Group 7-day waking average?

Mr Eggy got some antibiotic drops from the pharmacy, the pharmacist was very thorough apparently, making sure there wasn’t any contraindications because I’m diabetic. Need to use them every two hours for the first 48 hours. Fingers crossed they do the job ASAP.

As you have not posted 2:00am and 4:00am BGs I will check again at 6:00am! :rofl:
Bonjour tout les amis! 6.7 est les scores aux portes pour moi aujourd’hui!

Two things to report:

Carmen rehearsal last night… yes I needed oxygen…IMG_0980.jpeg
It was the best production of Carmen I think I’ve ever seen. There were times I had tears in my eyes and that’s never happened watching any other production.

Aigul Akhmetshina is remarkable as Carmen. She’s only 27 I think. Debuted at Covent Garden at 21, coming back here after playing Carmen in a different, also new production at the Met, she has this most sublime voice. It’s really quite something to hear.

Ooh and I slept for four hours straight through! Yay!! I should add that that was in my bed rather than in my seat at the opera!
Morning All and a nice round 6 for me and an 99% TIR after a couple of dextrose just before bed last night as I was 4.8 and a flatfish from about midnight.
Another quiet day ahead and so pleased Colin you enjoyed Carmen as good for all of us to discover and enjoy what I call a “ passion” in life.
Can be anything as very personal but finding something that you can get absorbed on and just enjoy is so important.
Hope you find your passion and then embrace it.
@Carlos I ended up borrowing the second Dune book (Dune Messiah) from the library. I found it quite dense, probably not helped by reading in English, but it was good for the train and plane. I had read somewhere that the next books become "more and more esoteric" and frankly I had enough with Messiah so I cheated and read the plots in Wikipedia instead. They do look increasingly complicated. Also looks like you can summarise the series as thousands of years of people obsessed with genes, sandworms and Duncan.
Dune Messiah is an odd one, and Herbert’s writing style is a bit confusing at times.
Morning All and a nice round 6 for me and an 99% TIR after a couple of dextrose just before bed last night as I was 4.8 and a flatfish from about midnight.
Another quiet day ahead and so pleased Colin you enjoyed Carmen as good for all of us to discover and enjoy what I call a “ passion” in life.
Can be anything as very personal but finding something that you can get absorbed on and just enjoy is so important.
Hope you find your passion and then embrace it.
It was going to be my ‘Last Chance Carmen’ as I’ve seen two other productions that didn’t strike that emotional chord with me anywhere near as much. Which makes the awesomeness of this production even more awesomenessy!
Good morning - 7.6

Have a great day everyone.
Morning all, 8.4 here, according to the Libre I had a smooth line trending slightly downwards until I was in the 5s, then I had a sudden and steep line upwards, so I expect the Libre is over predicting a bit. I did wake up suddenly, when my son banged the door on his way to work, so maybe that explains the sudden rise.
Now done a double spike, and is currently 8.9. Weird!
Morning 8.2.
Have a great day all
Morning all. 6.6 when I arose two hours ago and I’m just eating my brekkie now with the low alarm chirping beside me! I lost the peanut butter! I bought a huge Whole Earth ( my fave) in Aldi for a fiver, an absolute bargain. But because it was so huge I struggled to find a space for it in my normal peanut butter slot! I’ve hunted the whole house down, Mr Eggy was still asleep and I didn’t want to wake him. So I’ve just had a plain piece of toast for breakfast just as Mr Eggy wandered down and went straight to the hidden peanut butter! Duh! 😳

Wet and gusty here, nothing like it was 40 years ago when our first born daughter arrived into this world, it was frosty and sunny. How can I possibly have a 40 year old daughter? Blimey!

Here’s a photo to make you laugh. Remember, perms like that were acceptable in the 80s!

Have a wonderful Wednesday.


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A 5.6 for me today. 🙂
Back to the rainy season.

Morning it's was 11.4. I find my IBS and my acid reflux will make me feel quite sick at the moment(along with destroying my throat) I've been talking ginger tabblets to try and help but dont think they are helping the situation at the moment perhaps even sometimes averaging it.
Here’s a photo to make you laugh. Remember, perms like that were acceptable in the 80s!
That photo bought back some memories of perms! I had a style like yours then another time my hair was permed, then blow dried into a bouffant style a la Dynasty :rofl:. Love the denim dungarees.

Morning all. 6.0 for me and a night in target. I'm off to mums today to help sort out step dads clothes etc. Have a good day everyone.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.0

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 6.5 for me this morning. Thought I was fairly well behaved last night but maybe it was the not sleeping well (kept waking and had some bad dreams) that caused my liver to think I needed glucose?

Middle of the work week this week as only doing 3 days.... not very enthused but need to catch up on my paperwork so suppose I had better put the phone down....
That photo bought back some memories of perms! I had a style like yours then another time my hair was permed, then blow dried into a bouffant style a la Dynasty :rofl:. Love the denim dungarees.

Morning all. 6.0 for me and a night in target. I'm off to mums today to help sort out step dads clothes etc. Have a good day everyone.
It was a dungaree dress! I absolutely loved that blouse.
5.8 on a Berkshire morning that started damp, then we had some blue sky and sunshine, then it rained, now it's a bit dull and grey - all in the space on 90 minutes. It's my wife's day for walking the dog for a lady with early dementia (she's a volunteer with The Cinnamon Trust) and she couldn't decide whether it would be best to wrap up warm, to stay dry, or both. One thing's for sure - she'll have a pair of muddy boots in the car when she gets home.

Quiet day ahead apart from some washing and maybe some ironing. Pool was really busy yesterday, us usual during school holidays, but I managed to get my 20 lengths in nonetheless. Decided to have lunch in town and enjoyed a BLT in our favourite cafe before picking a couple of things up in Waitrose and getting the bus home.

@eggyg - a 40-year-old daughter? I can't believe I have one who's 50 (nor a son 53, for that matter)

Time to settle down with a coffee and the newspaper. Have a good day all.
@Eternal422 - your photo reminds me of the Vauxhall Frontera Sport I had back in the 1990s as it had what were known as 'roo bars' on the front, despite the absence of kangaroos in the wild here.
:rofl: I remember the Frontera! Funnily enough pretty much after each kangaroo sign we see a dead one by the roadside :(. But I have seen the odd live one looking at us from the middle of a passing field!
It was a dungaree dress! I absolutely loved that blouse.
My favourite item of clothing in the 80s was a boiler suit. It was a bright turquoise blue and i wore it with the arms and legs rolled up, a wide white belt, white stilettos and white bead necklace and earrings. Thank goodness i don't have a photo! I thought i looked the bees knees ( :rofl: and headin hands emoji).

Has anyone else got favourite clothes from years ago?