Group 7-day waking average?

Yawning morning. An early 7.6. Need to get on the road ASAP to try and beat the Bank Holiday traffic. Just hope no one else has thought of that! 🙄

Yesterday didn’t turn out too bad, yes, the weather was bad but we braved it. Had a wander around the Lanes in between showers, very quaint but just full of jewellery shops, I’m not a jewellery person so wasn’t interested in all the sparkly baubles in the windows. When the weather started to defeat us we headed to the Royal Pavilion. It was full of French teenagers who weren’t interested and kept blocking the way! It was ok, it’s no Versailles, thank goodness, but did have a feel of the same grotesque opulence in some rooms. It does nothing for me but the kitchens, that’s a different matter. I don’t think I’m descended from royalty, more likely the scullery maid! It filled an hour. Decamped back to the hotel for lunch and a read/nap. At 4pm the sun was shining and the wind was howling so we went onto the sea front, more French children, this time younger, obviously a popular place for French school trips. Bur there was plenty of space for everyone. The waves were crashing and put a great show on for us. We couldn’t hardly stand up it was so gusty. Good fun though and we got lots of photos inbetween getting sprayed by the sea!

Must dash, have a good Good Friday and don’t eat all the Hot Cross Buns!

I am trying to spot you! :rofl:

Morning all. 6.4.

We’re home! A very tedious almost nine hour journey. Started ok as we set off at 8pm, even the M25 didn’t cause us any problems. M40 the same. Got onto M6 and Mrs Sat Nav sent us down the toll road, which we were fine with as it’s usually very quiet, no, it wasn’t! You know it’s Good Friday when you have to queue at the toll booths! We stopped at Stafford at 12pm for a loo trip and a bit of lunch. Car park was very full, when we left half an hour later the cars were just crawling in. Straight back onto the M6 and straight away we were in a four lane go slow. All the way to Forton, where the wagons were queuing on the hard shoulder to get in, average speed 29mph! 3.5 hours to do about 80 miles! Not helped by hailstorms, we could barely see a thing in front of us. A bit faster up to the Kendal junction for the south Lake and most got off, then we flew home. 4.45 when we stepped into our house. We were in bed just after 9, hence why I’m up at a crazy hour, been awake since 4!

Off to Tesco ASAP as we’ve got the hordes on Easter Monday and shops are closed tomorrow. Then the fishmongers for our starters and then the butchers to pick up our huge lump of beef! Our sheep farmer son-in-law doesn’t like lamb! Although I’m hoping Tesco still have their half price leg of lamb offer on as I’ll get one for the freezer. Going out tonight so will have a nana nap later.

Have a good day all.
Morning a 5.7 which is very nice after going to bed very high at a late surge with Pizza overload.
Also had a lovely Welsh rarebit,chips and cake for lunch at our favourite garden centre which restored our faith in places after last weeks bad experience.
We met my brother in law and had a really nice time and talking of brothers got a real surprise my own brother is getting married again which is a shock to say the least so have booked our mid summer trip to the wilds of Northumberland.
Looking forward to a very quiet day and a trip to the tip ( some folk will understand).
Eggy sounds like your trip home was awful just when you want a smooth journey.
I am on the M6 stretch you mention about 5 times a week so is like a second home to me but glad you eventually made it home and wish you and everyone else well to have a great family B/H.
Bonjour. Almost matching @MikeyBikey this morning with a whopping 12.6

I’m putting it down to the huge salad I had last night. Pizza and trifle are really just salads aren’t they?
Up much earlier than usual today after a restless night and my meter said 5.9 when I tested at 06:17. Woke up with a headache too, though a couple of paracetamol seem to have kicked that into touch. Forgot my weekly BP check yesterday. 127/69 when I did it this morning, so a toe over the line into the orange zone known as high normal. It's generally 50/50 green/orange.

My wife and I had a nice day in Henley-on-Thames yesterday, and it didn't rain despite what the forecast said. Had lunch at The Chocolate Cafe, which was packed, and did a bit of shopping. Quba and Crew Clothing Co both had sales on and I bought a Quba jacket and a CCC sweatshirt. Made a change from shopping at M&S and Next.

Planning to walk into town later as we need a few more ingredients for the Lamb Tagine that my wife's planning for our Easter Sunday dinner. Sainsbury's didn't have them when I did our Friday Big Shop so we're hoping Waitrose will. Expect we'll grab a coffee at our favourite (independent) cafe but not sure we'll have lunch out two days in a row.

Good to have the Premier League and Championship back after the international break. Have done my Sky Sports Super 6 and sorted out my Fantasy Football Team, so all ready to go. On the subject of Sky, they were proposing to increase our subscription by ten times the rate of inflation when our contract ends next month but now we'll be paying just £3 a month more than we are now. Seems you need a black belt in haggling to get a decent deal.

@eggyg - glad you're safely home.

Whatever your plans, have a good Saturday all.
Morning all, 5.3 here, so close! When I went riding earlier in the week, I was lucky and the rain held off. So of course yesterday I went early to dodge the incoming rain, and it came in early! Luckily I’d decided to wear a waterproof just in case.
Morning all. :D 7.3 here.

Could be a long day (à la @eggyg) - driving to my mum’s to pick her and my brother’s dog up, then hitting the road again to my brother’s house in Bristol. Wish me luck!
Good morning - 8.0

Have a great day everyone.
Morning all. 4.7. Its bright sunshine here and no rain forecast so i'm planning to get the washing on the line today. Nothing else to do apart from some dusting and a bit of ironing. Well, i say nothing to do, there are so many jobs that need doing around the house i don't know where to start. All require a large amount of money which we need to save for. Oh well, at least the sun is out.
A 5.0 for me this morning. 🙂 Don't forget to spring forward tonight.
