Group 7-day waking average?

Another bright and sunny start here. Yesterday started that way though but from mid-afternoon it rained constantly right up until bedtime. Same today I shouldn't wonder. 5.8 on waking and just about to settle down with a coffee and the newspaper.

Wednesday's a washday so will get that underway later, then I need to ring Sky and ask them what they're going to do to reduce our renewal price when our contract ends next month. First question, as we've been with them for 21 years - what price loyalty?

@eggyg pleased you're enjoying Brighton. My wife loves Brighton but I'm not a fan - it's been either wet, windy or both every time I've been.

Whatever your plans, have a good day everyone.
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6.9 and in a bit of a rush to get ready for college - last one for 3 weeks and then only 3 sessions left :( I've signed up to do the Diploma in Horticulture in September though as I've definitely got the bug. Have a great day everyone. @eggyg does the little train still run along the sea front?
In season. ie from this Friday, when we leave!
Morning all - doesn't know what it's doing here - it's either hissing it down or lovely and sunny. It was the same yesterday.

7.5 this morning after a slow slope down from a spike after a late dinner.

The dishwasher decided to leak all over the floor end of last week, so hubby ordered a door seal - which required him to practically dismantle the whole (fitted) dishwasher to fit. He did that yesterday. Got it back together later than hoped, which resulted in us eating gone 9pm as there was no room for me as well in our tiny kitchen. Joy of joys, it is still leaking! He has "some ideas" but I fear it's a replacement dishwasher. At Easter when I have invited people for a long (4 course) lunch.

Meeting friends in the local this evening - as always on a Wednesday.

Hope you enjoy the concert this evening @eggyg.

Have lovely holidays @zippyjojo @Lucyr and @Elenka_HM

Well done on the Hba1c reduction @Wendal

Have a good day all.
Morning all - doesn't know what it's doing here - it's either hissing it down or lovely and sunny. It was the same yesterday.
Same here in Berkshire, and tomorrow we're apparently going to get hit by Storm Nelson coming up from the south.
Same here in Berkshire, and tomorrow we're apparently going to get hit by Storm Nelson coming up from the south.
That must be what we’re getting in Brighton up to 58 mph. We’ve just got back to hotel. Perishing out there again, and it’s “only” 22 mph!
Good afternoon! 5'7 today, good start, let's see how the rest of the day goes!

I'm on my way to Bristol airport. Unlike other times I've packed food for the whole trip, so don't need to buy any unless I want to. Wanted to keep it simple so I brought a sandwich for lunch, one for dinner, a few low carb snacks (olives, nuts, dry sausage) and one cheeky Kitkat 😉. I already had lunch in the train, had all intentions to bolus but Libre said I was a bit low and I had lots of stuff on my lap so seemed a lot of faff to uncover some skin. I injected later in the train station. Dinner time will catch me in the plane. I might still have a coffee in the airport since I arrive early.

We received an Easter gift from the company last night. They went a step further this year and made it personalized. They are not always great but I like these little touches.

Warning! This image contains chocolate 😛

Hi all, sorry for such a long period absent, I did keep meaning to come back. Usually I try to catch up when I return after a break but I think I'm too far behind to realistically do that...

5.3 fasting this morning.

My last HbA1c in Jan was 36, but my fasting blood sugars kept being in the 6s. Not sure if just due to carb creep or something more (my cholesterol had gone back up a bit too). I asked to be referred to
pre-pregnancy diabetes clinic
and they have started me on 500mg slow release metformin, thankfully no nasty side effects and does seem to be having the desired effect on fasting BG as it's more often in the 5s now.

I've also since I last posted had autism and ADHD assessments, been diagnosed with ADHD and awaiting diagnostic appointment for autism to see if they think I'm autistic. Can't start meds for ADHD (related to above spoiler) yet but at least I have the diagnosis now
A very frustrating and annoying day. Sorry for the rant.
I have had a bad toe for a while, long standing fungal infection which I have been applying Mycomed stuff but after my toes got chilblains in some cold weather the big toe stayed red, I had asked the nurse when I had my diabetic check and she just said I should see the Doctor but it recently became sore so I put some dressing on but noticed the toe nail had become almost detached.
This morning I saw the doctor and he referred me to the podiatry clinic (goodness know how long the wait is) and prescribed some antibiotics as it seems infected. It was not until I got home I noticed the antibiotics were penicillin which I cannot tolerate as they give me thrush even with 1 tablet. So I went back in person, having been number 1 in the queue on the phone for 25mins. He refused to give me a prescription for something else and just said to buy medication for the thrush over the counter. He said my penicillin intolerance was not in my records.
I lost my rag and said no way on this earth was I going to take something which I knew was going to have that side effect.
Against better judgement I went to an on line clinic and got a prescription for the antibiotic I wanted and had had before when I had an infected toe, cost me £30.
Shouldn't have to do it but sadly it's the way some things are going.
He refused to give me a prescription for something else and just said to buy medication for the thrush over the counter. He said my penicillin intolerance was not in my records.
Sounds like you’ve previously had penicillin and not reported the side effect, so that the GP could assess at the time if it was the antibiotics that caused the thrush, which means it’s not listed in your intolerances.

It could have just been a coincidence that you got thrush last time, and it wasn’t assessed as being due to the antibiotics, so the GP sounds like they advise its more important that you take the best antibiotics to treat your foot infection than leave your foot untreated because of the risk of potential thrush which is easily treatable.

If you take the antibiotics and get the same side effect then you should ring and discuss it again, then the GP can assess whether it happening multiple times means it is an intolerance and can list it on your records. They can list intolerances, I have statins listed as a mild intolerance for muscle aches.
Sounds like you’ve previously had penicillin and not reported the side effect, so that the GP could assess at the time if it was the antibiotics that caused the thrush, which means it’s not listed in your intolerances.

It could have just been a coincidence that you got thrush last time, and it wasn’t assessed as being due to the antibiotics, so the GP sounds like they advise its more important that you take the best antibiotics to treat your foot infection than leave your foot untreated because of the risk of potential thrush which is easily treatable.

If you take the antibiotics and get the same side effect then you should ring and discuss it again, then the GP can assess whether it happening multiple times means it is an intolerance and can list it on your records. They can list intolerances, I have statins listed as a mild intolerance for muscle aches.
I'm not sure why it was not on my records as I have not taken penicillin for more than 30 years and have been offered alternatives. In those days you could not buy medication for thrush over the counter so had to get a prescription for the GP.
I will definitely make sure it goes on my record now.
I will definitely make sure it goes on my record now.
I think you’d have to actually experience the side effect now though to list it? If you haven’t taken penicillin for 30 years, and as far as the GP is concerned you won’t get thrush after this lot of penicillin antibiotics because you aren’t planning to take them, then what evidence is there to show you actually have this issue, and that it wasn’t just a coincidence 30+ years ago.
Morning still very closely following Northerner but a 5.9 this morning after not the best nights sleep.
Anyway very quiet day today and just looking forward to much better weather and have a very happy Easter w/ end whether it involves chocolate or not.
Good morning - 4.8

Have a great day everyone.
Good morning all. And at last, back to “normal” 5.6.

Yesterday was another very windy and cold day. We had an early breakfast to enable us to get out early before the forecasted rain. It was beautiful and sunny but my goodness, that biting wind again just went through me. We walked the opposite way to the day before towards the more gentile area with the amazing, I’m assuming, Georgian terraces. Mr Eggy eventually got his long exposure photo but it was touch and go as it was so windy his tripod wouldn’t stay still!

Gipsy Kings concert was absolutely fantastic. What a show they put on. If you don’t know them they’re á flamenco/salsa band who sing mostly in Catalan, don’t understand a word of what they’re singing but you don’t need to. The energy is just amazing and the whole audience were on their feet. They sang our old favourites, we first discovered them through friends when our kids were small, and they sang/ played some we’d never heard of. All in all a great night and well worth the trip. The best part was the concert finished at 10pm and we were back in our hotel room by 10.15!

Today the forecast is terrible but we will venture out to see the waves crashing on the beach and then maybe go to the Royal Pavilion. Last day, home tomorrow.

A few photos from yesterday morning when it was sunny and a couple of self indulgent ones of last night. The half naked man was one of many joggers running along the prom! Brrr! One of many of the Brighton residences who don’t process warm clothes!

Have a good Maundy Thursday everyone.


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