Group 7-day waking average?

07:56 BS 7.4 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day, 😉

Great to hear from you @Kaylz & sorry about your ongoing house concerns. Hope @Michael12421 gets weel soon & back home to missy. 🙂

May go AWOL again as today starts another cdrama: a contemporary one this time; watching a lot more than ever before since I decided that a TV licence wasn’t worth paying for anymore compared to how little I watch of the BBC programmes I watch! So, I’m ok if I forget to post? 😳:D

7.7 today, full of cold, soles of my feet are the only bit that doesn’t ache. Daughter supposed to be doing my hair today, but not sure if I feel up to it.

@Kaylz - thanks for posting the update on @Michael12421, please let him know we are thinking of him. Sorry to hear you have had nothing but issues with your house.
Michael! So lovely to see you! Even masquerading as Miguel! Have been worried about how you were getting on since the bad fall you had. You have been much missed by the members in here. Do tell us how you are getting on!

Also Kaylz - it's lovely to see you too. So sorry to hear about the problems you have been having.

Neither of you go away now! Stay and tell us how you are.
Well, after last night's high winds causing us two power cuts we have a beautiful morning. Let us hope it lasts!

11.1 on the Libre or 9.2 on a blood letting. Not sure what's behind it all or even how accurate those numbers are. Will just have to suck it and see. I have ordered some more blood strips - the last I ordered were over 6 months ago as up to now the Libre was really accurate.

Going into town a bit later to meet my friend for lunch - we can't decide where to eat. We'd like to try the new sushi bar if they are doing lunches, but I have a feeling they only open the kitchen towards the weekends until the main season. Best not to get our hopes up! Other than that it may just be a toasted sarnie somewhere.

@Grannylorraine so sorry to hear you have another cold. You need a tonic or something to buck you up (as my granny used to say - she favoured Sanatogen wine!) Probably some decent weather would be as good as anything.
Morning all especially our returners. 4.3 for me.

Talked to will writers today via the Free wills scheme. Seems good so far.

Currently working through pre release info for album distribution. Our erstwhile label hadn't set up any distribution channels so we're back on the DIY game.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning. First day off off my annual leave (the rest of this week!) So I had a lie in though didn't manage to actually really  sleep in. BG 5.1 so that's good! A day of washing and trying to clear space in my bedroom is planned (need to move my big chest of drawers to treat mould that has appeared behind it :( ). It's pouring down so staying inside might be the more pleasant option anyway!
Awww thank you guys! I didn't think anyone was bothered that I'd not been here

So as most of you are aware our leaking roof started mid last year, we thought in December that it was sorted but a few weeks ago water started seeping through our bedroom ceiling again, one of the tiles that was originally replaced has needed to be replaced again, in January we had a major porch leak and now we have water coming into the kitchen somewhere near to the extractor fan, this has resulted in a scorched wall, a dark patch surrounding most of the extractor fan and a whole lot more nightmares, we are due to get a new fan and the outside vent is to be replaced and cracks on the outside wall to be filled to hopefully solve that issue, we've had far more than the 3 things go wrong so I'd say it's about time we caught a break! xxxx
Morning it was 4.9 I've found myself getting headachey and things. Which will sometimes make me worry and overthink about the stomach things and think what if there something else and contacted but I know it's ibs(if only there was some kind of rapid test for these things to give p is place of mind work wise)especially as it can switch between certain trouble the two things are probably separate I need to work on how much water I'm drinking
Good morning everyone. 6'7 Libre and 6'9 finger prick, very close.

Spent the day with a good friend, we went to a nature park which was beautiful and the weather was great, very sunny unlike the previous ones. I was not in my most positive mood at the beginning tho, I've been feeling stuck about job and house and also unsure about my "situationship". A lot of talk, a bit of unloading on my friend and the scenic walk helped. Later I met my other friend in the city, just for an hour before catching my train, but it was uplifting. I want my positive, less worried self back.