Group 7-day waking average?


5.8 today, a pleasant surprise as my eating actually got worse yesterday after a very stressful day at work. I have told my husband I can’t keep doing this for much longer. Going to join the running group this evening which will be the 1st time for a month.
My favourite item of clothing in the 80s was a boiler suit. It was a bright turquoise blue and i wore it with the arms and legs rolled up, a wide white belt, white stilettos and white bead necklace and earrings. Thank goodness i don't have a photo! I thought i looked the bees knees ( :rofl: and headin hands emoji).

Has anyone else got favourite clothes from years ago?
There was a vogue for splitting already flared jeans up the sides and inserting a triangle of contrasting material, and also a band of it round the hem, to make them even longer and more flared. I can remember doing that to a couple of pairs!
I did it with some red and white gingham check material I had left over from making a smock (which were also in fashion). I must have looked like a tablecloth that had escaped from a French café.
Again, fortunately, no surviving photos.
7.5 this morning for me. Long drive today (about 6 hours) but thankfully some good roads and a fair bit of sunshine. Stopped just twice, once for a mid morning coffee in a small township’s general store, then in a countryside lay-by (turn out or whatever they call them here!) for a hot cross bun and yogurt for some lunch. After a food restocking stop at a Coles in a place called Victor Harbour and some diesel for “Mali” our trusty home on wheels, we made the “campground” by about 4:30pm. There was a sign at reception saying they would be feeding the animals at 4pm and back in 15 minutes. They weren’t so I braved the self check in which actually worked well and gave me the powered site number for Mali. It’s a bit of field around some farm buildings, but only 5 minutes drive from the ferry terminal for tomorrow’s crossing to Kangaroo Island.

Some more road trip shots from today!



And a final one coming into Cape Jervis for our overnight stop before the ferry.


Take care everyone!
My favourite item of clothing in the 80s was a boiler suit. It was a bright turquoise blue and i wore it with the arms and legs rolled up, a wide white belt, white stilettos and white bead necklace and earrings. Thank goodness i don't have a photo! I thought i looked the bees knees ( :rofl: and headin hands emoji).

Has anyone else got favourite clothes from years ago?
I can picture that outfit. I had a whole array of plastic necklaces, bangles and earrings in every hue. I worked in Chelsea Girl, before babies came along, and my entire wages went on clothes. I was a total fashion victim. One of my favourite outfits was a mini kilt. It was lemon and blue “tartan” and I wore it with a lemon short sleeved thin sweater. Mind you I was 7 stone wet through then, I could wear most things, except jump suits as I’m only 5ft 2ins! Happy, carefree days.
There was a vogue for splitting already flared jeans up the sides and inserting a triangle of contrasting material, and also a band of it round the hem, to make them even longer and more flared. I can remember doing that to a couple of pairs!
I did it with some red and white gingham check material I had left over from making a smock (which were also in fashion). I must have looked like a tablecloth that had escaped from a French café.
Again, fortunately, no surviving photos.
I wore loons in the 70s, anyone remember them? Similar to what you describe but you bought them like that. I had a dusky pink brushed fake suede pair and I embroidered Slade on the back pocket! “Cum on feel the Noize!” I didn’t embroider that on the pockets they weren’t big enough! :rofl:
My favourite item of clothing in the 80s was a boiler suit. It was a bright turquoise blue and i wore it with the arms and legs rolled up, a wide white belt, white stilettos and white bead necklace and earrings. Thank goodness i don't have a photo! I thought i looked the bees knees ( :rofl: and headin hands emoji).

Has anyone else got favourite clothes from years ago?
I had the same! Turquoise boilet suit worn with the sleeves & legs rolled up and a wide belt. I loved it. We were on holiday in France and I was desperate for the loo. We stopped in a cafe and I rushed to the ladies - which was a hole in the floor jobbie.... with a door that closed direct onto it and no hook for bag nor belt... so I held them in my teeth whilst I struggled out of the boiler suit. Half way through the procedure the bag and belt slipped, I let go of the boiler suit to grab them and the back went down the hole.... I slunk back to Julian with a wet back and pronounced "We're going straight back to the hotel so I can get changed". I never felt quite the same about the garment after that!
Morning all - it's quite nice this morning, though black clouds lurketh threateningly.

7.4 this morning. I am despairing as my TIR is utterly trashed by horrible spikes after every meal. Very discouraging.

There's still loads of meat on the lamb leg, so I think I'll make it into shepherd's pie to have when we get home this evening after meeting friends in the pub. Can bulk it out as needs with veggies.

@Grannylorraine sending hugs. That kind of stress isn't worth it. Hopefully a good run will relieve some of it.

@ColinUK saw the ballet of Carmen at the Bolshoi theatre in Moscow back in the early 70s. Unfortunately we had to share a box with some farmers who had won the trip to the theatre for wheat production in outer siberia or somewhere..... somewhere where they had not heard of deodorant!

Have a good day all....
A happy 5.3 for me this fine morning.
I wore loons in the 70s, anyone remember them?
I loved my hipster loons. My waist size then was 27-28, so I had to wear a belt with them (as I had a tight bum) so I was told at the time. :rofl:
. I worked in Chelsea Girl
Oh i loved Chelsea Girl. I would save some of my wages every month then go for a big spend up, carrying home lots of bags. I used to feel rich doing that.
I had the same! Turquoise boilet suit worn with the sleeves & legs rolled up and a wide belt. I loved it. We were on holiday in France and I was desperate for the loo. We stopped in a cafe and I rushed to the ladies - which was a hole in the floor jobbie.... with a door that closed direct onto it and no hook for bag nor belt... so I held them in my teeth whilst I struggled out of the boiler suit. Half way through the procedure the bag and belt slipped, I let go of the boiler suit to grab them and the back went down the hole.... I slunk back to Julian with a wet back and pronounced "We're going straight back to the hotel so I can get changed". I never felt quite the same about the garment after that!
Oh you have made my laugh. I can picture it happening :rofl: .

I remember going through a New Romantic stage. Frills on the blouses and lacy bits everywhere. I must have looked a right sight!
Oh you have made my laugh. I can picture it happening :rofl: .

I remember going through a New Romantic stage. Frills on the blouses and lacy bits everywhere. I must have looked a right sight!
Oh I was a New Romantic. Skinny red cropped jeans and flouncy frilly blouse. Long coloured beads and long dangling earrings just in one ear! I’m sure I do have a photo. Watch this space.