Group 7-day waking average?

6.1, that’s after DP and starting the jobs. Can shock/stress reduce bg? I expected it to raise bg.

Moving house temporarily today/tomorrow, everything can stay in my current house I’ll just be living at the other end of the country for a bit. I have 15kg of luggage for the flight, but currently 0 items in the case.
Good morning - 7.6

Have a great day everyone.
Morning all. 6.4

Have a great Friday folks!
5.5 for me this morning. 🙂

7.2 this morning for me - better than it’s been of late!

Left Uluru for Cairns today - the Ayers Rock Resort airport was brilliant- one small terminal with 2 gates (well, doors out of the building onto the tarmac). Flight was half empty but spot on time - oh, and we’ve crossed another time zone - moving ahead by 30 minutes!

Today’s photo is from walking out to our plane this morning:


Trip up to Kuranda in the rainforest tomorrow and cuddling some koalas!

Take care everyone!
Good morning my Friday folks. A very nice 5.3.

Damp, again! Yesterday was dry for the most of the day and got all washing dry. That makes me happy (I really ought to get a life! ). Mr Eggy got in the garden and greenhouse. Carrots transferred into the garden from the greenhouse and leeks sown directly into the soil. Tomatoes potted onto bigger pots. So, he’s happy too. It’s the simple things sometimes isn’t it?

11 and 6 year old granddaughters will be here at 9.30, 3 year old and 10 week old, plus mummy, will be here at lunch time. Instead of making different sandwiches for six, I’m making mac ‘n’ cheese with hotdogs chopped in. The thought is turning my stomach, I’m having a sandwich!

@Wendal our farming family are having a ‘mare with this weather too. They’re starting lambing soon and soggy fields aren’t good for wee lambs!

Have a fab Friday. It’s the blooming weekend, again, will the weather behave it’s self?
We have a local saying that if the Cheshire dairy farmer is struggling then the farming industry is really finding it tough and that is certainly the case.
The weather is really impacting and I talked to my son in law who said they are slightly better off as have well drained land and plenty of winter feed but are having to keep stock in longer and of course can’t harvest any of crops.
Local potato growers are really having a bad time and of course the beef and sheep folk near you will not be having it easy and they have a pretty tough life anyway.
Good morning! 9.9 but hoping it will drop as spiked somewhat. Replacement day for this hi-reading sensor tomorrow (Saturday). Woke up from one of my recurrent nightmares (I am being held down kicking and swearing as they cut off my leg). Should probably have had tea but went for a caffeine fix but would have preferred a double Laphroaig 10 y.o. Wonder if I could get it on prescription if it proves more effective than Gabapentin (Note - you should never mix it with alcohol {skull and crossbones emoji}).

Only financial balancing today! :(

Dark outside but dampish smell through kitchen window!

Second awakening was just after 8:00 but with a steam train (tinnitus) in my head which I had to calm obver another cup of coffee (the cup of tea I made first just tasted wrong). Happy to report BG had dropped to 6.7 after the nightmare (as in dream) spike. These phantom pain and nightmare spikes are tiring when added to the other diabetes variables. Solve for BG, if pain spike + low GI breakfast - high fat - exercise for 20 minutes...

I was right it is cloudy but bright so rain doesn't look likely the next 15 minutes! :rofl:
6.1, that’s after DP and starting the jobs. Can shock/stress reduce bg? I expected it to raise bg.

Moving house temporarily today/tomorrow, everything can stay in my current house I’ll just be living at the other end of the country for a bit. I have 15kg of luggage for the flight, but currently 0 items in the case.

Reminds me when I was seconded to Brussels for over half-a-year in the 1980s. Much fun was had! :rofl:

7.4 slightly better on the cold front, although lots of coughing overnight. Was supposed to be going out for dinner tonight as it is our 38th wedding anniversary, but goi g to have pizza delivered instead, I don’t feel like eating out, I am sure the other diners don’t want to listen to my coughing and nose blowing while eating, hubby is on early shift so been up since 4am and will need to be in bed again by 9pm, so goi g to have a belated celebration when he next gets a weekend off.
I'm with @Robin on the 5.4 step on this lovely, sunny Berkshire morning. Looks like we're in for nice few days, with no rain in the forecast. Yesterday turned out nice too, and I even had the air con on when out in the car during the afternoon. Lots to do in the garden, so that's a chunk of my weekend accounted for, especially as my wife is away. Weekly BP check 111/70, so happy with that too.

@MikeyBikey - I changed jobs in 1997 and had to work in the Rotterdam office for 3 months. Novelty at first, staying at the Hilton and everything on expenses, but it wore off after a while.

Friday Big Shop once I've had my coffee and read the paper, and maybe a trip into nearby Bracknell after lunch to do some shopping.

Hope everyone's getting some of this nice weather today and not just us down here in the Sunny South.
Morning everyone, it’s a 4.9 for me today and at the moment the sun is shining but dark clouds are coming over the horizon.
Instead of making different sandwiches for six, I’m making mac ‘n’ cheese with hotdogs chopped in. The thought is turning my stomach, I’m having a sandwich!
Sounds good to me! One of my childhood favourites was pasta with chopped hotdogs and plenty of cheese, heated to melt the cheese. I think I'd find it a bit dry nowadays, as I didn't put any sauce, but could still eat it :D
4.5 this morning both finger and new Libre which i changed last night 3 days early due to it taking readings off the scale
its our wedding anniversary today 36 years how time flies having a meal out this evening, but the weekend shopping trips looms, we were supposed to have had a new washing machine delivered Wednesday but Currys let us down and now said it will be tomorrow so have to bring the shopping forward have a good day everyone
Morning all - beautiful morning, hopefully get some gardening done!

6.2 with a flat line overnight. At last! Back to normal after a strange blip with high teen numbers.

Cheese on toast sounds good for lunch.....
Good day everyone. A 5'6 today, after a good job bolusing for a sandwich last night. Little wins.

It was a classic from home, Spanish serrano ham with tomato in crusty bread (there is an unwritten rule that this ham can't go in soft, sliced bread). Lidl has the Iberian week on at the moment and I was very happy to find "sobrasada", a pork and paprika spread typical of Mallorca. That's gonna need some more of that nice bread. Oh well, that's good bolus practice 😉
Hi everyone! 🙂 remember me?

Just popped on to let you guys know I'm doing ok, just never ending issues with the house

The main reason is to update you all on @Michael12421 after his fall before Christmas he spent 1 month in hospital, the local authorities deemed he was incapable of looking after himself at the time and the only way he was allowed to stay over there was to consent to going into residential care, he is exercising hard to build his strength and get to a stage where he is allowed to go home, Missy is being looked after by 2 friends, he can't get logged into the forum at the moment but I contacted Mike on his behalf and he will hopefully be able to get back on here soon, this has been posted on his say so just in case anyone thinks I'm overstepping the mark xxxx
Great to see you back again and thanks for the update on Michael. Hope the problems with the house can be sorted soon.