Group 7-day waking average?

Hi everyone! 🙂 remember me?

Just popped on to let you guys know I'm doing ok, just never ending issues with the house

The main reason is to update you all on @Michael12421 after his fall before Christmas he spent 1 month in hospital, the local authorities deemed he was incapable of looking after himself at the time and the only way he was allowed to stay over there was to consent to going into residential care, he is exercising hard to build his strength and get to a stage where he is allowed to go home, Missy is being looked after by 2 friends, he can't get logged into the forum at the moment but I contacted Mike on his behalf and he will hopefully be able to get back on here soon, this has been posted on his say so just in case anyone thinks I'm overstepping the mark xxxx
Thank you for the update. I often wonder how you are doing. Sorry to hear you are having issues with the house.
I did wonder about @MIcheal12421, good to know his friend are looking after Missy.
Take care of yourself.
Morning a 6.6 for me and another fairly flat line overnight.
Had breakfast and going for short walk and then ready for day ahead.
Heading into North Wales so going from calm into the storm weather wise but sure I will survive and post again tomorrow.
Whatever the weather May the day be smooth and calm for each and everyone one of you.
GoodMorning 7.2 today

have a great day everyone 😎
Morning all. 5.5 on this very wet, and quite dark morning even at 7am. It has poured down non stop since just after tea last night. No chance of even seeing the slither of the eclipse, but I saw it in 2015 so that’s ok, as I don’t think I’ll be around in 2090 to see the next one!

Yesterday was full on, trip to vampires went well, BP down, pulses in feet fine, down 1kg in weight, my weight hasn’t really changed in more than 10 years or so, so that was no surprise, but the BP was, even after three attempts it’s generally higher than they like it, very happy with that. Let’s just hope the ol’. HbA1c hasn’t decided to go up!

Home to tackle the ironing, three tablecloths, napkins, duvet cover and pillow cases plus the normal stuff. About 3. 5 hours all told, an hour of that was just the tablecloths! Today is going to be a quieter day, still cleaning up glitter but the worst is gone ( I hope). I might get a chance to read my book.

Have a smashing day, I hope it’s dryer where you are but I don’t suppose it is.
6.9 this morning. Finding that the hotter weather is making it harder for me to tame the highs - presumably the insulin gets absorbed quicker meaning I’m not pre-bolusing as much as normal so the insulin misses the peaks.

Alice Springs was good fun - visited the Alice Springs School of the Air (used to teach remote cattle station children via radio, nowadays it’s done by satellite internet and good old Teams/Zoom). At Yulara now (Ayers Rock Resort), having stopped at Erldunda Roadhouse, the centre of Australia :

This was one of a handful of spots on the journey that had mobile phone service (the coach carried a satellite phone in case of emergencies).

This evening we will be seeing sunset over Uluru, so hoping for some good pictures!

Take care everyone!
Morning all. 5.5 on this very wet, and quite dark morning even at 7am. It has poured down non stop since just after tea last night. No chance of even seeing the slither of the eclipse, but I saw it in 2015 so that’s ok, as I don’t think I’ll be around in 2090 to see the next one!

Yesterday was full on, trip to vampires went well, BP down, pulses in feet fine, down 1kg in weight, my weight hasn’t really changed in more than 10 years or so, so that was no surprise, but the BP was, even after three attempts it’s generally higher than they like it, very happy with that. Let’s just hope the ol’. HbA1c hasn’t decided to go up!

Home to tackle the ironing, three tablecloths, napkins, duvet cover and pillow cases plus the normal stuff. About 3. 5 hours all told, an hour of that was just the tablecloths! Today is going to be a quieter day, still cleaning up glitter but the worst is gone ( I hope). I might get a chance to read my book.

Have a smashing day, I hope it’s dryer where you are but I don’t suppose it is.
Morning when my wife had her coffee shop she hated having to get up in the morning to iron the tablecloths before leaving for work.
She loved the customer bit but when she sold it she always said at least I don’t have to do the tablecloths so you have our full admiration.
Morning when my wife had her coffee shop she hated having to get up in the morning to iron the tablecloths before leaving for work.
She loved the customer bit but when she sold it she always said at least I don’t have to do the tablecloths so you have our full admiration.
One of them was a damask linen one which I acquired from a spinster aunt of Mr Eggy’s, along with some antimacassars, it must be quite old I would say and probably belonged to her mother, Mr Eggy’s grandmother who he never met. It took some doing, I had to dampen a tea towel and lay it on top before I attempted to iron it. Luckily, it only comes out on special occasions.
Morning all, 6.2 here.
Good to hear from you, @Kaylz , but sorry you’ve got continuing problems with your house, and sorry to hear of @Michael12421's continuing problems.
It’s going to be another windy day here. Going riding this afternoon. Poor pony can’t do anything with his mane in the wind, and ends up adopting the Boris look.

Good morning everyone

BG 5.0

A nasty storm has just blown up here. Crazy winds and rain. I pity the squirrels.

Today re-recording part of the new song. I had pitched part of it so high only bats could sing it!!!


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good to see you @Kaylz and thank u for the @Michael12421 update. Hopefully he’s back to full strength soon and here’s hoping we see you both popping in here more often as I’m sure I’m not alone in saying that you’re missed.
Good morning 7.0 for me today. Busy day ahead… nothing exciting though.
Good morning. 7.3. I am blaming the steroids but have to admit to eating chips last night...Down to 18mg now but coughing and leg pain getting steadily worse. The trouble with having a few days off is that one's pain threshold reduces. It certainly is a bore.

The great bathroom makeover continues today, any hopes of making it out to the polytunnel spring set up will have to await the departure of some friend of Kathleen. Bushes leaning over at 45 degrees whilst intermittently heavy rain falls. Yesterday the Teifi was lying about like a drunk over the rugby ground. Looks like water polo only for the next few days.

Spitting feathers with the ruddy heir hunters. After wasting my time negotiating with their side kicks, who seek fees like a hungry shark spotting a tasty pair of legs, it turns out they have not finished identifying, let alone contacting, all the potential heirs. So the reward for my activity will be much reduced and I shall have to spend yet more time re-negotiating on behalf of idle heirs who wait about like chicks with their mouths open anticipating the family lawyer will drop in unearned worms (she is minded to remind them of the meaning of the word "retired"). On top of sorting out the stupid activity of the known idiot cousin I am now faced with an unknown number of new cousins who may, or may not, prove reasonable human beings. If it ends up costing me money I may be tempted to sue...a temptation I shall, of course, resist. But I may put in a little research to see to whom I may report their appalling inefficiency - they must be regulated by somebody. Oh, and it turns out, after pressing them for information, that they haven't even done a full will search so it may all turn out to be a complete waste of time. Harrumph! Oh well, at least I got the poor old chap's remains disposed of.

Hope everyone doing well or at least enjoying better weather.
It's good to hear from you @Kaylz and I'm pleased that @Michael12421 is OK and recovering.
It's a 4.8 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning everyone, it’s a 5.3 for me today and it’s raining again, no more gardening for me today.

Have a good day everyone and stay well.
Spring seems to have gone awol here in Berkshire as today's started off cold, damp and grey and it looks like it rained overnight, but I did manage to get the bedding dry on the line yesterday, as I'd hoped, which meant the tumble dryer got a well-deserved day off.

Tuesday, so off to the pool later but on the bus today as no one's WFH. Hopefully it will feel a bit milder by the time I have to leave the house.

5.6 this morning.

Whatever your plans, have a good day.
My Other half was on clopidogrel after a TIA about 8 years ago but they suddenly changed it for apixaban, which seemed to be that it was the preference of that particular consultant.
Apparently they give Apixiban to people who have atrial fibrillation or uneven heartbeat. I asked as my friend is on it. I was told it’s unsuitable for me. Pity!