Group 7-day waking average?

Bonjour. Almost matching @MikeyBikey this morning with a whopping 12.6

I’m putting it down to the huge salad I had last night. Pizza and trifle are really just salads aren’t they?
Of course they are, just like a Terry’s Chocolate Orange is one of your five a day! 😉
Good morning 6.6 today

Im feeling slightly more alive and “normal-ish” now.
today I need to go and get a new fencing panel
as need replace a well rotten one @the end of our garden.
Mrs G has been doing some landscaping in the garden
now it’s supposed to be spring, its currently like a mud bath out there.

Have a Super Saturday everyone 😎

A hot cross bun laden 8 this morning. No motivation to do anything this morning, still need to finish decorating the cake and a bit more housework, and big shop. Hubby obviously knew what I had planned for him today, as he has taken an early shift as overtime at work, so his weekend off has now just become 1 day off, he was working yesterday and will be again on Monday.

A hot cross bun laden 8 this morning. No motivation to do anything this morning, still need to finish decorating the cake and a bit more housework, and big shop. Hubby obviously knew what I had planned for him today, as he has taken an early shift as overtime at work, so his weekend off has now just become 1 day off, he was working yesterday and will be again on Monday.
I succumbed to not one but two hot cross buns for breakfast this morning. One just didn’t look enough for the day ahead. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it! No carb info on bag just calories , they were from Sainsbury’s bakery. Guesstimated totally wrong! 😱
Injected a three unit correction, coming down very slowly! Oops!


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5.3 this morning. Only intermittent rain here yesterday but warm when the sun was out. Youngest accidentally broke the screen on their mobile yesterday so we have an appointment today to get it replaced. (Or maybe a new phone instead but youngest not currently liking that idea. Given the age of their phone it may be more economical in the long run though. )
Morning all - mixed weather again!

9.1 this morning, but it's been thereabouts for the last 3 days. On Thursday I had an early appointment with the Audiologist and I felt most peculiar. I had eyesight disturbances and pins and needles in my left hand. I was convinced it was as a result of me refusing to take the blood thinners I'm supposed to take because they were giving me THE most horrible acid reflux. Really awful. So I gave in and started taking them again, along with another tablet to help with the reflux and copious liquid gaviscon. Spent all afternoon sleeping in bed (something I never do) and went to bed early - slept 11 hours. Felt better yesterday. So did the grocery shopping for the weekend including lunch on Monday when we've invited friends we too rarely see.

Shall spend all day tomorrow preparing food for Monday's lunch, but hey ho.... we used to give dinner parties, but these days it's lunches because everyone is too old to come out at night!

Today we're meeting friends in town this afternoon....and having fish, chips and mushy peas for dinner, courtesy of Tesco frozen food dept and the air fryer.

Have a good day all!
Morning 8.4 for me. I’ve resisted the genuine Belgium waffle …… far……. having a break in a foreign place or 3.
Beaten to the post. Been up for an hour sorting out songs....

BG on waking an incredible 5.2 even after scoffing a whole large Easter egg last night!!

The practice at the church, last night was stunningly incredible. Very tough at first as, for some reason, I felt very nervous. By the end I was on cloud 9.5 but really really tired.

My new trolley transport for my keyboard worked a treat too. Overall I timed over 200 minutes of exercise too.

And to top it all my wife cooked sweet and sour cod (with rice) for tea.

Today is the Easter service. I hope it goes well. It is always different once the congregation are present. I feel a buzz in the air....

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Good Easter Sunday morning and congrats already to Gwynn and Harbottle on HS’s.
A 5.8 for me but a Unicorn and a pretty flat line.
My son works at TK Max and even do often they get the odd Keto item in and he brought me home some Keto Macadamia nuts which were covered in chocolate and I had quite a few as a delicious late night snack so not sure what effect they would have but they were obviously fine.
Quiet restful day today and hope you spent time doing the stuff you enjoy and maybe find some time for wider reflection not necessarily religious but just a step back to consider what is important to you and yours and try and plan to spend more time doing what is really important to you.
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Morning. 6.8 this morning. Nothing in the diary at all for today.
Good moaning! New sensor (after other one failed in under 24 hours) said 12.9 but finger 11.0 (17% high). Hope it settles as could mess up TIR!

Nothing on today. Yesterday (bar waiting for transport) longest I have been out in years. Really felt effects of fresh air and sun on my skin.

Today though - no sun but fog/mist so far!

6.6 today, going out for a walk and coffee, then back to finishing off the prep for the Easter egg hunt. Then of course the Easter egg hunt and buffet followed by tidy up from the Easter egg hunt and buffet. Thankfully I have tomorrow to do nothing.

Congratulations to @Gwynn and @harbottle on today’s HS and @Colin g on yesterday’s HS.
Well done to today's House Specialists. A 5.5 for me today. 🙂

5.7 on this rather grey Easter Sunday morning. Slept like a log so no repeat of Friday, when I had a restless night and woke up with a headache. Wife's still in bed and I don't expect to see her or our youngest for a while. He's not working today, Sainsbury's being closed. Our eldest has already left for Derby, where his futsal team are playing today. A win will keep them in 4th. On TNT Sports 1, so I can watch.

Forecast is good so planning on a walk around our local lake and water sports centre later, then relax with a coffee in the cafe there. We used to go there regularly when our boys were growing up as they had an awesome adventure playground, but haven't been for a while.

Lamb Tagine for tea today so looking forward to that. We usually slow-roast lamb so it will make a nice change. My food diary says we've had it once before and my post-prandial was 6.6, so clearly not a problem for me.

Well done @Gwynn and @harbottle on your Easter HS’s.

Hope everyone enjoys their Easter Sunday and doesn't overdo it with the chocolate. I have a dark chocolate egg coming my way but haven't had sight of it yet.