Group 7-day waking average?

A 6.7 for me and Scandinavia looks lovely and again I would love to visit and cruise the fjords but my wife hates boats of any kind so not on agenda.
Pretty much a perfect w/ end as our normal service was resumed at our favourite place and I made up for it by overindulging but well worth it.
Still was a little high for most of rest of day but managed a decent line overnight as just too full to exercise.
Anyway weather awful and our male daschund was recalcitrant in the extreme and tried 4 times to take him out but each time he wanted to come back in.
He gets so excited when he gets his coat on and the smell of wet dogs seems to awaken some primal instinct as our other dogs return.
Anyway have a good week all
Morning folks. 7.1 this morning.

Saw the folks yesterday and we’ve almost completed the death books! Interestingly my brother and I are now aware of bank accounts we’d never heard of before and the folks are going to start to jot down the history of various things around the house. The point being that if we’re not even aware of an item’s family history then it’s losing something important. There are glass bowls that apparently belonged to my great great grandmother and there’s a couple of bolts of cloth somewhere I’ve never seen that were woven by the other great great grandma in Vienna.
There’s space in the books for the folks to jot down interesting facts/stories etc about their lives as well. Turns out mum submitted a terrible painting to the RA summer exhibition one year; dad, who I thought played badminton at county level never did but mum who I didn’t think did actually did!

Anyway… meeting my ISVA later today AB’s then may try to score a ticket to Picture of Dorian Gray for this evening. Other than that and some pre-holiday shopping that’s all for today for me.
Good morning. 5.9, and off to the vampires this morning for annual bloods. And for once I remembered to have a wee in a bottle! I always forget and have to go back in with it.
Libre says estimated HbA1c is 44, but it said that last year too and I was 50/51ish can’t quite remember. Probably the same this year I would think.

Other than the above, this week I have FREEDOM! Sorry, I’ve gone all William Wallace! The last two grandchildren left at 3pm yesterday after three days of constant entertaining and feeding. I may have to spend a wee bit time hoovering up glitter, the house is covered with it. It’s absolutely everywhere! Mr Eggy’s got plans for his greenhouse and garden, plus two Camera Club meetings/events. Me, well, the world’s my lobster! 😉

Have a Happy Monday.
A 4.3 for me today. 🙂

This is because as you get older any period of time becomes a smaller percentage of your life. So the endless six week summer holidays when you were in primary school flash by now and the years mount up at an ever increasing pace! :(
Also, if you are doing routine stuff and not making any new memories, the brain concertinas up the time, looking back, like when you go on holiday for a fortnight, the first week takes ages because it’s all new, then the second week goes in a flash because you’ve got into a routine.
Good morning. 6.5 which isn't bad given steroid dose - I'm glumly working my way down from 30mg.

Currently the does is keeping the COPD down to a level which does not equate sleeping and drowning but failing to supress palindromic arthritis so walking around like Long John Silver. Weather has not adding the joy of life except for Thursday last week when Jake and I managed to extend the garden wall and clear the long hump caused by digging out the associated footings. The latter, being my job, went smoothly but took its revenge by evening while Jake was obviously glad to turn to painting the bathroom on Friday, heaving sandstone about having hit him in the wrists. Quite interesting working with another with the same affliction since we are both on quite different treatment regimes, both of which lower the immune system without noticeably fixing the problems. It is fortunate that the 2 consultants cannot hear our comments by evening or they would probably sue.

Still struggling to control the rapacious solicitor/estate agent/relatives on the inheritance stuff. Pointed out acerbically that the object of the intestacy rules are to preserve and distribute the loot to the heirs rather than to greedy strangers.

On the good front the bathroom make over (the kitchen having set a standard) is looking good. A soft greyish blue has replaced the rather beach hut colour which I had inadvertently applied during Covid lockdown. Much less startling to the morning bleary eye. Picked up a rather nifty shower screen from the builder's merchant at 30% of the price wanted by online suppliers, now hunting the auction sites for a suitable chair to up-cycle so I can reclaim my bedroom chair. I find standing on one leg to dry between the toes a tad risky. I quite like up-cycling and am positively smug about the replacement dining table and wheelback chairs which now glow with beeswax rather than varnish. Overall cost £30 - am I turning into Mr Scrooge?

Storm Kathleen, fortunately, caused no damage although it did highlight the need for another drain across the yard if global warming is to continue as universal flooding. We'll get to it when we hire a digger to clear the muck stack - anyone want a huge amount of horse manure?
Back to normal routine today after what turned out to be a busy Sunday, with trips to two garden centres and an afternoon planting out what we'd bought. Two WFH as usual on a Monday, our youngest is golfing with his mates after lunch and I'll be stripping and changing the beds once I've had my coffee and read the paper. Might even manage to get the bedding dry on the line.

A rare post-prandial HS after last night's dinner but a 5.8 on the meter this morning. Would have been nice the other way round.

Have a good start to the week.
Morning all, no reading for me due to sensor having half an hour off. A 7.2 pre breakfast would indicate that it was OK.

Not sure what the day is will bring. Fingers crossed that the test pressings arrive and they are OK.

Have a good day everyone.

7.4 and yet another cold, sore throat, earache, swollen glands, block nose, sneezing and tight chest, feeling clammy and achy. No idea why I felt the need to describe a cold to you all. I have only been running once and knit and natter once since the last round of cold and wham have another cold within days of doing that.
And it was a 4.9 for me earlier this fine sunny morning.

Have a good day folks and stay safe.
Good morning. 6.5 which isn't bad given steroid dose - I'm glumly working my way down from 30mg.

Currently the does is keeping the COPD down to a level which does not equate sleeping and drowning but failing to supress palindromic arthritis so walking around like Long John Silver. Weather has not adding the joy of life except for Thursday last week when Jake and I managed to extend the garden wall and clear the long hump caused by digging out the associated footings. The latter, being my job, went smoothly but took its revenge by evening while Jake was obviously glad to turn to painting the bathroom on Friday, heaving sandstone about having hit him in the wrists. Quite interesting working with another with the same affliction since we are both on quite different treatment regimes, both of which lower the immune system without noticeably fixing the problems. It is fortunate that the 2 consultants cannot hear our comments by evening or they would probably sue.

Still struggling to control the rapacious solicitor/estate agent/relatives on the inheritance stuff. Pointed out acerbically that the object of the intestacy rules are to preserve and distribute the loot to the heirs rather than to greedy strangers.

On the good front the bathroom make over (the kitchen having set a standard) is looking good. A soft greyish blue has replaced the rather beach hut colour which I had inadvertently applied during Covid lockdown. Much less startling to the morning bleary eye. Picked up a rather nifty shower screen from the builder's merchant at 30% of the price wanted by online suppliers, now hunting the auction sites for a suitable chair to up-cycle so I can reclaim my bedroom chair. I find standing on one leg to dry between the toes a tad risky. I quite like up-cycling and am positively smug about the replacement dining table and wheelback chairs which now glow with beeswax rather than varnish. Overall cost £30 - am I turning into Mr Scrooge?

Storm Kathleen, fortunately, caused no damage although it did highlight the need for another drain across the yard if global warming is to continue as universal flooding. We'll get to it when we hire a digger to clear the muck stack - anyone want a huge amount of horse manure?
Yes to the muck but rather a long way to bring it to our flooded allotment sadly.
My other half was on steroids for 3 months for a Crohn's flare up and sadly put on loads of weight which he is struggling to lose.
11:00 BS 5.4 lower than I thought. Dithered until about 14:00 yesterday when BS stayed more or less steady before rising a wee bit so, compromised & put tresiba in at 62. Was ok for most of the day on that & didn’t eat until after 19:30: was still stuffed from all the eating, to keep out of the 3s & 4s, the day before with loads of marshmallows, biscuits & 2 lots of ramen in the space of 6 hours! Then, after eating my one meal last evening I started to go low slowly & steadily so, ate some more of a whole packet of 7 oatcakes, Nairns fine milled at 14g of carbs each, in the middle of the night before finally turning in. I think I was maybe a wee bit ahead of myself in turning up the basal but, want to get in front of the inevitable need to increase now that my cycle is definitely over! 🙄

Just got a minute after prepping a big shepherds pie in the oven & posting now as I forgot earlier. 🙄

A Very G’day Mates to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

So, I stick in 64 around 13:30 ish today & I’ll need it by the time it comes back up to speed in 3 days? :confused: Just scanned after the pie went in & 12:40 BS 10.4 so, quite a rise there, instead of falling slowly yesterday. Although, some of that is probably DP but, it IS asserting itself when it was overpowered by the basal yesterday at the trickle tail end of my cycle! :confused:

PS:- Been wondering about trying breadcrumbs stuffing to top shepherds pie, be it lamb or beef, instead of mash? Would it be less or about the same carbs? Made this one with mash as usual as I only got 1 bag of stuffing this week & used it already fir the chicken & broccoli bake! :confused: