Group 7-day waking average?

6.0 this morning, so right on the border rather than the wrong side of it as was the case yesterday. Might see it drop back into normal range after today as my Lindt Easter Egg will have all gone. Think I've done well to make it last 3 days.

Normal routine returns today with my wife back in the office and our eldest WFH, as is his girlfriend as she's with us at the moment. Our youngest has an extra shift at Sainsbury's, though. He doesn't usually work Tuesdays. I'll be off for my regular Tuesday swim later, and I have some food shopping to do.

Wet start but sun's out now, though we're forecast to get a soaking later. April showers and all that.

@Eternal422 - your photo reminds me of the Vauxhall Frontera Sport I had back in the 1990s as it had what were known as 'roo bars' on the front, despite the absence of kangaroos in the wild here.

Have a good day, and I hope all those reporting not being 100% this morning are better soon.
Popped out to breakfast.

I think this might be the lowest carb breakfast I’ve had in yonks.
I’m assuming as you live in that there posh London the green stuff is avocado and not mushy peas as I first thought! #truenortherner :rofl:
It ain’t posh here! I mean the view isn’t anything to write home about…

And there’s only the one 5* hotel nearby…


Granted they did win Bake Off Professionals a couple of years back but their breakfast is frankly disappointing.

Heading home now for a call with my ISVA.
Good morning everyone. 7'9 today.

Been reading but not posting since I arrived in Spain. I got back on Sunday afternoon and worked yesterday. Our favourite customer gave me a Easter card and a Lindt milk chocolate bunny. Good company for the Thornton's chocolate bunny I got last week! I had to do a taste comparison for research 😉 they taste the same to me.

My visit home was short buy enjoyable. Loads of food and big family reunions. BG going up as expected, I kept my breakfast mostly low carb and bolused for the other meals. It was not perfect but managed to keep a lid on them most of the time. And the few times I went higher I didn't mind too much, as I knew I would be back to my routine in a couple of days, as opposed to the usual 2 weeks.

Have a nice day everyone 🙂
Afternoon I believe it was 7 or 8 this morning. I was right about the thing I said yesterday about something coming(sorry) so any stomach trouble I get varruous stuff(sorry again) will likely to be due to that and not infectious.
Afternoon all

I finally got time to turn the PC on today, busy morning or what? anyway, it was a 5.8 for me much
earlier this morning. I am off for my review shortly and hoping for an acceptable result.

Have a good rest of the day folks and stay safe.
@Carlos I ended up borrowing the second Dune book (Dune Messiah) from the library. I found it quite dense, probably not helped by reading in English, but it was good for the train and plane. I had read somewhere that the next books become "more and more esoteric" and frankly I had enough with Messiah so I cheated and read the plots in Wikipedia instead. They do look increasingly complicated. Also looks like you can summarise the series as thousands of years of people obsessed with genes, sandworms and Duncan.
People often think of hay fever being much later but many do suffer much earlier from tree pollens and other early flowering plants.
Yes I think the pollwn is also exsterted the sespted asthma. I must remember to take both my preventer inhaler and anti hestmies
Afternoon all - it's been a positively vile day so far but at least it's currently not raining. Yesterday was brilliant - so much so we were able to have the french windows open whilst we ate.

4.8 first thing, which was amazing given what I ate yesterday. Lunch turned out very well - with possible exception of the roasted Romanesco cauli which was a tad underdone, but everyone seemed to enjoy the food and the conversation flowed which is the main thing. They did not go home until almost 9pm, which says a lot!!!! The Limoncello cheesecake isn't the most photogenic thing I've ever made, but it tasted amaaazing... even though I say it myself! Clearing up was a bit longwinded due to the dishwasher leaking so we had to handwash everything. Now everywhere is a mess again as Julian has the dishwasher in pieces, but he was a hero with the washing up!

So no cooking today as we have leftover everything!IMG_20240401_155104354.jpg

Hugs to @ColinUK - wishing you a smoother passage with the Police from now on.

Another hug to @eggyg and hoping you feel better soon. Conjuctivitis is horrid!
@Carlos I ended up borrowing the second Dune book (Dune Messiah) from the library. I found it quite dense, probably not helped by reading in English, but it was good for the train and plane. I had read somewhere that the next books become "more and more esoteric" and frankly I had enough with Messiah so I cheated and read the plots in Wikipedia instead. They do look increasingly complicated. Also looks like you can summarise the series as thousands of years of people obsessed with genes, sandworms and Duncan.
Apparently the first book was quite rambling originally, but the publisher got an editor that turned the book into a much more focused story.

After the success of the first book Herbert could push more confidently against the edits, and it only got worse as the series evolved.

I've also been away, to Galicia. The weather was true to galician standards and it rained, it rained and then it rained some more. There was even some snow on the hills one morning.

While there levels were not too bad, just a bit out of whack. Visited a friend whose oldest daughter was diagnosed with type 1 at the same age I was and about the same date, just 29 years appart. She's taken it on her stride and she'll do well.
Morning folks. 7.3. Haven’t slept very well again. Can’t breath but my nose is running constantly, what’s all that about?

Last night’s Easter/daughter’s 40th birthday celebrations went well. Apart from Mr Eggy dropping my large Pyrex jug full of carefully made beef stock, made with bones, port, garlic, herbs etc, all over the kitchen floor. It smashed into smithereens! What an absolute pain in the butt that was to clean up just an hour before guests were due! Ah Bisto!
The house looks like an absolute bomb site. Some dishes washed, some in dishwasher and some still lying around. 13 guests and three courses makes for lots and lots of crockery ( which is mostly hand wash only as it’s bone china) lots of cutlery, lots of pans and serving dishes etc. and of course lots of cooking! I’m not doing it again! Sure I said that at New Year. :confused: It hasn’t helped that I am so full of cold and I now have, what I suspect, is conjunctivitis. Never, ever had anything like that in all my almost 64 years. Woke up with a sticky eye yesterday and it got worse as the day went on, now it’s in both eyes. The worst thing is I couldn’t put any eye makeup on! I looked weird ( from the mouth of babes) and everyone thought I’d been crying all day. I hadn’t, but feel like it now when I see all these blooming dirty dishes! 😱 Ah well, it, hopefully, looks worse than it really is. Glass half full kinda gal me!:D

Have a fab day and let’s all give thanks for dishwashers!

After many attempts this was the best of a bad bunch of photos of all 14 of us. First time since Eden was born we were all together. Zara’s face on this one!
You can get conjunctivitis treatment from the pharmacy, like golden eye ointment or chloramphenicol eye drops if bathing with boiled water doesn't help. It is contagious so is easily passed on if you are not careful, often through shared towels which I sure you don't do.
What a busy day you had especially when you weren't feeling your best.
You can get conjunctivitis treatment from the pharmacy, like golden eye ointment or chloramphenicol eye drops if bathing with boiled water doesn't help. It is contagious so is easily passed on if you are not careful, often through shared towels which I sure you don't do.
What a busy day you had especially when you weren't feeling your best.
Mr Eggy got some antibiotic drops from the pharmacy, the pharmacist was very thorough apparently, making sure there wasn’t any contraindications because I’m diabetic. Need to use them every two hours for the first 48 hours. Fingers crossed they do the job ASAP.