Group 7-day waking average?

5.0 For me, they were relatively low last night too so I didn't prompt sweets or JB's as I sometimes do before bed, so I was good. Managed to book a GP appointment for the back end of May (well, it was for a long-term heath review). Heard from an old friend this morning, so I am not forgotten.
Morning all.


And today sees the arrival of sniffles which I’m assuming is the start of a cold. Mum mentioned she felt the start of a cold on Sunday and I was at a thing yesterday and a couple of folks had sniffles.
I’ve obviously been recognised as a des res for some pesky germs looking for a new home.
This morning I’ve got my “independent physiological assessment” as requested by CICA. I expect they need it done so that they can find a reason to refuse my claim for compensation but it needs doing so…
Morning all. If I hadn’t faffed about I could have had the dubious honour of being first on! Been awake since 3.50, got up at 4.50. Hovered about 7.2-7.5 in that hour. Holiday insomnia coupled with the dodgy tummy I’ve had for a few days doesn’t lend itself to sleep. Nana nap later, hopefully.

Still dark but the birds are twittering which is nice. Forecast good after yesterday’s cold, wet and very gusty day. It was thoroughly miserable. Last of holiday washing to do and bed to strip today as it’s going to be sunny and up to 18c, blimey, are we getting spring at last? Fingers and toes all crossed, it’s going to be spring 360 miles further north too. I’ll be packing suncream, insect repellent, hats, gloves, thermals, shorts, tee shirts and a picnic blanket. That should cover everything! 😉

Have a good one.

This was us yesterday.


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Good morning - 4.4

My speaking exam went well - or at least I think so! Thanks for the good luck wishes everyone.

Have a great day everyone.
Morning a 7.1 for me and a nice sleep.
Day trip to Bangor today so not Mr popular with the wife as she has to manage dogs whilst we have an electrician in at home all day.
I would get a right shock if somehow she decided to get me wired on my return instead of a normal pick and punch at start of May.
No worries I will get my return in on our Wedding Anniversary a few days later.As you are a bright bunch and I will give you a clue as to my Thought of the Day on that day.
In true Star Wars tradition.May the Fourth be with you.
Anyway have a good day
Up since 3am. Good morning.

BG 5.4

Blood pressure persistently high. Stage 1 hypertension ever since my wife was hospitalised a week ago. Should I contact the GP? High blood pressure is not good I am told.

Today, continuing to tidy and 'unravel' the house!!!
Morning all. 5.6 after a 3u overnight correction due to over treating a stubborn hypo then forgetting to split my bolus for tea which caused a massive spike later. I really don't know what to wear today, the forecast is 18° but the wind is cool and blustery.
Had a staggered sleep & woke twice as I set a second alarm as a last chance to eat before the deadline of 04:45 6 hours before my liver scan at 10:45 this morning. 1st about 21:30 ish last night on BS 8.1 & went conservative for, breakfast both times, & slept to wake just before my 03.45 alarm to cook & eat at 03:35 BS 8.8. Again went conservative on NR as can’t eat until after the scan later, around 11:30 lunchtime? So, I’ve now been awake since then & BS is still running quite high after 2nd breakfast in the 11s but, didn’t fancy going low & having to resort to sugar in water, honey in my case as sugar is one of the things I don’t have in the house with salt being the other, like I had to once when fasting overnight for a day procedure op a few tears ago: that was tedious in the extreme as I had to keep at it as I couldn’t have biscuits to keep BS up after it dropped again; in the early pre dawn hours before my natural cicada rhythm, or DP, exerted itself around 8am & then, it was rising until my op around lunchtime as it was delayed a bit by an emergency! 🙄 Once & never again am I risking the low route when fasting! 😱

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Hospital transport is picking me up at 09:30 for my appointment in Belfast & I’ll cook & box it to eat it after the scan on the way back! 🙂
Morning all. 🙂 5.4 here. Aaah, that’s better...I wonder how long until this basal tweak becomes a tweak too far and I have to un-tweak it. Never a dull moment with diabetes!

It’s filthy out there, ych a fi / yuk. Shame I have to go straight to work this morning instead of dog-walking. 😉 Hubby’ll have to get drenched in my place, tee hee.

Glad to hear it went well @Lily123.
6.8 this morning and now back home after 6 weeks away! Still working a bit on Singapore time, our last stop, but gradually feeling more in line with time here.

Landed yesterday morning at 6:30am, back home by 9am, quick shower and then off to a friend’s funeral (she died whilst we were away). Managed to make the funeral on time and able to support the family who were really pleased we managed to get there.

But on a more upbeat note we have a nest and eggs !



Take care everyone!
5.3 for me on a lovely, sunny Berkshire morning with blue sky all around and not a cloud in sight. It actually felt warm in the sun when I went to get a newspaper. Our garden thermometer is already in double figures and it's forecast to go higher. Might be a one-day wonder, though - thunderstorms are forecast for tomorrow. Typical - you couldn't make it up.

Mechanic arrived yesterday afternoon and fitted a new air-con compressor for our youngest's car, so that's all sorted now, and with our Audi passing its MoT re-test yesterday morning (ie, they checked it had 4 new tyres) it means everything is back to normal as regards cars.

Managed to get to the pool yesterday to make up for missing out last Thursday, and planning to go again later as usual on a Tuesday. Also need to squeeze in trips to the garden centre greengrocer and Sainsbury's, and I have a booking for the recycling centre over in nearby Bracknell this afternoon so I can dump various bits & pieces that have been cluttering up the garden and the garage. What an exciting life I lead.

Hope everyone's getting some of this sunshine today.
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Morning All. 6.2 for me this morning. I think my low alarm went off in the night but it must have been a compression low because I didn't do anything about it. Have a good day everyone x

6.8 today, managed to get out with the running group yesterday, another lady came along who hadn’t been recently so we did a fast walk together, part way through I felt like I wanted to run so that was good.

Today going to see my mum so that will be another 25 min walk home from there, I will get back into this exercise routine.

@Eternal422 - welcome home we will miss following your adventures.
Morning all and 7.5.for me waking levels seem to be stuc in the low to mid sevens. TIR 93% so I think it would be churlish of me to grumble.

Prescription collected, sharps bin disposed of and rehearsal this evening.

Have a good day everyone.