Group 7-day waking average?

11:59 BS 8.1 🙂

A Very G’Days Mates! 😉

Still swinging & in a little bit less anxious libre scanning mode as I was at home I dipped into the 4’s at one point yesterday with a 4.4 just before eating my ham cheese sandwiches: thought I was ok about 30 minutes before going into the kitchen to make them at 7.5; so, guzzled down half a glass of raspberry cordial before munching & even less NR after eating! Which left me a bit higher overnight but, a pretty flat fish unlike the night before last. 🙂

Had already reduced, JUST in time, my tresiba to 62 on Tuesday as there had been signs my BS was lowering too much between meals & then, further to 60 on Wednesday! My tresiba seems to be stuck, for some time now, on 64 & I can’t lower it anymore despite trying quite a few times so, the weight loss is very very slow but, I haven’t put any weight back on & that’s still a plus? 🙂 I’m still hovering around the 89/90 kg mark: finally got myself a new digital body weight scales in the kitchen! 🙄

Will cook my current favourite dish, a bit later as more usual for me after waking, a chicken & broccoli bake:- 1kg cut up chicken thighs mixed in with some cornflour, to soak up the juices, & oregano; 2 while heads of broccoli with just the florets cut off & par boiled for 5 minutes; 350g of grated cheddar cheese & 350g of sage & onion breadcrumbs stuffing. All in a big 4 litre glass pyrex dish with the chicken at the bottom, the broccoli, cheese & stuffing on top for a very filling 6 portions! 😛 Sometimes I mix in a bit of cut chicken breast, about 600g of thighs & 400g of breast, & sometimes have some stuffing with sausage meat mixed in it depending on what’s available but, it’s become a staple along with shepherd's pie, haddock with steamed veg, micro-steam bags, & homemade vegetable soup! 😛

Edited to add:- *Oops! 😳 Forgot to say:- baked in the oven at 160C for 45 minutes to an hour. Low & slow for the chicken to cook WITHOUT burning the breadcrumbs stuffing! :D
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Good afternoon, my BS was a double Len this morning

Just got back from timber yard, dashed out a few hrs ago as they close at midday on Saturday
we needed some more wood & concrete for the back garden,
Hopefully when that project is finished it will look all ok, and have been worth the effort.

Football to follow this afternoon, probably on the radio whilst working on the garden.

Have a great a day & weekend everyone 😎
It’s really warm here too, even with the breeze. 17c! But it’s very ominously dark. 😱
Surely you’re up north enough that coats don’t actually exist?!
Late posting (been a busy couple of days) but 5.1 yesterday and 5.6 today. Need to try to get around to transferring all my BG readings to my app before clinic phone me on Monday so if they ask I can tell them actual values not just "it's been below 5.4 more often".

Congrats on HS @eggyg ! Forgotten now whether it was today or yesterday but either way, well done!
Far too early but c’est la vie… 5.8

Going to doze for a while I think. Or at least meditate.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.5

Very blustery here and very dark.

Today I give out the song that will be sung/played by the participants at the church at the end of the month. I was still writing/correcting it at 4am this morning!!! Their reaction/response should be interesting.

A last walk with my friend this afternoon before he flies out to Uganda for a month. Mind you if this rain doesn't stop then the walk will be off. If the storm is bad then his flight may be off!

Pizza for tea, I think

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Morning a 6.2 for me and a 6.5 going to bed so a very flat line overnight with a good 7 hours straight sleep.Mind you I was tired after walking about 10 miles yesterday as occasionally as like to have a day when I am disciplined to go for a walk usually post meal when my BG starts rising quickly and yesterday I did 4 walks but only the last one in the rain was a drag.
So usual toast/ cereal breakfast and Pizza for lunch ( caused 2 spikes) and a Chinese at tea but my reward has been a 36 hour unicorn.
Going to try our favourite lunch place again after last times bad experience and will try and get back on the ice cream roundabout so could be a lot of shoe leather today or more likely a normal day of rest and recovery and time out of range.
Busy week ahead with Lunch Meetings every day 2 in Liverpool and 3 in North Wales so nice bit of variety but having a really nice w/ end to prepare for it.
Anyway have a good one whatever you do.
5.4 after a meal out last night (so called Lebanese restaurant that wasn’t great) and a few beers. I ate all the carbs!
Morning all. 🙂 7.9 here...blooomin FOTF started as soon as the clocks went forward!:confused:

Lots of bits n pieces to do today, including marking and lesson planning. I’m waiting to hear if my Monday evening Zoom class has been cancelled due to “too few students”...the money’s nice but I struggled last term with the randomness of my timetable (early starts and late finishes)...we’ll see. :D

It’s WINDY out there. Hang to your hats, folks.
Right on the border with a 6.0 on this rather dull Berkshire morning. Weekly BP check 120/68, so that's OK. Wind seems to have died down though after a blustery but mild day yesterday. I even got a machine load of towels dry - well, almost dry - out on the line. My wife and I walked into town and for the first time in ages didn't have to wrap up warm. Had lunch in our favourite cafe while we were there, along with half the town it seemed. Never seen them so busy, and we've been going there for years.

Quiet day ahead, although we might take a trip out to a couple of garden centres. Our youngest has a Sunday hours shift at Sainsbury's and our eldest's futsal team are away in Derby.

Hope Kathleen hasn't left anyone picking up the pieces.
A 4.7 for me this morning. 🙂
