Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all

After a restless night, my bg came in at a 5.0 much earlier this morning.

Have a good day folks and stay safe.
Good morning! 6.2 and one of the flattest I have seen! 🙂

Physio later.

Grey, wet and breezy!

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So after reducing insulin and having extra carbs for physio I never got there yet again as Patient Transport let me down. I am going to contact PALS about it as I only get an hour a week and bever a month goes by without missing an appointment. East of Nowhere came out of Special Measures and actually seem worse. Not that they were that good under Special Measures (whatever that actually is). In fact I think what is needed is increased funding and extra training for some controllers. The ones I spoke to yesterday (hour late for appointment) and today were excellent but a few are far from! (very annoyed emoji)
5.8 for me this morning. I was doing so well yesterday up until I had a g&t and then I decided to have crackers and a snickers bar. Oops! Still all Easter chocolate gone
(and hopefully my period will hurry up and start properly so I'm less tempted by chocolate - the first copper coil I had a few years ago, periods would be long but start quickly with a long tail. This one which I've had for about 10 months seems to have caused a very long slow start most months instead...)

I used to like (in the late 90s) tiny tshirts that showed my belly, but often paired with short checked dungarees. There is a photo somewhere but I shan't be posting it if I come across it :rofl:

Like this? 🙂

I love hearing about all the different things we used to wear.
I’m still hunting for the photo. Thought I knew where it was but no. We have 100s and 100s of “real” photos, dozens of slides and 1000s of digital! 😱 This is definitely a “real” photo though as it was taken in a Blackpool B&B in 1981, we went for the weekend with friends to celebrate our 1st wedding anniversary, ( £5 each per night) I just need to lay my hands on it
The tops were more scoop neck then v neck and short dungarees rather than shorts, but not far off :rofl:

I was very slim in my teens/early twenties (28" waist) and had a pair of multi-coloured striped jeans. I have a photo somewhere as I was not there when my house was cleared with various things being stored or tossed! Felt seriously out of control! :(
It’s been a while since I last checked in here. 😳

Just back from my endocrinology appointment in Holywood, incidentally the town near Belfast that the golfer Rory McIlroy hails from, & a bit of an exhausted wreck: as usual I couldn’t sleep last night before a medical appointment; was a chatterbox with the hospital transport driver on the way up & dozing in tiredness on the way back down! 😳🙄

I was even more tired than usual as a sudden cycle just started yesterday afternoon, last one was about a year ago, & heaviest, more tiring, in the first 24 hours! 🙄 Talk about bad timing! :rofl:

It went anticlimatically well with just a blood test & a liver scan ordered to which I’ll get a letter in the post. The doctor said my liver has improved a lot & been very stable. He asked me what changes I had made & I told him I had made a lot of changes a few times to my diet over the decade plus since my first diagnosis of fatty liver with a mainly vegetarian diet with some protein of mainly fish or chicken & low fat, of which I had switched back & forth a bit between low fat spreads & went back to butter as trans fats can be bad: tried it both ways & butter in little quantities has been better for my liver AND tastes a lot better too! 🙂

Now going to crash & sleep as I was hit by a double whammy of tiredness with anxious sleeplessness last night & the first 24 hours of a heavy menopausal cycle! A Stream of Zs emoji!

After last night’s carb fest (crisps and beer!) I was quite pleased to see this.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.7 !

Another dreadful night with my wife not well at all. I am hoping that today will be better.
Good morning on this very wet Friday. 5.4, the lowest I’ve been for yonks!

Got three of the grandchildren, 11, 6 and 3, sleeping over tonight, Zara is going home tomorrow but the other two are staying another night. Poppy and Sadie will arrive at 9.30 as mum going to work. Zara will arrive with mummy and baby Eden at lunch time. I’ve made cauliflower cheese soup. They all love it. It’s a shame the forecast is absolutely awful, rain and gusts of up to 70mph tomorrow and maybe Sunday. No playing in tne garden or going for walks unfortunately.

Congratulations @harbottle on your HS.

Have a fab Friday everyone.
Good morning! A 7.7 (est. ~6.7 on the finger) for me after an awful night. I had a bad bout of phantom pain started about 6:00pm and despite multiple pain killers I did not get to sleep until around 2:15am. Still tired!

Never got to physio. It was looking as if going to only get there for the last thirty minutes so I went down to the foyer to meet it only to see a Patient Transport leaving the car park. As doorbell was not rung, no missed call and/or message on phone, etc. I put in a formal complaint. So far all they have found is journey aborted, and return cancelled, without any reason being given. All of which is against procedures. Person I spoke with showed empathy and checking was was shocked at litany of missed appointments.

Appointment this afternoon but going by taxi thankfully.

Breezy, grey, damp,, in fact just miserable! :(