Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone! 5'4 yesterday, 6'9 today.

Got the nice surprise that a mate from Manchester was in my town yesterday and I was off work. What are the odds?? We had a cup of tea in my house and a drink later. I mentioned I'd like to visit Scotland this year and she suggested a stop in Manchester, which would split the journey nicely and is also another new place for me. Nothing planned yet but starting to get excited about it!
A 4.9 for me earlier this morning and the sun is shining....
We had the “it’s not an early wake honest” family party today, chance to have everyone round. Nice to see people but absolutely knackered now. Eaten random bits of food and not really bolused and now 6.9 so that seems to have worked out well.
Good morning everyone. First up I think.

In spite of my bad news BG 5.2

Yesterday was hell. My wife spent the whole afternoon in my arms crying/wailing her heart out. She is terrified of something and has become quite distant and unconnected. This is very very sad and, to be honest, I do not know what to do nor how to help her as she won't accept help from anyone... except ... she has asked me to ask our pastor to come and pray for her.

To be quite blunt and honest right now I don't really care about my own medical conditions although I am keeping going.

And to cap it all we have another storm raging outside! Sigh.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning,! A 6.6 today. Hopefully a good day then as it's the Angel number and Michael is the Archangel. Always wanted to drive Route 66 but can't see that happening now

Undisturbed night once I got to sleep as when I grabbed a bit of sun yesterday I got an hour next bite on the back of my hand and it itched fury! Putting in under cold water eased it but ss it warmed up the itching intensified.

Early doors podiatry today so crossing fingers (appropriate emoji here) Patient Transport turn up in timely manner.

There were some patches if blue sky 15 minutes ago but now continuous cloud cover! :(
Good morning from Warsaw.
The scores from the Polish jury are as follows…

Colin gets 6.5 points

Flight was delayed a bit yesterday but made up time with a belter of a tailwind. Checked in at the hotel (which is fine) and went for a stroll to get my bearings etc

Room has a view of the Palace of Culture. Built by the communist regime it was the tallest building in Poland at the time.IMG_1018.jpeg

Hotel is just outside the ghetto walls as evidenced by this which is just outside the entrance:

And I’m loving some of the English translations. This is from a cafe menu:

Should be meeting Max this morning as he arrived in town very late last night from Kraków and then more exploring!
Good morning - 8.6

Have a great day everyone.
Morning so sorry to hear of your trials and tribulations Gwynn and hope your wife finds some comfort and can somehow find somehow she can help lessen whatever burden she is carrying.
A 7.3 for me and taking the first dog out was bad enough with rain so I had to carry him( he is the heaviest) and then let him walk back and he hates the rain.
But the second one which I always have to carry ( she hates going out and I like to cuddle her) was simply horrible walking back to the house and thunder,lightening and the hail, almost biblical in intensity got me soaking in literally moments.
Probably payback for having such a good w/ end but starting to clear up now.
Let us hope the rest of your week is much better than my start lol
Good morning on this blustery and damp morning. 5.7 and a rare unicorn.

We got out for a short walk yesterday in between gusty winds and showers, more of the same today I’m afraid. At least we ( the royal we) got the lawn mowed. It looks so much better hadn’t realised how long the grass was. No plans today, a bit laundry maybe, Mr Eggy going into town to bank some Camera Club money, or so he says, I suspect he’s going to buy a birthday card and/or present for me. I’ve told him not to buy me anything as I got an expensive camera last month but he will probably buy me a book so I’ve something to open on the day. I can’t believe it’s come round again! Only two more years until my state pension, then I will be really OLD! But at least I’ll get a bus pass. Every cloud.

See you all tomorrow.
5.8 for me…
Now getting in for over three weeks with Metformin.
Maybe seeing slightly higher readings, but not sure.
Do it! Do it! Do it! And take pictures of the result!

And I dare anyone to criticise your baking efforts today.
I was too tired to make cake yesterday but I might do it tonight. He has a specialist appointment today so might learn more then.

Was 6.3 at 4am and 8.2 halfway through my omelette now so let’s call it 7 this morning.