Group 7-day waking average?

Really nasty and wet today.

8.6 on Libre and 7.9 on bloods. Not good, but at least it's better than the mid teens that I've been seeing.

There's a GP's Patient's Panel meeting at 1:30 - it's something of a waste of time, so I think I may resign. I've been on the panel for 13 years and we just go round in circles.

Later on meeting friends at the local for a drink.

Congratulations to @MikeyBikey @Martin.A and @MeeTooTeeTo on your HSs.

Have a good day.
That's good to know. I saw on the news that beach huts had been swept into the sea in Falmouth, hence my question. I wondered whether you might have got a battering too.
Yes, you're right. Kathleen did sweep beach huts into the sea on Monday in Falmouth. No damage here as far as I know though Martin.
(sorted thanks to @Elenka_HM ’s patented “hypocket” :D).
I'm so proud of this word. My finest creation :D

Looks like you are having a great time in Australia, I'm happy to see the cool pictures. Bet is way more impressive in person!
Good morning everyone up at 2am!!! And still post late! Doh!

BG 5.1

Wrote a new song yesterday. Very thumpy quick beat. Very positve/joyful. But I wrote down the wrong settings so when I came record it this morning I couldn't. Ever resourceful, and after a lot of hard work I worked out the settings. Close call that. Nothing worse than losing a piece of art (???).

It's quite an unusual piece, the chorus is played staccato with just the right hand before the full on verse. I think it's catchy. I'll see if my wife starts to sing it unconsciously. (Is that the right word).


Today I have completed the lyrics and must get round to recording the song.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
@Martin.A the best tuna steak I’ve ever had was phenomenal. It was freshly caught, simply cooked after being brushed with lemon and garlic before being cooked over coals down on the beach in a tiny little village on a Croatian island. At sunset. It was sublime. I’ve never been able to get anywhere near the taste at home.
I'm really cautious now when eating tuna steak at a restaurant (not on a Croatian island as I know you can trust them as spent a month sailing around Croatia about 10 years ago). Twice I've had so called tuna only to be followed by almost immediate severe Diar**eah (never been sure how to spell that so putting the asterisks in actually does away with that problem). Turns out that there is a fish that disguises itself well when cut into steaks and has an uncanny resemblance to tuna. It's called Escolar. Once was when I had it before going to see Stepping Out in the West End - my stomach rumbles were audible in the stalls (bit like the blueberry pie eating contest in the movie Stand By Me) and the other was just before having a massage - fortunately I had time to relieve myself before going in but my stomach made such a noise I was glad there were builders outside - not the usually relaxing experience of a massage :rofl: Sorry if this is too much information for some - but worth bearing in mind when next looking at the menu ...
@Martin.A the best tuna steak I’ve ever had was phenomenal. It was freshly caught, simply cooked after being brushed with lemon and garlic before being cooked over coals down on the beach in a tiny little village on a Croatian island. At sunset. It was sublime. I’ve never been able to get anywhere near the taste at home.
My wife drizzled ours with olive oil and then got a jar of something out of her spice cupboard and rubbed it in. We gave them 20 minutes in the oven but that was probably a little too long - 15 might have done. Delicious nonetheless. I'm afraid our humble Berkshire kitchen can't compete with a beach in Croatia though (or a beach anywhere, for that matter).
Been up since 4, couldn’t really sleep as had some news this week that was a shock, will probably be less active here for a bit. BG passed through 5.2 though so we’ll call that one the FBG


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Morning Lucy wishing you well and lots of forum support over this difficult time.
A 5.8 for me after not the best nights sleep.Took a 1u correction as I was rising just before going to bed but then it dropped so 2 dextrose and a biscuit and it then rise again but then steadily dropped nicely so still nice TIR.
Drier morning but find this constant rain is not putting people in a happy mood and the global news is not helping.
Roll on the summer and a general improvement in peoples moods as I am definitely a glass half full person but notice the constant toil of daily life is really affecting many peoples life in general.
I used to notice it a lot more when spending time in the cities but am spending more time in “ rural idylls” which on surface seem ideal but scratch below the surface and you notice the reality.
Anyway hope you all have a good day and my mood will improve once I properly wake up
Good morning everyone. An undeserved 5'2 after a huge dinner spike. Crisps and similar savoury snacks are hard for me to stop eating once I start. I'm usually better off with sweets treats where I find a small portion satisfying enough.

Managed another stretch of basal testing yesterday morning. I said I wouldn't do it on a morning where I work, but then I admitted if I'm not working I won't get up early to check this times. Plus, I work more mornings than not so those are more "realistic" circumstances for the test. It felt like a loooong morning but skipping breakfast at home meant I could sleep a bit longer and I appreciate that, so I thought, let's repeat that part. Nope. I had to grab something before I left home. I know many people who can't stomach more than a coffee first thing in the morning, I am used and able to have breakfast when I wake up, wether that's 9 am or 5 am.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.0

Gotta finalise and record a new song. Maybe a walk later. I feel a bit lazy! A food delivery later on.

Wife is up early again playing her keyboard

I am in contact with my friend who went to Uganda for this month

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Last edited:
10.1 at 4:55am today - oops!

Today was sunrise at Uluru, cold in the pre-dawn desert, but well worthwhile. This is a phone “snap”, the camera ones should be much better, but this gives you an idea :


Unfortunately the lovely scenery is spoiled by lots of pesky flies that try to get moisture from your ears, eyes, nose, mouth, etc.! We have resorted to wearing fly nets over our heads (along with most tourists here) whenever we are outside! At least at sunset and sunrise we were fly-free though!

Congratulations @Elenka_HM on your HS!

Take care everyone!
I only went and got a 5.2!

And that was after pizza and beers with a friend (and twice ex-boss) last night!

Pizza was delicious and my three alcohol free beers were nice too. I’d forgotten how much he can put away. My three bottles over the course of an entire evening was versus his 14 pints. And he was not only still standing but was also coherent conversationally after 14 points of definitely alcohol containing beer.

He’d been ghosting me since October and he texted a couple of weeks back to apologise. He’s been going through some stuff. Some bad, some good. But as time drifted on he said he was increasingly embarrassed that he’d gone silent. Also he’s getting married! He’s known her since he was five and they finally got together early last year.
Wedding is September, of course I’m invited, and it’s going to be a village fete theme. And I can’t wait! Of course I’ve zero notion of what to wear but it’ll come to me.
Morning all. 5.7. Damp morning but holds promise.

I was intending to get up at 7 but dozed off again until 8 and I feel all discombobulated yet again. Nothing exciting happening today, a trip to Tesco, and the walk we didn’t get yesterday because of the rain, again! I’m planning on making brownies for the kids coming tomorrow, no sleepovers this weekend, we haven’t fully recovered from last weekend yet, just a few hours while mum’s at work. I can cope with that.

@Eternal422 that looks lovely but the flies! Yuk! Sounds like the west coast of Scotland in July!
@ColinUK congratulations on your HS.
@Wendal I agree about the weather and world news getting folks down. I’m a glass half full person too and I find I’m been dragged down with it all. It’s reminiscent of four years ago and the pandemic, I found myself doom scrolling and watching every news programme going and becomimg very anxious, and its the same now. I know I should step away from the news but that feels like I don’t care.