Group 7-day waking average?

I was 6.1 this morning, took too much for breakfast and had to have hypo treatment before continuing walking to another viewpoint. But this was the view - Remarkable Rocks in Flinders Chase National Park, Kangaroo Island, so worth it! Shame it was cloudy, but still a great view.


But the day got better and was sunny at the end for our final night in “Mali” the Motorhome at Cape Penneshaw on Kangaroo Island, ready to catch the morning ferry back to the mainland then on to Adelaide.


Congratulations @harbottle on your HS.

@Gwynn - sorry to hear your wife wasn’t well last night, I hope today things are better.

Take care everyone!
Well done @harbottle on your HS. 🙂 A 4.6 for me today.

Morning all. A 9.7 for me this morning. Libre shows i've been higher overnight but i don't remember hearing the alarm. Mind you, i'm sleeping so much and so deeply its not surprising.

I have a friend picking me up this afternoon and we're going for a coffee and a wander around a local shopping park.

Congrats to @harbottle on your HS and to @Gwynn and @Bloden on yesterdays HS
Morning 6.9

7.1, and it is finally Friday. Got a talking therapy session this morning, no other plans for today. Very grey here today, yesterday was a mixture of sunshine and showers.

@harbottle - congratulations on your HS.
Good morning a truly shocking 11.1 Today
maybe yesterdays 8.0 wasn’t so bad, and Wednesday it was 8.4

the switch from Trulicity (no stock / not available) to instead increasing Empagliflozin
might not be having the effect the GP was hoping for !
I’m going to need to make some changes to a stricter diet, Un-surprisingly I’m putting on some weight, yes need more exercise,
finally shook the cough & cold so will resume swimming a few times a week plus at the weekend.

I have a appointment with Diabetic consultant at hospital (phone appointment) next Tuesday
I’ve never seen them in person since being referred to them a few years ago by my GP
really face to face appointments should return.
But they are over run/under resourced, howeverin modern society, sometimes a phone call can fit in with a busy life style, let's hope he/ she calls at the correct time and so I don’t miss the phone call like I did back in January.

Stay dry with this storm approaching
Morning all. :D 8.8 here...that’ll be the juice I had at 2am to shut the blooooomin Libre alarms up - I need my beauty sleep!

Day 2 of a two-day online Welsh course. The teacher’s a bit nuts, but in a good way. We did a bit of poetry yesterday (groan!) so I suspect we’ll be discussing “the Industrial Revolution in Wales” today - it’s a classic online course combination LOL. Maybe I’ll mention it on the feedback form - there must be other topics we can discuss!

Happy Rainday everyone. 😎😉
6.0 this morning. Still raining after 4 months.
Weight down another 0.6 Lb. from yesterday Its the fruit and yoghurt breakfast and the fish and veg dinners that seem to work and the walking! I have never been able to lose weight before - its quite fun!

That's pretty much what I did to lose weight and get the BS under control.
5.7 on this bright and sunny Berkshire morning, though it was chucking it down when I got up just before 7. Forecast is for fine and dry, and it looks like Storm Kathleen is going to give us a miss too. Unfortunately it looks like some members are in for another wet and windy spell.

Had my eye appointment earlier, the follow-up for the eye freckle they picked up on my recent diabetic eye screening. Ophthalmologist said it's quite small and might have been there since birth, which most are, and just hasn't been picked up before. They need to keep an eye on it (no pun intended) so I have another appointment for July 2025

Friday is Big Shop Day but can't go yet as I've had drops in my eyes. I have a dentist appointment this afternoon so hopefully my eyes will be back to normal by then so that I can take the car and then get the shopping done straight afterwards.

@harbottle - congrats on the HS

@lordburnside - pleased to see that things are heading in the right direction for you.

Hope the weather doesn't spoil anyone's plans for the day.
Hi all - sorry, I have got behind and not properly caught up. I was completely wiped out with a migraine yesterday. Fortunately they are very infrequent, but I have slept most of yesterday and a long night. Busy day today to catch up. I'll feel more like it tomorrown.
Morning all, a 6.1 for me on this fine sunny but very windy morning.

Have a good day folks.....
Good morning everyone! A 5'7 when I woke up, before 7 am.

I managed my basal test session yesterday, no food from 11 am until 22:30. It did feel long but I'm happy with the data. I did the overnight session a couple days ago, so now I'm just missing the information from 7 am to 3 pm. Will leave it for next week, I wanted to try and do it all in one day but to test from 7 am I have to be fasting since at least 3 am. Realistically I won't be eating at 3, I'd have my last food at midnight the latest, and then waiting the next day until 3 pm sounds a bit of a stretch. Maybe I split it in 2 sections? :confused:

Those are yesterday results. Very flat line and not bad levels, I didn't enjoy the hunger but my little inner scientist enjoyed the experimental procedure! 😛
IMG_20240404_223452.jpg IMG_20240405_071107.jpg
12:02 BS 6.4 🙂

A long lie-in as it took me AGES & AGES to sleep after getting back yesterday: TOO wired; ending up going to sleep around the same time of about 22:30 ish! 🙄

But, cycle much lighter upon waking & feeling a bit more bouncy energy wise! :D

My BS had a HUGE swing because I deliberately ran it higher, out of the house, from 18’s-6’s & the sudden 5-6mmol drops were fast, as per usual & gotten used to now with my cycles & was munching biscuits & mini marshmallows, switched to that now as JBs taste AWFUL now to my brain that’s definitely affected with fast BS changes, at one point in the hospital transport on the way back down! I just had 4 little handfuls, my hands are are tiny size 5, for about 3-4 JBs worth & 6 nice biscuits when my BS hit the 7’s, still went down to the 6’s before it started to rise: those drops are big & fast; thank goodness for libre! So, nowhere near a hypo! 🙂

Just about to tuck into a very quick, & soon for me after my long lie-in, breakfast of chicken & mushroom pot noodle which I haven’t had in ages & they are are SO salty: on offer this week at asda so got a few pots in yesterday shopping! 😱 So, signing off now as it’s been soaking up the boiled water as I typed! :rofl: