Group 7-day waking average?

@eggyg I rarely watch the news these days. I do listen to it on the radio and read it in newspapers (online) but watching it is too much often. Reading or listening to it seems less full on somehow. Maybe that would work for you?
Good morning everyone. An undeserved 5'2 after a huge dinner spike. Crisps and similar savoury snacks are hard for me to stop eating once I start. I'm usually better off with sweets treats where I find a small portion satisfying enough.

Managed another stretch of basal testing yesterday morning. I said I wouldn't do it on a morning where I work, but then I admitted if I'm not working I won't get up early to check this times. Plus, I work more mornings than not so those are more "realistic" circumstances for the test. It felt like a loooong morning but skipping breakfast at home meant I could sleep a bit longer and I appreciate that, so I thought, let's repeat that part. Nope. I had to grab something before I left home. I know many people who can't stomach more than a coffee first thing in the morning, I am used and able to have breakfast when I wake up, wether that's 9 am or 5 am.
Congrats on your HS.

@Elenka_HM and @ColinUK - congratulations on your HS today.

@Lucyr - sending you hugs. We will all be here if you need to talk.

As for me still full of a cough and cold, as is my mum and granddaughters so guessing we all caught it off a family member at our Easter egg hunt. 6.9 so a slight improvement, not really much improvement in my eating but I will tackle that once I feel well.
Morning all and 5.9 for me.

Renewed my membership of the Stupid Club this morning. Injected some randomly large amount of Novo pre breakfast, so four slices of toast and marmalade it was. All ok so far.

Have a good day everyone.
5.6 on a bright but overcast Berkshire morning but thankfully no rain in the forecast. Swim later, as usual on a Thursday, and maybe lunch in town afterwards, but otherwise nothing special planned.

Well done @Elenka_HM & @ColinUK on your 5.2s.

@eggyg & @Wendal - To me it feels like the pandemic drew a line under everything and since then nothing has been the same as it was before, nor ever will be again.

Elenka - your mention of pesky flies reminds me of when we were in NZ in 1993. I'd had a swim in our motel's pool and afterwards hung my swim shorts out to dry outside our apartment. Next time I put them on I had to whip them off pretty sharpish just seconds later - I'd been bitten in a dozen places. They got a good spraying with insect repellent after that. Sandflies, someone suggested.

Whatever your plans, have a good day.
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Good morning all, it was a 5.8 for me earlier this fine and slightly warmer morning.

Have a good rest of the day folks.
Morning all - another dull grey day - willl it ever be any different?

8.2 with a flat line but only 32% TIR. I just don't know what's gone wrong, nor how to put it right! I think I might try to have a chat with my DSN, except of course it's Friday and I probably shan't be able to get hold of them.

This morning I had a message from the NHS regarding a referrral. I had to jump through some hoops with seconds to enter a code number into a referral number but it was impossible in the time given and at the end of it all (several times doing it) it just asked if I would go anywhere for in Englnd this referral. I'm none the wiser!

Yes, it does seem like the pandemic drew a line under things - particularly anything to do with the NHS. Our GP was like a lovely old fashioned family Doctor's practice... it's like a sardine factory now. Yesterday I resigned from the Patient Panel - waste of time.

Congratulations to @Elenka_HM and @ColinUK

Wonder how Miguel81 and Kaylz are this morning.

Have a good day all
:rofl: I remember the Frontera!
Couldn't believe it when I saw this. Look what's on its way back..........

Didn't get time to come on yesterday was busy helping hubby with painting he hates gloss work, I had a 3.9 yesterday and 3.2 this morning but the Libre has gone completely off the chart, today before my lunch which was a sausage roll first I've had for months carbs said 20 grams, libre said 6.1, 2 hours later it was 13.8 you can imagine i was shocked finger prick said 9. ive took it off its got 3 days left. not going to bother phoning abbott this time.

congrats to al the HS people over the last 2 days x
Good morning! 9.9 but hoping it will drop as spiked somewhat. Replacement day for this hi-reading sensor tomorrow (Saturday). Woke up from one of my recurrent nightmares (I am being held down kicking and swearing as they cut off my leg). Should probably have had tea but went for a caffeine fix but would have preferred a double Laphroaig 10 y.o. Wonder if I could get it on prescription if it proves more effective than Gabapentin (Note - you should never mix it with alcohol {skull and crossbones emoji}).

Only financial balancing today! :(

Dark outside but dampish smell through kitchen window!
Good morning everyone

BG 4.7

A strange and rather upsetting day yesterday. My wife just wasn't communicating or connecting at all. It felt like she was angry/moody/distant all day. I am not sure that she is taking her meds which is worrying.

No walk, I just didn't feel like it!!!

Let's hope today is a better day and less of the constant rain!
Morning a 6.6 for me after a steady decline overnight but did not take any correction as still in range so acted as it had previous night.
Couple of early meetings and a trip to Penny Lane in Liverpool and a lunch at Sefton Park so a routine day and then the w/ end.
So Pizza and assuming an odd trip out but hoping rain stops- talking to our farming family the soggy ground is really causing issues.
Plus we had a half whisky barrel delivered as our old one has rotted away.We could have bought locally really cheap but it is transporting the thing so we got one online but sorting that out is one of w/ end jobs.
I can’t sing but I can see a whole chorus of Penny Lane and Roll out the Barrel if I get the chance
Morning all. 9.6 after a spike overnight. Either the alarm didn't go off or i didn't hear it. So glad its Friday.
Good morning my Friday folks. A very nice 5.3.

Damp, again! Yesterday was dry for the most of the day and got all washing dry. That makes me happy (I really ought to get a life! ). Mr Eggy got in the garden and greenhouse. Carrots transferred into the garden from the greenhouse and leeks sown directly into the soil. Tomatoes potted onto bigger pots. So, he’s happy too. It’s the simple things sometimes isn’t it?

11 and 6 year old granddaughters will be here at 9.30, 3 year old and 10 week old, plus mummy, will be here at lunch time. Instead of making different sandwiches for six, I’m making mac ‘n’ cheese with hotdogs chopped in. The thought is turning my stomach, I’m having a sandwich!

@Wendal our farming family are having a ‘mare with this weather too. They’re starting lambing soon and soggy fields aren’t good for wee lambs!

Have a fab Friday. It’s the blooming weekend, again, will the weather behave it’s self?