Group 7-day waking average?



Two weeks of no Metformin and it seems to be making very little discernible difference.
Morning all. And drum roll please. A lesser spotted 5.2! And a unicorn AND a flatfish. The cold has finally abated.

Two youngest of the granddaughters are up and firmly ensconced in front of CBEEBIES with a bowl of cornflakes and I can hopefully have my breakfast in peace! 11 year old still in bed training to be a teenager. Mr Eggy awake but still in his pit, “recuperating”….. from being in bed for eight hours! He’s not a morning person. 🙄

Wind having a practice run for Kathleen coming later this morning, hoping it’s not as bad as forecast. More fun trying to entertain the kids indoors, I did promise they could do “crafts” today. Oh dear!

Have a super duper Saturday.


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Good morning! 6´2.

Yesterday I planned to do my monthly money checks in between shifts but didn´t have time and I did them when I came back at night. I usually do them the 1st of the month so I´m my mind I was a bit behind. They are not actually urgent and I should have gone to bed earlier instead, but was feeling stubborn. Of course I was tired and missed a whole section of expenses. Thank goodness I was just tracking and not making any payments! 🙄

Enjoy your Saturday. I was led to believe I had Sunday, Monday and Tuesday all off and was half planning an improvised "weekend" away but they chucked a shift on Monday. Still feeling good I am free tomorrow.
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5.8 on what should be a bright and sunny start to the day here according to the BBC, but it's overcast and there's hardly any blue sky or sunshine yet. Who'd be a weather forecaster, eh?

Congrats @eggyg on your HS this morning and pleased that you seem to be over your cold. Hope Kathleen doesn't spoil your plans for the day. Due to arrive with you late morning by all accounts.

@harbottle - pleased to hear that your numbers are still good despite dropping the meds.

Have a good start to the weekend everyone, and batten down the hatches those due a battering. When I said that to my daughter, who lives in Swansea, she said 'what storm?' She might find out shortly.

5.6 so pleased with that. Plans today are light housework and knit and natter. Got to see my friend’s new baby yesterday, he is absolutely beautiful. Currently sunny here and predicted to be a reasonable day, but all that might change.

@eggyg - congratulations on your HS.
Well done @eggyg on that HS. A 5.7 for me this morning. 🙂
Stay safe everyone wherever you are.

Just got back from my walk around the local park and bumped into a dog walker who we used to regularly see and her mother before that who I presumed had died years ago as had not seen her mum for well over 10 years.
She told me her mum had died but only in February at the wonderful age of 101and had always walked for as long as she could.
Her daughter has inherited her genes and averages over 20k steps every day as part of her routine a real nice story to start the w/ end.
5.8 on what should be a bright and sunny start to the day here according to the BBC, but it's overcast and there's hardly any blue sky or sunshine yet. Who'd be a weather forecaster, eh?

@harbottle - pleased to hear that your numbers are still good despite dropping the meds.

I think I've 'slipped through the gaps' at my surgery, possibly because I just got on with it, so they've been pretty much ignoring me.

At my last checkup a few weeks ago the nurse was surprised I was still taking a low dose (500mg) as hba1c had been in the 30s for two years so she told me to stop it and arranged a test for 3 months to see if it's had any effect. (Reducing from 1000mg to 500mg didn't have an effect 2 years ago).

Interestingly, since stopping I feel much more energetic when exercising and other things have 'changed.'
Good morning - 7.9

Have a great day everyone.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.6

Yesterday I walked to Blackpool and on and on, a total of 300 minutes (yes, 5 hours !!!). It helped a lot to think things through and to calm down and regain my peace. All is well again at home too. I am still a bit knackered after all that walking.

Today much less walking if my blisters will allow it.

Friend is coming to tea before he sets off for Uganda for a month

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Moooorning! 🙂 6.1 here.

Well, duw duw, yesterday’s Welsh course was a riot of creativity. We ended up writing Welsh! We had an actress in the group (almost famous, according to google) who was a natural - all that drama training, obviously. And we read the most moving lullaby dedicated to the children trapped in, am ddiwrnod / what a day!

Enjoy your crafting @eggyg. 🙂

Great work @harbottle. You’re a “quietly getting on with it” inspiration.
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7.1 this morning.

Left Kangaroo Island on the 10:30am ferry and handed over “Mali” in Adelaide at 2:30pm. Now in our city centre hotel, complimentary cocktail and contemplating whether to go out to eat or just munch on a few snacks as neither of us feels hungry.

Take care everyone!
Morning everyone,

It’s a 5.9 for me today and the sun is shining and my porridge is nearly ready.

Have a great day everyone and stay safe.
Morning all and 6.9 for me.

Bit of a breeze outside but I think we are not expecting much else in these parts

I suspect the supermarket beckons.

Have a good day everyone.
No breeze here at all. And it’s warm. I even contemplated no jacket/hoodie but that’s a bit too much of a risk I think.