Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all - mostly sunny and people mowing lawns! Cold wind though.

10.2 this morning and no idea why. Dinner last night was ham hock with new potatoes, spinach and roast carrots. BG went down afterwards. Need to tweak overnight basals methinks.

Lovely photos Colin! Unusual breakfast! Glad you are enjoying yourself. Need to think what I need to pack for our little weekend jaunt. I suspect it'll be winter clothes! Cardiff is unlikely to be a lot warmer than it is here.

Meantime meeting friends early evening for our usual Wednesday jolly.

Have a lovely day all.
@Lucyr you’ve had a lot of stress and now some of it has been released. So it’s not surprising that you were holding things in and now they can come out. It’s healthy. Let those tears flow.
@Lucyr you’ve had a lot of stress and now some of it has been released. So it’s not surprising that you were holding things in and now they can come out. It’s healthy. Let those tears flow.
It’s weird that it’s when there’s some relief that the stress escapes though. I was so much more on top of things at work before getting the relief of not dying this week.

Attempting to recharge a bit today, hopefully a couple of days recharging then I’ll be back.
Bit late in posting today folks .Had a busy day with a meeting at mother's care home .Total waste of time Have to revert to plan b Anyway it was a 7.0 at 7am . Early for me .After all those years getting up at 4 am and doing 12 miles to get to work..put a shift in before I got there .Stay safe folks.
Morning a 6.8 for me but a unicorn to start with after just dipping below 10 in time on a couple of occasions without me having to go for a walk.
Another quiet day but cold dry start which I love but my wife hates and wants the heating on.
Have a great day and show everyone a warm heart to melt the cold away
Good morning everyone

BG 5.0

Things have gone very pear shaped here which I may explain later.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning. Clickety click 6.6, and a unicorn.

A very cold morning, just above freezing according to my weather thingy outside. Lawns and cars are white with frost. Like @Wendal I like the cold mornings and I haven’t switched the heating on but if Mr Eggy appears anytime soon it’ll be on! He’s a cold fish.

Had surprise visitors yesterday, at separate times, to deliver me presents for my forthcoming birthday, I’m a lucky girl, flowers, a house plant ( hope I don’t kill it) fizzy alcohol and smellies, for me and the house. Maybe getting older isn’t that bad.😉

No plans today, a bit pootling about the house and garden maybe, Mr Eggy will be out and about, haircut, mother’s, and Camera Club stuff. Thank goodness the season finishes with the annual dinner next Tuesday, it’s harder work than when he worked! He loves it though, he’s been elected chairman for the new season, he’s even got a ceremonial medal thingy on a ribbon for around his neck! Wonder if I get a matching one as his consort and do I need to wear a ball gown at the dinner?:rofl:

That’s me for now, the last day before I enter my 65th year. “Will you still need me, will you still feed me when I’m 64?” 😛
Morning all, 8.4 here, that’ll be the piece of ginger cake I had at bedtime to raise my levels being a bit bigger than needed.
Went to Bristol and back to visit family yesterday, and stopped at my second favourite motorway service station for a coffee on the way back. (Favourite is Tebay, obvs, but the Gloucester services are run by the Tebay lot, and are just as good, without the views).
Got to the shop checkout and realised a ginger cake had mysteriously insinuated itself into my basket. How refreshing to have a cake stuffed with stem ginger, and not containing any ingredients I wouldn’t have put in if I was making it at home.
Morning all. 6.3

Only 19,371 steps yesterday.

Delicious breakfast


Followed by Warsaw Rising Museum which was good but confusing somewhat

Tour of the Old Town and found this in a public loo..
It’s the power switching gear that ran the first escalators in Poland. The loo is in the same building. They’re still quite proud of the escalators.

This was supper. Guess away!
Morning all. 🙂 7.6 here.

Thursday already? The weeks are flying by!

Quinoa in a jar @ColinUK?! Did you manage to finish it?

Sending more (((hugs))) @Lucyr. Glad to hear your dad’s treatment is starting so soon.

I really hope things improve asap @Gwynn. You need a break!
Great pics @ColinUK

Sending you big hugs @Lucyr

A crisp start and a 6.2 for me. Chilly out, but the sun is shining.
Good morning 7.1 today

Have a fabulous day everyone 😎
Morning all. 6.3

Only 19,371 steps yesterday.

Delicious breakfast

View attachment 30025

Followed by Warsaw Rising Museum which was good but confusing somewhat
View attachment 30026

Tour of the Old Town and found this in a public loo..
View attachment 30027
It’s the power switching gear that ran the first escalators in Poland. The loo is in the same building. They’re still quite proud of the escalators.

This was supper. Guess away!
View attachment 30028
A 6.1 for me today. Grey and overcast here but no rain predicted (famous last words). 🙂

Took a step back onto the right side of the border this morning with a 5.9 but I suppose it's as close to yesterday's 6.1 as makes no difference. Psychologically though it always feels good to see 5s.

Yesterday's plans went out the window. Trip to the recycling centre cancelled as our eldest decided to go into the office, which left me with no car. Got the laundry done but a cold wind meant it wouldn't have dried on the line so tumble dryer got a workout. The best laid plans and all that......

Trip to Vauxhall dealer this morning to pick up new car key. Lost a button on mine so can't lock the car remotely any more.

Blue sky and sunshine here but still cool. Have a good day all.
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Morning 6.7

Feeling a bit better, headaches gone but sore throat and still knackered so off work again. Going to take my dad to buy some new trousers, he wants some smaller ones ideally with an elasticated waist for some allowance if he puts any weight back on. Hes ideally not wanting his pants to fall down in public which is a current risk.
Good morning! Reasonably happy with a 9.4 this morning. It was also 9.4 yesterday but 7.4 Tuesday. I haven't posted on this thread for a few days as I have been quite unwell. I woke early on Tuesday feeling somewhat squiffy so scanned a few times with Libre until I got a reading of 7.4. However, I was having difficulty focusing and then the room started spinning as in old Avengers and Daggerman episodes and I threw up big time. I found if I kept my eyes closed it wasn't too bad but if I opened them things started either flicking sideways or spinning and 30 seconds later I was sick again. This lasted quite a few hours and I nearly called the paramedics. Getting to the bathroom was a nightmare as I had to transfer with only one eye open and looking at the floor (nice tiles in this bathroom! 🙂 ). I suspect it was food poisoning as the toilet blocked! :( The vertigo gradually eased and was more or less done by lunchtime. I only sipped water all day and despite no insulin my BG hovered around 10 (I have had hypos with vomiting and it is downright scary). I took low doses of Actrapid and Isophane but only water and things held overnight. Yesterday I had a slice of toast with black tea for breakfast, a saltbeef sandwich and a diet coke for lunch, and a cuppa soup and slice of toast for summer. Will try to normalise a bit more today.

Cancelled today's physio as totally washed out and wary if it is a nasty 24 hour bug I don't want to spread!

Broken cloud and sun, but sun will be around the corner by 9:30! 🙂

@ColinUK I think it is a beetroot dish. They like their beets in Poland. I have had Borscht soup which was more pleasant than you would think! 🙂
Morning all, 8.4 here, that’ll be the piece of ginger cake I had at bedtime to raise my levels being a bit bigger than needed.
Went to Bristol and back to visit family yesterday, and stopped at my second favourite motorway service station for a coffee on the way back. (Favourite is Tebay, obvs, but the Gloucester services are run by the Tebay lot, and are just as good, without the views).
Got to the shop checkout and realised a ginger cake had mysteriously insinuated itself into my basket. How refreshing to have a cake stuffed with stem ginger, and not containing any ingredients I wouldn’t have put in if I was making it at home.
It is always worth stopping there even if you don't really need to. Why can't they all be like that, an enjoyable experience rather than torture and same old same old.