Group 7-day waking average?

I think you’d have to actually experience the side effect now though to list it? If you haven’t taken penicillin for 30 years, and as far as the GP is concerned you won’t get thrush after this lot of penicillin antibiotics because you aren’t planning to take them, then what evidence is there to show you actually have this issue, and that it wasn’t just a coincidence 30+ years ago.
I am 100% certain it was not coincidence and I have on no other occasion ever had thrush or a UTI and as we always say on here It is up to the individual to make the decision whether to take a medication or not. At 72 years old I feel I am quite capable of making that decision.
My daughter, a doctor felt I had made the right decision.
Morning All (Just)

A happy 5.7 for me much earlier this fine sunny morning.

Have a good rest of the day folks.
Morning folks. 😛 6.1 here.

The Gypsy Kings are still going @eggyg? Wow. Glad you enjoyed the concert! :D
They certainly are. Nicolos Reyes has been lead since the late 70s. He’s getting on a bit but can still strum that guitar though his voice isn’t as strong but still authentic. There’s not many of the originals left and a lot are quite young. One young man played an electric Spanish guitar it was amazing. Sent shivers up my spine.
6.4 this morning (Good Friday) for me. Been on the road in the motor home the past 2 days. Great fun but so far not had many opportunities for photos. Mainly been getting from Sydney through to Melbourne which is where we’ll be tonight after about a 4 hour drive. Interesting to see the countryside, so much is very different to England (lots of forests of eucalyptus trees) but now we’re in Victoria there are fields and fewer trees so it looks more like England. Everywhere is very lush and green.


Take care everyone!
Good morning. Up early at 3:30am. Been mucking about with my App since then...

BG 5.1

Today lots and lots of keyboard practice (two surprise new songs added to the Sunday service) followed by a walk on the beach with my friend followed by sweet and sour fish for tea. All good.

Yesterday turned out to be a farce but worked out ok in the end.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning and a 5.9 here so getting some consistency overnight after not eating after 6.30.
Start of Easter break and and a great excuse to eat some chocolate but as I buy loads every day for work purposes I really can take it or leave it in itself.
I know historically they used to allow those who worked in chocolate factories to eat as much as they wanted on basis they would soon over face themselves but with automation they have probably changed everything.
We will go out today to a nice garden centre as my wife is desperate to get out the house so hope weather is kind and have an early lunch to avoid the busy time.
Pizza later as usual on a Friday so have a great Easter all and enjoy those eggs,
Yawning morning. An early 7.6. Need to get on the road ASAP to try and beat the Bank Holiday traffic. Just hope no one else has thought of that! 🙄

Yesterday didn’t turn out too bad, yes, the weather was bad but we braved it. Had a wander around the Lanes in between showers, very quaint but just full of jewellery shops, I’m not a jewellery person so wasn’t interested in all the sparkly baubles in the windows. When the weather started to defeat us we headed to the Royal Pavilion. It was full of French teenagers who weren’t interested and kept blocking the way! It was ok, it’s no Versailles, thank goodness, but did have a feel of the same grotesque opulence in some rooms. It does nothing for me but the kitchens, that’s a different matter. I don’t think I’m descended from royalty, more likely the scullery maid! It filled an hour. Decamped back to the hotel for lunch and a read/nap. At 4pm the sun was shining and the wind was howling so we went onto the sea front, more French children, this time younger, obviously a popular place for French school trips. Bur there was plenty of space for everyone. The waves were crashing and put a great show on for us. We couldn’t hardly stand up it was so gusty. Good fun though and we got lots of photos inbetween getting sprayed by the sea!

Must dash, have a good Good Friday and don’t eat all the Hot Cross Buns!


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5.1 for me.
Strange, but since stopping Metformin I seem to be get lower readings.
Morning! Just doesn't feel good! Worst night of phantom pain this year. Bizarre as the stress of earlier in the week had gone and I had had a really good physio session - maybe I pushed too hard I do not know. Pain started as a sensation of being stabbed through the heel then became one through the centre of the foot! And by 2:00 it spresd to the other foot but I suspect it was my brain getting confused after all phantom pain makes no sense as your eyes can see the limb is not there! Oh, BG 7.4

Cloudy but bright!
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Morning folks. :D 6.4 here.

Doing a basal test today, lots of low-energy-use activities lined up - reading, home office tidying, shredding, filing. Hopefully, I’ll manage to test two basal rate time slots. I say hopefully because after about seven hours I feel dreadful and have to stop. I’m trying to focus on the benefits!

Happy Good Friday ev1. 🙂
Morning everyone

I’m starting this fine sunny morning with a 5.6 and am currently packing before breakfast and then heading off home.

Have a good day everyone and stay well.

Typical, a day off of work, but could I lie in, no I couldn’t. Anyway 7.3 today and a cake to make, housework to do, will fit in some crotchet and/or knitting, possibly some reading.

@Eternal422 - loving the camper van

@eggyg - pleased to hear you didn’t get blown away, safe journey back hi,e

@MeeTooTeeTo - congratulations on yesterday’s HS.
Pretty calm out there at the moment after yesterday's wind and rain. Got a bit wet having to use the bus to the dentist for my hygienist appointment, then again walking the 200-odd yards to the pool afterwards. Fortunately it had pretty well stopped by the time I was done but I was still glad to get home, into the warm and dry and get some lunch down me. Only managed 16 lengths instead of my usual 20 as I had one eye on the clock and didn't want to miss my bus back.

Weather's wrecked our eldest's plans for a round of golf today as the course is waterlogged, but my wife and I are planning to nip over to Henley-on-Thames as only occasional showers are forecast. No Good Friday Bank Holiday off for our youngest, apart from Easter Sunday of course, as he has a 6-10 shift at Sainsbury's.

@eggyg - Hope it's a stress-free trip home. Shame you weren't able to take in Chockywockydodah as it's closed down. It was always a must see in Brighton.

5.5 on the meter this morning. Enjoy Good Friday and hope no one's been left mopping up.
A 4.9 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning all. 4.2 after a restless night with a chesty cough i've had for almost a week which isn't clearing.

Everyone seemed to have rain yesterday. We called in at Durham on the way home from a few days away. It was beautiful, the sun was shining and it was quite warm. We had rain driving home though, that was bad with the spray. @eggyg have a safe journey home.

Today i need to do a shop as we've not much in then call round and see mum. Have a good day everyone.
Last morning of holiday today, all flights in and out of the island were cancelled yesterday so I’m hoping they’re running today.

Granola again, will have got the carbs wrong again as per every morning but it’s the last day and it is delicious. I did ask if they buy or make it and it’s homemade.


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