Group 7-day waking average?

No blue sky and sunshine this morning, just 10/10ths cloud and light rain.

Glad you enjoyed your lamb dinner @eggyg - I enjoyed ours, too. Not a scrap of the slow-cooked lamb left afterwards (well, there were 5 of us) and for the first time I managed to cook the roasted vegetables just right. My food diary says I've averaged 5.7 post-prandial for that meal but I tested out of curiosity just to see if that was still the case and got 5.8, so I wasted a lancet and test strip. Won't bother next time.

Got my invite for a covid booster and booked it for next Thursday. Also got an invite this morning for my annual diabetic review, so need to book that too.

Congrats @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS. Not joining you, I'm afraid - 5.7 this morning.

Have a good start to the week, all.
10.4 This morning. They we good from midnight to eight this morning. I had a nasty spike last night after dinner - we had stir-fry (no rice or noodles) and a crust but my BG response was to rise from 7 to 15.6!

My BG have been relatively high (12 - 14) for a few days and nights, even though I've had extra bolus and low-carb meals. They only dropped to 6.7 yesterday afternoon. I hadn't been having noticeably higher carb than usual.
Morning all. Wow, i'm first up!! 2.9!!! I thought it was a compression low as i woke lying on my sensor but no, finger prick confirmed and graph shows i've been low since around 3am. Its made a big mess of my TIR. I'll reduce basal again tonight.
These last few months have been very difficult, especially this last fortnight, as my wifes mental health was deteriorating rapidly. The police had to get involved at one point as we had no idea where my wife had disappeared to. They found her last night. There has been a mental health assessment done overnight and she is to be 'hospitalised'. Tough as it may be, it is good news as she will get the help she so desperately needs. Her 'problems' have been going on for as long as I have known her, getting progressively worse. Nasty illness.

And you think diabetes is 'hard'?

BG 5.4

I think my blood pressure has been through the roof. I know my pulse was last night as I recorded 120bpm and my heart was thumping in my ears!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing

Oh, just tested my blood pressure. It is high at 137/81 Probably way better than last night.
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Good morning 7.9 today, 6.6 yesterday

Have a great day everybody 😎
These last few months have been very difficult, especially this last fortnight, as my wifes mental health was deteriorating rapidly. The police had to get involved at one point as we had no idea where my wife had disappeared to. They found her last night. There has been a mental health assessment done overnight and she is to be 'hospitalised'. Tough as it may be, it is good news as she will get the help she so desperately needs. Her 'problems' have been going on for as long as I have known her, getting progressively worse. Nasty illness.

And you think diabetes is 'hard'?

BG 5.4

I think my blood pressure has been through the roof. I know my pulse was last night as I recorded 120bpm and my heart was thumping in my ears!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Gwynn. So sorry to hear about your wife’s situation and your difficult recent weeks but hope your wife at least will get more help in managing her MH.
A 7.1 for me after again spiking high before going to bed and must make more effort to have a less carby meal for tea even if I do enjoy them.
Commuting into Manchester fir a few days but today is shortest day so nice introduction to Meeting and hope you all have a good day.
Morning all. 5.6.

Had a telephone appointment with DSN yesterday to discuss results of my annual review. HbA1c 50, again, third or fourth year on the trot, weight down, BP down, cholesterol up! She’s not concerned as she knows I can’t tolerate statins and I’m on a fibrate and they can’t be taken together. I have to have another blood test as my red blood cell count is higher than “normal” for me, it’s always high as I don’t have a spleen, but this time it was of more concern. I explained I’d just recovered from a rotten cold, cold sores and conjunctivitis days before my blood tests but I still have to redo it. Damn. I’ll get a letter, they can’t be that concerned or they’d have had me in straight away. Otherwise she’s pleased with me. She’s says I seem to know what I’m doing. It’s a good job isn’t it? Top of the class again.😛

A pleasant day forecast. No plans as we’re going out tonight. Camera Club annual dinner, it’s usually in a local establishment but this year it’s taking place in the community centre where the club nights are held. They’ve got caterers in but we have to go early ( 6ish) to help set up, Mr Eggy is the new chairman so needs to be there. My afternoon will be spent, partly in a bubbly bath, and then nail varnishing and trying to make myself look presentable! I don’t go out much these days so getting dressed up and made up takes longer that it used to. 😉

@Gwynn I know it’s a cliche but your wife is now safe and in the right place to help her through this tough time. Take care of yourself.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning! A 4.3 this morning passing through 5.2 about 4:30am.

Nothing on today bar trying to deal with utilities. Why can they not have general email addresses so you don't waste your life navigating their websites or listening to MOH and daft repetitive messages. does. There has to be a better way! Are you listening Affinity Water an d BG? :(

Wall to wall grey cloud! Cool (the temperature NOT the cloud)!
Good morning. 7.2. Rather a grey day and a bit chilly. Ruddy flare going up not down so feeling sorry for myself.

Spent all day yesterday getting solicitor up to speed and estate agent engaged to value and sell house. Then 4 hours trying to get a final resolution on dispersal of loot as, without a doubt, solicitor is just plain wrong in her initial view. Sadly so many of my old cronies have died off that I cannot think of a survivor who might have a clue - very few barristers get their fees from such work. Its a bit of a niche market.

Just been on web and ordered books on succession law ...

@Gwynn Hope your wife improves quickly and that you are reassured now she is in the right place to get help.

Hope everyone has a good day.
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Morning all. 🙂 4.9 here.

(((Hugs)))) @Gwynn - I hope your wife gets the treatment she needs now, and you get some time to look after yourself.

Got the boiler bloke and a bathroom fitter coming round this afternoon. Looking forward to getting the bathroom done - it’s a bodge job that’s impossible to keep clean.
Morning all. Had a very quiet, somewhat tearful, day yesterday. Was first Seder night last night which I absented myself from but mum’s hosting second Seder tonight and I’m going to that. I’ll stay over so I can help them clear up tomorrow.


I’m getting stressed about the CICA “independent” assessment that’s due next week. They’ve had access to my full medical records and any additional therapy type notes that aren’t in my main records but apparently that’s not enough for them to agree I’ve got ptsd and qualify for compensation.
I’ve an appointment later this week with a solicitors firm that specialise in working with survivors on a whole range of issues including CICA claims so that should help alleviate fears. I’ve also got a catch up with my ISVA on Monday and I might have had news from the police by then about whether the case file has been passed to the CPS yet.
@Gwynn I can’t imagine how upsetting this has been for you, and for your wife.
I’m sure you know that now that she’s going to be hospitalised she will be able to get the help she so desperately needs and that you can also hopefully get some respite as well.
Got the results of my recent Eye Screening Test yesterday, " have no diabetic retinopathy and so you will be moved to the low risk pathway and be screened every 2 years...". :D
And a 5.1 for me today.
And Happy St George's Day to those who celebrate it.

Damp start but sun's out now and it looks like it might be a decent day. Hope so as it's the bus to the pool today as no one's WFH. Our eldest had to go in as his French boss is over for a couple of days.

After receiving a text yesterday to book my diabetic review I went online and there were no convenient appointment times until well into May, so it's on 28th. Similar thing happened when our youngest tried to book his car into the Hyundai dealer yesterday, as it's developed a fault, and they can't look at it for 3 weeks. Now trying to find a mobile mechanic, otherwise it's going to have to be one of the local garages.

@Gwynn - sorry to hear about your situation but as others have said, your wife is at least now getting the help she needs.

Happy St George's Day. Have a good one.
6.1 This morning. They're going to be high over the next few days as we're away in Blackpool for a short break.
Ooh. Late morning all, 6.2 here. Forgot to post as I needed to go and do yesterdays food shop, which I didn’t do yesterday because I was walking round the grounds of Hughenden Manor in the rain! Perversely, it’s a lovely sunny morning today!