Group 7-day waking average?

5.4 this morning finger prick 6.3 so I think i can manage this latest dodgy Libre for another week, just got back from a trip to Sainsburys,and got a mouth full off a horrible man who basically jumped into the Disabled parking space we were waiting for as someone was coming out, he jumped in, by that time the next space was clear so we parked, when we got out of the car, he and his partner were walking into the store. I noticed he hadn't got a badge on and pointed it out to my hubby, He shouted out what was my problem and i pointed out the parking spaces were parking bays he said he didnt care and accused me of having a Big gob, and said his was bigger, so i spoilt myself by saying, yes but at least I am not ignorant, quite shook me up to be honest but my hubby laughed when i asked him why didnt he speak up, he said you were doing such a good job yourself. must be a full moon coming up as i really lost it grant over LOL
Been wondering about trying breadcrumbs stuffing to top shepherds pie
Lanny, forget the breadcrumbs they’ll be dry and boring. If you want a lower carb option to top your shepherds/cottage pie with try mashed swede and turnip. Or even half mash half mashed carrot. Delicious.
This is because as you get older any period of time becomes a smaller percentage of your life. So the endless six week summer holidays when you were in primary school flash by now and the years mount up at an ever increasing pace! :(
I'm not even 30 and I'm already in the phase of "can't believe it's April already, I feel the year just begun". I'm scared...
Good evening everyone. I believe my BG was 7ish this morning.

Today we served an afternoon tea buffet for a big wake celebration. The deceased was part of a Morris dance group and her mates came dressed up and did some dancing in her memory. I was thinking is interesting how these events can be so different and even if it's a sad occasion it is beautiful that so many people came together for it (there was around 100 of them). Then got hit by the fun and casual thought: will there be someone coming to my funeral? Will I leave someone behind who cares I'm gone? 🙄
Hi all

Apologies, I've got a bit out of posting every morning. It started with a most horrible headache and a problem with my sight last Thursday. I then got problems with my BGs that I couldn't seem to sort out. I was running between 13 and 18 all the time (TIR 6%) and couldn't figure it out at all. Then on Sunday morning I started talking rubbish - knew what I wanted to say but it was just coming out wrong. I feared it was a TIA - it probably was, but I couldn't face up to it and it only lasted a minute or so. So I just buried my head in the sand. Oh and on Sunday my Libre ended 5 days too soon. I've spend most of the weekend sitting doing nothing, watching House of the Dragon (which is the prequel to Game of Thrones that I had for a Christmas present). IMHO it's rather depressing - the characters are a nasty bunch! Apart from that I've done nothing except cooked a roast chicken dinner.

Anyway today I decided that in all probability it was a problem with the insulin I had in my pod, so I chased up my new prescription and changed my pod with fresh insulin. It looks as though it might be coming down now... who knows. Time will tell. So I'll try to keep positive and keep posting from now on!
Today we served an afternoon tea buffet for a big wake celebration. The deceased was part of a Morris dance group and her mates came dressed up and did some dancing in her memory. I was thinking is interesting how these events can be so different and even if it's a sad occasion it is beautiful that so many people came together for it (there was around 100 of them). Then got hit by the fun and casual thought: will there be someone coming to my funeral? Will I leave someone behind who cares I'm gone? 🙄
You aren't alone thinking that Elenka... just make sure you have friends a lot younger than yourself LOL!
Hi all

Apologies, I've got a bit out of posting every morning. It started with a most horrible headache and a problem with my sight last Thursday. I then got problems with my BGs that I couldn't seem to sort out. I was running between 13 and 18 all the time (TIR 6%) and couldn't figure it out at all. Then on Sunday morning I started talking rubbish - knew what I wanted to say but it was just coming out wrong. I feared it was a TIA - it probably was, but I couldn't face up to it and it only lasted a minute or so. So I just buried my head in the sand. Oh and on Sunday my Libre ended 5 days too soon. I've spend most of the weekend sitting doing nothing, watching House of the Dragon (which is the prequel to Game of Thrones that I had for a Christmas present). IMHO it's rather depressing - the characters are a nasty bunch! Apart from that I've done nothing except cooked a roast chicken dinner.

Anyway today I decided that in all probability it was a problem with the insulin I had in my pod, so I chased up my new prescription and changed my pod with fresh insulin. It looks as though it might be coming down now... who knows. Time will tell. So I'll try to keep positive and keep posting from now on!
Am I right in thinking that when you had a 'funny turn' before it was something to do with your potassium levels. Maybe best to get checked out.
Good evening everyone. I believe my BG was 7ish this morning.

Today we served an afternoon tea buffet for a big wake celebration. The deceased was part of a Morris dance group and her mates came dressed up and did some dancing in her memory. I was thinking is interesting how these events can be so different and even if it's a sad occasion it is beautiful that so many people came together for it (there was around 100 of them). Then got hit by the fun and casual thought: will there be someone coming to my funeral? Will I leave someone behind who cares I'm gone? 🙄
I won’t have that problem because I’ve told my family I don’t want a funeral. Just put me in the compost bin, but apparently that’s not allowed, so a wicker/willow basket and buried in the woodland section of our local cemetery if my body isn’t needed by medical students to dissect. Funerals are horrible depressing things. My family and true friends should celebrate my life with me when I’m alive!
Hi all

Apologies, I've got a bit out of posting every morning. It started with a most horrible headache and a problem with my sight last Thursday. I then got problems with my BGs that I couldn't seem to sort out. I was running between 13 and 18 all the time (TIR 6%) and couldn't figure it out at all. Then on Sunday morning I started talking rubbish - knew what I wanted to say but it was just coming out wrong. I feared it was a TIA - it probably was, but I couldn't face up to it and it only lasted a minute or so. So I just buried my head in the sand. Oh and on Sunday my Libre ended 5 days too soon. I've spend most of the weekend sitting doing nothing, watching House of the Dragon (which is the prequel to Game of Thrones that I had for a Christmas present). IMHO it's rather depressing - the characters are a nasty bunch! Apart from that I've done nothing except cooked a roast chicken dinner.

Anyway today I decided that in all probability it was a problem with the insulin I had in my pod, so I chased up my new prescription and changed my pod with fresh insulin. It looks as though it might be coming down now... who knows. Time will tell. So I'll try to keep positive and keep posting from now on!
Should you maybe get checked out? Just in case. Not nagging but…..I am. What’s Julian’s thoughts? Hope you feel more yourself very soon. Hugs. Xx
Thank you @Leadinglights and @eggyg. I've had 3 previous TIAs. Apart from telling me I've had them they don't do anything much. I have a review coming up so I will mention it. I think it might have been my own fault though. They have me on Clopidogrel to thin the blood. I took myself off it the beginning of last week because it was giving me THE most appalling acid reflux, I mean really terrible, so much so that my whole oesophagus was raw and I was crying with the pain. They talked me back onto it by Wednesday and doubled my Famotidine. That's the trouble... they give you medicine for one thing and more mediciine to counteract the side effects of that.
Thank you @Leadinglights and @eggyg. I've had 3 previous TIAs. Apart from telling me I've had them they don't do anything much. I have a review coming up so I will mention it. I think it might have been my own fault though. They have me on Clopidogrel to thin the blood. I took myself off it the beginning of last week because it was giving me THE most appalling acid reflux, I mean really terrible, so much so that my whole oesophagus was raw and I was crying with the pain. They talked me back onto it by Wednesday and doubled my Famotidine. That's the trouble... they give you medicine for one thing and more mediciine to counteract the side effects of that.
My Other half was on clopidogrel after a TIA about 8 years ago but they suddenly changed it for apixaban, which seemed to be that it was the preference of that particular consultant.
I won’t have that problem because I’ve told my family I don’t want a funeral. Just put me in the compost bin, but apparently that’s not allowed, so a wicker/willow basket and buried in the woodland section of our local cemetery if my body isn’t needed by medical students to dissect. Funerals are horrible depressing things.
I want any part that's suitable for donation to be donated and giving the rest to research sounds good too. I believe once I'm dead I'm not gonna care, so any funeral arrangements would be what my loved ones prefer and gives them more peace. What I was wondering is whether I'd have any loved ones left by then...
My family and true friends should celebrate my life with me when I’m alive!
That is an excellent point! 🙂 As someone said "bring me flowers while I can still smell them".
5.6 this morning and 5.4 yesterday. Had a phone review with the DSN for preconception clinic this afternoon who has said to stay with one metformin as my HbA1c is really good and she doesn't want to push it down too much. Next review in 2 months which will be in person
Hi everyone! 🙂 remember me?

Just popped on to let you guys know I'm doing ok, just never ending issues with the house

The main reason is to update you all on @Michael12421 after his fall before Christmas he spent 1 month in hospital, the local authorities deemed he was incapable of looking after himself at the time and the only way he was allowed to stay over there was to consent to going into residential care, he is exercising hard to build his strength and get to a stage where he is allowed to go home, Missy is being looked after by 2 friends, he can't get logged into the forum at the moment but I contacted Mike on his behalf and he will hopefully be able to get back on here soon, this has been posted on his say so just in case anyone thinks I'm overstepping the mark xxxx
Hi everyone! 🙂 remember me?

Just popped on to let you guys know I'm doing ok, just never ending issues with the house

The main reason is to update you all on @Michael12421 after his fall before Christmas he spent 1 month in hospital, the local authorities deemed he was incapable of looking after himself at the time and the only way he was allowed to stay over there was to consent to going into residential care, he is exercising hard to build his strength and get to a stage where he is allowed to go home, Missy is being looked after by 2 friends, he can't get logged into the forum at the moment but I contacted Mike on his behalf and he will hopefully be able to get back on here soon, this has been posted on his say so just in case anyone thinks I'm overstepping the mark xxxx
Thanks for the update @Kaylz 🙂 Very sorry to hear about Michael's accident, I hope he is able to recover and get back home soon, please send him my best wishes
Good morning/moaning! Ow! Ow! Eff'ing phantom pain again! Libre saying 8.8 after multiple scan attempts - so probably mid 7s.

Podiatry for dressing change if Patient Transport turn up - why is everything so stressful! :(

Appears cloudy!


An hour-and-a-half-later 7.6 (no insulin)

Is cloudy and very breezy! :(
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