Group 7-day waking average?


Quite reassuring to things don’t see to have changed much since stopping Metformin.
Morning all. 5.2, a unicorn and 100% TIR for the last 90 days! 😛 April Fool! It was really 5.6 but I did get a unicorn. So I wasn’t completely fibbing!

Still feel like I’m on death’s door and feel like I’ve hardly slept, but as I do, I’ll march on and get my prep finished for the hordes descending this evening. Three members of the same family are working until 6 so starters for 6.30 and we’ll go from there. I’ve just sent a message on our family group to tell them the beef is off and we’re having sausages instead and do they want egg and chips with them or just mash. I also asked them what flavour Angels Delight they wanted for pudding. Don’t think they believe me, I’m just getting daft answers with laughing emojis! As if I’d fib to my own children?😉 ( Or give them Angel Delight!)

Have a good Bank Holiday, after two lovely sunny, quite warm days it’s now drizzling. Ah well, I wasn’t going anywhere much further than the compost bin!
Rather surprised to see my meter say 6.4 this morning so switched hands and did a second check - 6.5, so it's obviously right.

Lovely sunny morning here with lots of blue sky but a risk of scattered showers forecast for later. Stayed dull and grey all day yesterday and we didn't see the sun at all, so we scrubbed our walk around our local lake and water sports centre. Maybe today if the rain stays away.

Our eldest's futsal team got the win they needed yesterday to stay 4th and in contention for a Champions League spot, and he scored too. Still can't quite believe that the boy who started playing Under-8s on park pitches in all weathers is now playing FA Futsal Series Tier 1, with matches shown live on tv.

My Easter egg turned out to be a Lindt Extra Dark, so more than pleased with that. I didn't overdo it, though - most of it's still waiting to be eaten.

Enjoy the last day of the long weekend. Normal routine resumes tomorrow.
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Morning all. 5.2, a unicorn and 100% TIR for the last 90 days! 😛 April Fool! It was really 5.6 but I did get a unicorn. So I wasn’t completely fibbing!

Still feel like I’m on death’s door and feel like I’ve hardly slept, but as I do, I’ll march on and get my prep finished for the hordes descending this evening. Three members of the same family are working until 6 so starters for 6.30 and we’ll go from there. I’ve just sent a message on our family group to tell them the beef is off and we’re having sausages instead and do they want egg and chips with them or just mash. I also asked them what flavour Angels Delight they wanted for pudding. Don’t think they believe me, I’m just getting daft answers with laughing emojis! As if I’d fib to my own children?😉 ( Or give them Angel Delight!)

Have a good Bank Holiday, after two lovely sunny, quite warm days it’s now drizzling. Ah well, I wasn’t going anywhere much further than the compost bin!
Nowt wrong with egg and chips or Angel Delight! Especially if it’s served in a chocolate rice crispy tart crust!
A 5.0 for me today. 🙂

Morning 7.1. my IBS has been really playing up at the moment. Also sorry for my too much information but my time of the month due and that cause all sorts of things both stomach and that would still mean I wouldn't be infectious.(I find my anxiety kicking it and going what if) also as it's hey fever season and I can feel pollen today allready strangely) probably also need to drink more which doesn't help me(I also end up taking a tablet yesterday morning which I decided nort take again until I have spoken to a doctor again).
Morning all,

6.8, so could be a lot worse considering what I ate yesterday. Eating will improve today, although a few leftovers. Out for a walk and a coffee very soon, going a little bit later as it is a bank holiday. Rest of the day dedicated to crotchet or knitting and reading, hubby is back at work on late shift.

@eggyg - congratulations on the HS.
Morning 7.1. my IBS has been really playing up at the moment. Also sorry for my too much information but my time of the month due and that cause all sorts of things both stomach and that would still mean I wouldn't be infectious.(I find my anxiety kicking it and going what if) also as it's hey fever season and I can feel pollen today allready strangely) probably also need to drink more which doesn't help me(I also end up taking a tablet yesterday morning which I decided nort take again until I have spoken to a doctor again).
I think it's because of the neature of the work makes worry when things happen(not for my sake but obviousy the anixiety won't be helping my IBS)
Morning all. Woke with a dull headache and the sensor saying it had ended early. I still have 5 days left on it. Finger pricked to find 9.1. Emailed Abbott with online form to report the sensor.

Nothing much planned for today. Hubby has to work until 1pm then we shall have a lazy afternoon and off to the cinema later.

Have a nice day whatever you do.
Good morning everyone

We don't have white rabbits where we are, but we do have squirrels.

BG 4.9 even after scoffing yet another Easter egg yesterday

Today I am totally whacked. The church service yesterday went well, thankfully.

Today as much rest as possible.

Have great day today whatever you are doing

Good morning (just) 6.5 today

I need to get back on a more sensible diet ,as looks like I’m back to the weight I was at the start of the year having previously shed a few KG.
Cold and cough pretty much finally shaken so no excuse not to go and swim a few times next week.

Have a Marvellous Holiday Monday whatever everyone’s doing.😎
I’ve got some admin to catch up on for work later (including last months expenses)
and apparently I’m doing some sorting out in the garage this morning. 😳
Morning all, a happy 5.4 for me on this fine sunny morning.
Morning all - quite a nice day!

15.4 - something is clearly wrong - and methinks the wrong is the insulin in the pod, close to which I have been cuddling a hot water bottle every evening! Should have twigged this earlier, days earlier! Have now changed the pod and am coming down nicely.

More or less up to speed for our lunch guests who will be arriving soon! Just remembered I still need to make the orange butter for the glazed carrots.... so see you all later!

Have a lovely holiday Monday!
Good morning! 9.7 on the finger. But 11.5 on Libre putting me Out Of Range! Needs to be better and the Lindt bunny remains...

Started grey and misty but sun now filtering through with a few blue bits appearing. Now where are the shades?
My libre new last night its worse than the last one alarm twice in the night it was 2 lower so had to sort that this morning it said 8.7 which was really 4.9