Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 6.2. Have i had an Easter holiday? I've only been back two days and already i'm tired! Winter clothes are coming back out today, it was freezing yesterday.
Morning all. 6.2 for me.

C’est tout.
5.6 for me.
Although I had a dream in which I got up and checked and it was 6.3.
Opened the curtains to blue sky and sunshine this morning, though there's rain forecast for this afternoon. Shame - Wednesday's a washday and it would have been nice to get everything on the line. Some bad flooding down on the south coast yesterday with some people's Easter break being ruined, so hope no one got caught up in that. What was it like down your way @Pattidevans ?

Got another post-prandial HS last night after trying tuna steak. Not had that before but looks to have been a good choice. And, lo and behold, look what popped up this morning:-


Whatever your plans, have a great day..!
Morning all. A very nice 5,3, so near but so far.

Yesterday was an absolutely rubbish day. Wet, windy, cold and miserable. Today is a cold start but a bit brighter. Mr Eggy is desperate to get in the garden and greenhouse. So much so he was up before me today as his mind was whirring, he said! I’m now all discombobulated! We are hopefully going for a walk sometime today, even if it’s just to the pharmacy. What with my bad back ( which is fine now) and the constant rain we have hardly been out for months. We’ve a walking holiday coming up next month so need some practice!

Have a wonderful Wednesday and I hope no one got flooded yesterday.
Morning a 4.8 when first woke up but quickly rose to 7.3 after Dawn P was awakened from her slumber.Now a nice steady 6 after morning walk.
Off to North Wales today but much more rural as yesterday was in Wrexham and highlight of day was Crème eggs at £1.25 for 5 so I am claiming I am the reason for big increase in Tesco products but a guy has to get his club card points when he can.
Anyway whether collecting antiques,memories,train engine numbers or Nectar points have a great day.
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@Martin.A the best tuna steak I’ve ever had was phenomenal. It was freshly caught, simply cooked after being brushed with lemon and garlic before being cooked over coals down on the beach in a tiny little village on a Croatian island. At sunset. It was sublime. I’ve never been able to get anywhere near the taste at home.

Congratulations to @MikeyBikey @Martin.A and @MeeTooTeeTo on today’s HS.

For me as well as the cold it is now in my chest so coughing as well, 9.1 this morning not helped I am sure by a jacket potato and ice cream, but I just wanted comfort food last night. Trying not to take time off of work as I was off sick at the beginning of March, but feeling I really need to rest.

@Kaylz - agree you are missed so please post more regularly even if you only stick to this thread, which is what I mainly do.

@miguel81 - pleased to hear the update from Kaylz on you, send hugs to you
Good morning. 5.8 - which is pretty good given the steroids. Not so good is the right leg which seems to have been reading Treasure Island and cast me as Long John Silver. Also the weather leaves something to be desired - sunshine. Currently strong winds and heavy rain continue.

Had a rather too exciting moment yesterday. We had progressed as far as fitting the new shower screen. Having managed to drill the tiles without cracking them and fitted the metal chanel into which the hinge supposedly located we were feeling rather smug. Jake picked up the screen and walked carefully into the bathroom - BANG CRASH OOH! There he was surrounded by a bucket load of crystals - the screen had exploded. He was quite shaken. Apparently, although rare, it can happen if there has been a flaw in the tempering process (isn't the internet helpful?). So I am off out into drenched Ceredigion to fetch a replacement.

Wishing everyone a peaceful and low scoring day.
8.7 at 4:26am today (early rise due to a tour to Kings Canyon today). Struggled again today with stubborn highs, which of course led to me taking too much insulin and a hypo on the return coach journey (sorted thanks to @Elenka_HM ’s patented “hypocket” :D).

Last night’s sunset at Uluru was spectacular :


It’s sunrise at Uluru tomorrow morning then the rest of the day to ourselves.

Congratulations @MikeyBikey @Martin.A and @MeeTooTeeTo on a nice trio of HS’s!

Take care everyone!
Morning All. I'm jealous of all the low figures. Was hoping to get under 10 for the first time in days but nope. Oh well Diabetic review today.
Cold and wet here and I'm supposed to be washing the old car and polishing brass ready for a trip out at the weekend in Wales. Think I shall take some bits into the kitchen and work there.
Morning everyone and it’s a 4.7 for me on this beautiful sunny morning.

Have a lovely day everyone and stay well.
Yesterday was wall to wall sunshine, really glorious, but a really cold wind. Today we are back to nasty rain again again. No flooding to my knowledge Martin.
That's good to know. I saw on the news that beach huts had been swept into the sea in Falmouth, hence my question. I wondered whether you might have got a battering too.