Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 5.3 today
Yesterday was 7.2

I’m OK but been feeling rough, with what started as a bad cold, that turned into a cough, I think it’s now a chest infection,

anyway it’s stopping me from sleeping properly, will try again today to get seen by GP, tried unsuccessfully yesterday, been off work with it for last 3 days.

Due to this I cancelled my DMO appointment last Sunday

might catch up on some of the posts I’ve missed later
9.6 here. Breakfast today is at a different hotel to the one I’m staying in, think some of the 4 rooms are unoccupied. So I’ll do a correction to try and bring it down a little before I go over there for breakfast 9ish. Hope they still have yoghurt and granola!
Good morning all. And at last, back to “normal” 5.6.

Yesterday was another very windy and cold day. We had an early breakfast to enable us to get out early before the forecasted rain. It was beautiful and sunny but my goodness, that biting wind again just went through me. We walked the opposite way to the day before towards the more gentile area with the amazing, I’m assuming, Georgian terraces. Mr Eggy eventually got his long exposure photo but it was touch and go as it was so windy his tripod wouldn’t stay still!

Gipsy Kings concert was absolutely fantastic. What a show they put on. If you don’t know them they’re á flamenco/salsa band who sing mostly in Catalan, don’t understand a word of what they’re singing but you don’t need to. The energy is just amazing and the whole audience were on their feet. They sang our old favourites, we first discovered them through friends when our kids were small, and they sang/ played some we’d never heard of. All in all a great night and well worth the trip. The best part was the concert finished at 10pm and we were back in our hotel room by 10.15!

Today the forecast is terrible but we will venture out to see the waves crashing on the beach and then maybe go to the Royal Pavilion. Last day, home tomorrow.

A few photos from yesterday morning when it was sunny and a couple of self indulgent ones of last night. The half naked man was one of many joggers running along the prom! Brrr! One of many of the Brighton residences who don’t process warm clothes!

Have a good Maundy Thursday everyone.
Pleased you are having a good time by the seaside.
The jogger may have been underdressed for the weather or overdressed if he is heading for the naturist beach.
So be careful where mr Eggy points his long lens

6.9 so heading in the right direction. Going to get back to my good eating after Easter as I know I feel better and decided I am not going to let the issues at work affect my physical health as well as my mental health,

@eggyg - photos are lovely,

@Elenka_HM - hope you have a nice relaxing break.
I'm not sure why it was not on my records as I have not taken penicillin for more than 30 years and have been offered alternatives. In those days you could not buy medication for thrush over the counter so had to get a prescription for the GP.
I will definitely make sure it goes on my record now.
If you have the NHS app you can go to GP HEALTH RECORD and there’s a sub section for Allergies.
You’re also entitled to make corrections to your medical records if something is wrong.

As for them refusing to change the scrip because of an allergy? That’s ridiculous.
Morning All - 5.9 here for me this morning which I'm pleased with. College was great yesterday although cold and wet at one point which is not fun when you know you've got to be outside for several hours - soon cleared up though but it's perishing again this morning so I've delayed my companion gardener for a couple of hours and we'll hopefully do something in the greenhouse for a bit. Youngest son home last night for Easter and son & daughter & respective partners/wives arriving late tonight - must remember to go shopping this afternoon. @eggyg I'm so pleased your concert was good and made the whole trip so worthwhile - I bet you're itching to get back "Oop North". Have a lovely day everyone xxx
Bit of a cough and a whopping 9.1 to go with it.

Yesterday I went out for drinks (alcohol free for me thanks to the doxy) with an ex boss and friend who vanished last September. I’d tried texting and calling a number of times since but heard nothing. Texts were unread.

He texted out of the blue last week apologising and wanting to meet up etc. He has some issues but he’s a decent chap etc so we set a venue for drinks.

I get there a little early and find a table etc. Time ticks on. He’s coming from work and given he’s the big boss things can happen that delay him somewhat.

Three quarters of an hour go by and nothing. I’m nursing my bottle of 0% lager and reading quietly. I text to just let him know whereabouts I’m sitting so he can find me when he gets here…

I’ll just post the WhatsApp here…
Morning All - 5.9 here for me this morning which I'm pleased with. College was great yesterday although cold and wet at one point which is not fun when you know you've got to be outside for several hours - soon cleared up though but it's perishing again this morning so I've delayed my companion gardener for a couple of hours and we'll hopefully do something in the greenhouse for a bit. Youngest son home last night for Easter and son & daughter & respective partners/wives arriving late tonight - must remember to go shopping this afternoon. @eggyg I'm so pleased your concert was good and made the whole trip so worthwhile - I bet you're itching to get back "Oop North". Have a lovely day everyone xxx
We are itching to get back. I’m not a city gal, I know Carlisle is called a city but it’s not city sized is it? Missing the garden and my birds, all I’ve seen is pigeons down here! Brighton is ok, not as nice as we’d hoped, quite scruffy if truth be told but we’ve done it and no need to do it again. Possibly the weather hasn’t helped but we’ve made the most of it as we always do.
Surprised to find that I'd stepped over the border with a 6.1 this morning, though I suppose that's not really any different from the 5.8 I had yesterday. Blue skies and sunshine here but we must have had a good soaking overnight, and more to come through the day. In like a lion, out like a lamb? Other way round this year, methinks.

Managed to talk Sky down a bit but not enough to satisfy my wife so will need to haggle a bit more when they call me this afternoon. Why we have to go through this rigmarole every time is beyond me.

Hygienist this morning and straight from there to the pool for my regular Thursday swim. Dentist is only round the corner from the pool, just a 5-minute walk, so that works quite well. Might have lunch in town, as long as it doesn't mean I miss my bus back.

Congrats @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS

@eggyg - no seagulls?

Hope Storm Nelson doesn't spoil anyone's day.
Bit of a cough and a whopping 9.1 to go with it.

Yesterday I went out for drinks (alcohol free for me thanks to the doxy) with an ex boss and friend who vanished last September. I’d tried texting and calling a number of times since but heard nothing. Texts were unread.

He texted out of the blue last week apologising and wanting to meet up etc. He has some issues but he’s a decent chap etc so we set a venue for drinks.

I get there a little early and find a table etc. Time ticks on. He’s coming from work and given he’s the big boss things can happen that delay him somewhat.

Three quarters of an hour go by and nothing. I’m nursing my bottle of 0% lager and reading quietly. I text to just let him know whereabouts I’m sitting so he can find me when he gets here…

I’ll just post the WhatsApp here…
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This is a classic case of not knowing which emoji to use - obviously it’s funny but it’s also sad so sending you a chuckling Care emoji x
Good morning everyone

BG 5.5

I have spent several hours this morning rewiring the 'studio'. So many wires. And moving stuff into better places and installing new and old software. Incredibly, at the end of it all it worked!!!

Today lots of keyboard practice, some recording and a very boring tea (cauliflower cheese).

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
This is a classic case of not knowing which emoji to use - obviously it’s funny but it’s also sad so sending you a chuckling Care emoji
It’s clearly the funny one!