day. Wireless on full blast, ‘cos I can’t hear it with the extraction fan on, and COOK! Today is ginger and coriander chicken for our tea, our fave, then ratatouille for the freezer. Aubergines are so expensive these days it’s a luxury, I hope ours grow. 95p for a little skinny thing. Shocking. I also want to make up some bags of mirepoix to pop in the freezer for handiness. That’ll keep me out of mischief! ( Chance would be a fine thing!).

Have a grand day. Wet and windy is the forecast for us. Again! 😱
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Still debating reducing my basal but waiting to see if it sticks like this. Apparently slightly low all night, scrolling across the readings, libre gives the lowest as 3.1 but mostly upper 3s. Libre 4.1 and finger 4.3 after getting up a bit.

Waking up in the airport hotel, ready to fly this morning. Ate the breakfast I packed last night though :rofl: (Banana and satsuma), appetite returned


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A 7.2 for me and a decent nights sleep.
Had our Pizza late so I was 9.5 just on going to bed but decided not to correct and it went no higher and dropped fairly steadily in night.
Found a really nice lunch spot in Liverpool yesterday and a little pricey but contained asparagus and sun dried tomato and the inevitable cheese and was nice.
Wife in a much better mood now she could get in the garden and mowed lawn for first time and some lawn edging and we will both get in there over w/ end as a few little jobs to be done.
Anyway have a great w/ end all
Morning all, 5.7 here.
Another dry day forecast, so of course I’ve promised to go up to son's and help build flat pack furniture indoors all day. OH will come with me, and will probably do son’s gardening while we are inside wielding allen keys. Meanwhile our own garden is crying out for attention.
Good morning - 8.0

Have a great day everyone.
A 5.8 for me today. 🙂


7.4 today, off to knit & natter early and going to try learning mosaic crotchet technique. Slept well last night with no coughing, so hoping I am finally getting over this cold.
No sign yet of the lovely, sunny Saturday they forecast so hopefully it'll brighten up soon. 5.7 when I tested at 07:23.

Wife is due to be picked up shortly for her weekend away with some of her friends. They met at antenatal classes when pregnant with their first-borns and have remained friends ever since - over 25 years now. Our eldest is golfing at 11 and our eldest has a 2-10 shift at Sainsbury's, so I'll be Billy No Mates again for a chunk of the day.

Didn't make it into Bracknell yesterday so will try again today, especially as I now also have a Click & Collect item to pick up from M&S as well as shopping.

Enjoy the start to the weekend, whatever your plans.
5.4 for me!
A stressful week just gone.

I'll never understand this BG thing.
Breakfast may have included oats and was around 30g of carbs. (I've been told by a GP friend, and the nurse to try to introduce more carbs in the form of healthy grains and see what happens)
Two hours later, it's barely moved and is just at 6.1.
I get higher results than that by just being stressed (Or engaging in Percy Filth.).