Group 7-day waking average?

Morning a 7.3 for me and another pretty flat line after a 9.7 going to bed and deciding a 1u correction.
Nice day planned in Shropshire so a nice lunch at Ellesmere or Chirk beckons after a lovely Welsh rarebit yesterday.
Have a good day all
Morning and a nice round Len Goodman. SEVEN!

Cold seeming like it’s doing one. Nose not dripping like a tap, eyes feeling better after a day and a half of drops. I could actually open them this morning. Still got a blocked nose but I’m getting there. Hairdressers this morning for my four weekly cut and blow then, a maintenance appointment at osteopath this afternoon. First time I’ve left the house since Saturday. TBF the weather has been that bad there was absolutely no reason to leave! Load of washing on as the BBC have said 0% chance of rain so it’s going out, just like me! 😉

Have a good day folks.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.2 after yet another Easter egg yesterday. I couldn't resist as Sainsburys were selling them off at half price!!

Yesterday I felt really upset all day, thinking about my daughter who I haven't seem or heard from in a long time. So sad. :(

Today, oddly, after a really good nights sleep I feel great and my mind is clearer than it has been in a long time. No idea why.

Today I need to find out where I put some recordings of a song I wrote a short while back. I will be singing it along with a couple of others at the end of this month at the church and the others need to practice it.

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Later, some walking exercise as the weather seems ok right now

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Good morning everyone! 6'4 today, soon became 7'7.

I'm attempting a basal test. I have been been bolusing for a week and I wonder if it would be better to reintroduce some basal as well. I started with the nighttime test, that's meant to be the easiest because you spend a good part of it sleeping so less temptation to eat! I extended it a bit as it made sense with my work shift, so didn't eat from 5 pm until 7 am this morning. After 9 pm the graph looks very stable and BG in the 6s.
I'm thinking to try the evening test today. I'm not sure if you are supposed to leave some days in between tests but I think today could work with my schedule and I want to get it done while I'm still motivated :D I would then wait a few days to do the morning time test, better when I don't work the breakfast shift because fasting while surrounded by a big buffet doesn't sound fun!
Go with the libre @Bloden 😉

Morning all. 8.3. Rain forecast for most of the day today. A friend is coming round and we're having a craft day doing some things we bought at a recent craft fair. Tonight we're seeing friends who we haven't managed to see since before christmas so it should be a nice day despite the weather.

Have a good day whatever you are doing.
A 4.2 for me today. 🙂

Morning. 6.9 today.
Have a good one folks!

Oh and there’s a picture somewhere of me in a sleeveless denim boiler suit and bleach blond hair that I won’t be digging out and sharing with anyone ever!

6.1 today, a better day eating wise, but did have roast potatoes with my chicken, but no sweet stuff or binge eating. Managed to go running and do 5k hills which I was pleased with and it certainly lifted my mood. A couple of the other ladies have been struggling with their mood, weight and fitness for the last couple of months so I felt ok sharing my struggles. We have set ourselves a challenge of doing squats everyday starting with 25 building up to 100.

@Gwynn and @Bloden - congratulations on your HS

@freesia - can I come and join your craft day? What crafts are you planning to do?
Morning all and 7.1 for me. Looks like I will need to reverse some of the basal reductions I've been making recently. Over night graph riding all night.

Back in the day I would normally be seen wearing army surplus fatigues, long coat with hair shaved at the sides and fringe down to the chin. Bit of a northern long Mac as we were known.

Have a good day everyone.
@freesia - can I come and join your craft day? What crafts are you planning to do?
Any time 🙂. I'm not sure what my friend is bringing to do but i have a choice of napkin art, felting, diamond art, printing, clay, decoupage, quilling, crochet blankets. I'm also half way through a crochet bag i've made (without a pattern!)but i've got to work out how to attach the sides and straps and i want to be on my own to do that so i can concentrate. Wow, looking back at all the things i've bought to try, i need to retire to have the time to do them :rofl:
Oh and there’s a picture somewhere of me in a sleeveless denim boiler suit and bleach blond hair that I won’t be digging out and sharing with anyone ever

Back in the day I would normally be seen wearing army surplus fatigues, long coat with hair shaved at the sides and fringe down to the chin. Bit of a northern long Mac as we were known
I love hearing about all the different things we used to wear.
6.5 this morning.

We crossed over to Kangeroo Island on the 10am ferry (kudos to my wife who had to reverse the motorhome onto the deck between a huge truck and a van) - the deckhands offered to do it for her but she did it herself perfectly!

Weather a bit so so, but dry at least. On our way to the overnight campsite we stopped off at Seal Bay and saw the Australian Sea Lions sleeping on the beach! Phone picture only- I need to crop some of the “proper” camera pictures as I haven’t brought my long lens on holiday, so had to settle with the 17-55mm I have with me.

Campsite has koalas in the trees and kangaroos everywhere! Looking at all the kangeroo poo on the ground I would say well definitely see some later on!

5.8 for me this morning. I was doing so well yesterday up until I had a g&t and then I decided to have crackers and a snickers bar. Oops! Still all Easter chocolate gone
(and hopefully my period will hurry up and start properly so I'm less tempted by chocolate - the first copper coil I had a few years ago, periods would be long but start quickly with a long tail. This one which I've had for about 10 months seems to have caused a very long slow start most months instead...)

I used to like (in the late 90s) tiny tshirts that showed my belly, but often paired with short checked dungarees. There is a photo somewhere but I shan't be posting it if I come across it :rofl:
Put my sunglasses on to go and get the newspapers this morning but I wouldn't need them if I was going now. Looks like we're in for another day of showers. Well, what do I expect - it is April after all.

Breakfast done and dusted so time to relax with a coffee and the newspapers. Two on a Thursday as that's when our local's out. Swim before lunch, then Sainsbury's, otherwise nothing special planned.

Congrats @Gwynn on your post-Easter Egg HS - that takes some doing.

5.7 for me this morning.

Hope everyone has a good day, weather permitting.