Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 5.4 when I got up at 7.30.

Just sat down after making a full English for the remaining two granddaughters and Mr Eggy of course. Looking forward to 2.30 when they’re getting picked up! We’re exhausted.

Kathleen doesn’t seem to have caused us any damage, Christmas tree has blown over and our tulips look a bit forlorn but otherwise all ok. Supposed to be gusty and wet all day again today.

Must dash as my vision is going, migraine, again.

Have a good day.
@eggyg hope the migraine isn’t too bad and doesn’t linger.
As for tulips, I prefer the way they look once they start to drop the odd petal. I’m weird I know.
Morning all. 3.2. Thought it was a compression but no, got out of bed and feeling very shaky.
Morning all, 3.5 half an hour ago, here! Oops. I woke much earlier, intending to get up, so did my usual 2 units to stop foot on the floor, then I fell asleep again. Treated it with 2 jelly babies, and I’m currently 5.2, but a transient one, as my graph is on an upwards slope, so I’m not claiming an HS!
Morning all, 3.5 half an hour ago, here! Oops. I woke much earlier, intending to get up, so did my usual 2 units to stop foot on the floor, then I fell asleep again. Treated it with 2 jelly babies, and I’m currently 5.2, but a transient one, as my graph is on an upwards slope, so I’m not claiming an HS!

Make sure you are free of hypo-head before tackling the Wordles as some tricky words today.

Anyone reading this post is welcome to join the Wordle thread here:

Had to take time out - despite breakfast hit 3.3!
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6.8 this morning and another time change in the night (Australia goes back an hour for Autumn last night, so we are now 8.5 hours ahead of the UK!).

To make things more confusing my dad sent a text saying speak to you tomorrow (Sunday) - he had written the text on Saturday but not hit send until today! Sorted that out and we will be FaceTiming him in an hour’s time - our Sunday evening, his Sunday morning - very confusing!

Not wowed by Adelaide at all - typical city, fairly ordinary to be honest, did find the river and had a little trip on that which was pleasant. Good weather today, but no more than about 21. I think after our long road trip (about 1700 miles over 11 days) we needed a bit of a break anyway before starting a new adventure so perhaps not feeling it for Adelaide. There was a Footy Festival here this weekend where all the AFL teams play their matches around Adelaide in the Gather Round competition so lots of fans about. Must say very different to Uk football fans, lots of families and a very friendly atmosphere everywhere.

Off to hotter climes tomorrow - Alice Springs with a 4am start to catch our flight from Adelaide airport at 6 something.

Still a bit annoyed with the GP texting me about a change to Dexcom from Libre (I’ve started another thread about this), but thanks to the kind people on here I’m feeling a bit calmer and happy that when we’re back I have a hospital DSN appointment so I can speak about it to them. Personally I’d rather stick with Libre as I’m now well used to it - maybe there’s a bit of me that doesn’t do well with change either!

Have a good day everyone!
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Still a bit annoyed with the GP texting me about a change to Dexcom from Libre (I’ve started another thread about this), but thanks to the kind people on here I’m feeling a bit calmer and happy that when we’re back I have a hospital DSN appointment so I can speak about it to them. Personally I’d rather stick with Libre as I’m now well used to it - maybe there’s a bit of me that doesn’t do well with change either!
I saw your other thread, but didn’t comment as I thought I was a bit late to the party by the time I read it. I’d be really annoyed as well, I’ve used the Libre for over 5 years, and I’ve got used to all its quirks, I know when the algorithm is over egging a rise or a drop, I know whereabouts on my arm suits it, I use the reader with it, and I can fumble around in the dark and use it without turning the light on and disturbing my partner. I’m just in my comfort zone with it.
I wondered if the reason was that they would only have to train up their nurses in the use of one make of device, and that would save them a bit of time and money. But if you’ve got your Libre originally from the hospital, any input from your GP is minimal.
Morning all and 6.6 for me.

Looks like a very mixed bag of weather on the menu today.

Got word yesterday that we should have the test pressings for the vinyl version of our album on Monday. It's only taken a year. The small bands are definitely at the back of the queue. I blame Ed Sheeran .

Have a good day everyone.
@eggyg hope the migraine isn’t too bad and doesn’t linger.
As for tulips, I prefer the way they look once they start to drop the odd petal. I’m weird I know.
Thanks. Half an hour and some painkillers and the aura goes. Just annoying more than anything as I just have to close my eyes and not do anything. Think it’s just tiredness, had a hectic couple of weeks.
Re tulips, they hadn’t quite opened and now they’re lying flat. :(
I 09:19 BS 10.7 & now over an hour later 10:29 BS 9.7. Still swinging & even hit a prolonged struggling to get out of the hypo range yesterday just as I was eating dinner so, of course ending up staying up late monitor things. THEN, in a swing about ended up very high in the late/early hours when all those mini marsh mallows & nice biscuits caught up with me. So, a wee NR correction to bring me down from 18.7 in the early dawn hours as I didn’t want to “TWANG” the elastic band too hard & go into hypo land again! 🙄

So, I’m a blurry eyed, sleepy bunny today woken up by the bright sunshine through a wee gap in my curtains! Cycle is on the way out & I’ll put up tresiba, probably, later? :confused: Or I may just delay it by a few hours, it’s more forgiving that way than Levemir, to get more data on what BS is doing? :confused:

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Still a bit windy this morning & last night was very noisy! A lot of “The Wind & The Rain” going on: Chinese euphemism for sex! 😱:rofl:
Morning everyone - I've been AWOL as have been away in Norway and Sweden since Easter - got back last night. Had a lovely trip. We'd gone out to meet up with the sailing boat that had been seriously delayed with technical issues and then it got delayed again with weather so hubby and I found ourselves with 4 days to kill in Trondheim (lovely city). We decided to have an impromptu mini-break in a Swedish ski resort so caught the train (changing at the border from Norwegian diesel to Swedish electrified) - such a lovely journey through the snowy hills. Arrived in Åre, walking out of the station and straight onto a sweet old funicular railway that took us straight up to our hotel where we stayed for a night but had basically two full days. Hubby tried his hand at cross country skiing which was hilarious - he's an excellent ski mountaineer so found it quite frustrating doing something new but I got some excellent video footage! I had a Swedish massage in Sweden which was lovely - 5 minutes in though and my low glucose alarm went off but luckily I had my hand bag with some jelly babies in so lay on the couch munching 3 JBs and it didn't go off again. Back to Trondheim, visited the stunning cathedral, met up with friends joining Mark for his epic trip (7 weeks of ski touring in North Norway) and the boat arrived so I had one night on it before flying home yesterday. Went from -8ºC in Norway to 22ºC in Amsterdam and 16ºC when I landed in Manchester. I really love that we fly to Manchester now when we come back from somewhere and then I'm driving north. 6.9 this morning - BG been OK while away but inevitably not as good as when I'm at home and more in control. The snacks on the flights yesterday were a cheese sandwich one one and a pack of mini cheddars on the other. Have a good day everyone xxx. Oh and one of my tulips has been broken off by the back door so I've put it in a vase 🙂


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Morning, just

Didn’t get in earlier, 7.3 today, already been out fora run/walk today, now one of the ladies has had her baby, the other one wanted to give couch to 5k another go, so we did that this morning, it was bright, mild but quite breezy.

Afternoon will consist of knitting, crotchet and maybe some reading.
But if you’ve got your Libre originally from the hospital, any input from your GP is minimal.
And that makes it even more odd as the GP told me that they do not look after T1s, leaving their care to the hospital team, so why are they messing trying to change everyone from Libre to Dexcom? You’re right too about getting used to the Libre and knowing its foibles, I now really feel comfortable with it and don’t want a change s it’s working well for me, the DSN’s last letter to my GP said how well I was doing on the Libre as well. I know that Dexcom suits some people and is similar technology, but we get used to using certain things and software apps, etc. that there is no point in changing if there are no benefits. Anyway, at least my hospital DSN appointment is straight when we’re back from Australia so I can have a good chat with them and I’m sure they will help with the GP as they have done up to now.
Morning all, a happy 5.7 for me this fine sunny morning.
Late morning 5.4 finger prick 7,6 Libre feeling better today had a good nights sleep was going to cancel our Sunday meal out but decided to go this evening, Lovely sunny day here perfect for putting the washing out but ours broke days ago new one arriving on Wednesday have a good day everyone
It was a 5.6 for me this morning.High alarm went off twice during the night.12 3 Took a correction dose Went off again couple of hours later Another correction dose Strange as I hadn't eaten anything or drank anything.Just this diabetes lark .Seems to Have a weird sense of humour I get my time in range up to 93 then it throws a couple of highs in just to knock you back to 85 It moves slowly up ,but drops like a stone going down .Have a good day folks and stay safe
Hello all. 6.6 this morning.

Not sure if you share your readings with anyone. I share my data with my husband - but when I tried Dexcom one it wasn’t possible share data / alarms which made me a little uneasy and I reacted to the glue. I’d be very reluctant to change @Eternal422 I think the more expensive G6 allows sharing.
Morning everyone - I've been AWOL as have been away in Norway and Sweden since Easter - got back last night. Had a lovely trip. We'd gone out to meet up with the sailing boat that had been seriously delayed with technical issues and then it got delayed again with weather so hubby and I found ourselves with 4 days to kill in Trondheim (lovely city). We decided to have an impromptu mini-break in a Swedish ski resort so caught the train (changing at the border from Norwegian diesel to Swedish electrified) - such a lovely journey through the snowy hills. Arrived in Åre, walking out of the station and straight onto a sweet old funicular railway that took us straight up to our hotel where we stayed for a night but had basically two full days. Hubby tried his hand at cross country skiing which was hilarious - he's an excellent ski mountaineer so found it quite frustrating doing something new but I got some excellent video footage! I had a Swedish massage in Sweden which was lovely - 5 minutes in though and my low glucose alarm went off but luckily I had my hand bag with some jelly babies in so lay on the couch munching 3 JBs and it didn't go off again. Back to Trondheim, visited the stunning cathedral, met up with friends joining Mark for his epic trip (7 weeks of ski touring in North Norway) and the boat arrived so I had one night on it before flying home yesterday. Went from -8ºC in Norway to 22ºC in Amsterdam and 16ºC when I landed in Manchester. I really love that we fly to Manchester now when we come back from somewhere and then I'm driving north. 6.9 this morning - BG been OK while away but inevitably not as good as when I'm at home and more in control. The snacks on the flights yesterday were a cheese sandwich one one and a pack of mini cheddars on the other. Have a good day everyone xxx. Oh and one of my tulips has been broken off by the back door so I've put it in a vase 🙂
Looks great. Would love to visit Norway.