Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 7.0 today

@Gwynn congrats’on the HS & good luck with the bread making
have a great day everyone 😎
Sorry realised haven't posted on. I was going to say dexcom says 7.7 and finger pick says 9.5 (only inserted it yesterday so thought make sure it was working probably) but dex saying caught up. I had a phone call with restart at the moment(really I would be better off not being on the restart it's more unhelpful then helpful really). She said they had heard feedback from my job and they apparently they felt I wasn't performing due compared to the other members of team (just to repeat it had been 6 shifts 3 were cut short so I don't think it's a fair comparison(there's another thing that make it not a fair comparison). I made the mistake of not talking them though dyspraxia even though I have put down though on form. And she was like "this is what I wanted you to talk to you about because that doesn't stop you from worker does it," and I was like "no it but oes effect things where I might need extra support"(meaning things put in place to allow me to do as well as others sometimes that could mean more time to get the same level or other stuff like reasonable adjustments that would be the same for any type of job). She said "because I have friends with dyspraxia and as far as I understand the only real things it affects is your coordination your balancev and your balance" she aslonsaof "you lost two jobs due to your performance"(she won't expect the first one was a misunderstanding or lie even though the person i spoke to at universal credit right it happened did)
4.3 today for me, yay! Finally, back into my normal range!

Did a bit too much yesterday, my wife wanted to look at bathrooms for a future project here and I found getting in and out of the car many times caused quite a bit of discomfort with the catheter. Luckily paracetamol stops the discomfort. Can’t wait to get my appointment and hopefully get rid of the catheter.

@Lily123 - good luck with your exam today!

@Gwynn - glad you had a better call with your wife, good luck with the bread making!

Take care everyone!
A 4.5 for me this morning. 🙂 Best of luck to @Lily123 on your exam today.

Good morning. 6.1

Still hobbling. Thinking of going private again after visiting GP yesterday (my bloke on hols) to find substitute player was an Indian Lady with almost no grasp of English, a strong desire to change the diagnosis of an experienced consultant, and to have my right knee x-rayed, which given the peripatetic nature of palindromic arthritis, seemed a bit dim. Besides obviously of hopeful disposition if she anticipates getting a radiologist's report from the hospital within 6 months...Think spending £600+ on a Consultant appointment and a scan might be a better bet.

Sun out. Yesterday's dog shaving went well so now have an almost bald Wolf. Friend who helped soldier no through the remaining fleece wanted some fish for her pond. I usually have to pump mine down to catch any, but 5 fish in 5 minutes! Large, fat, glistening beasties. Either they have gone stupid over the winter or they have bred some more and it is standing room only.

Have a happy day everyone.
Good morning/moaning! I just wanted to warn people about the antibiotic Doxycycline in case they have not seen my separate posts on it. Doxycycline seriously interferes with the action of insulin (@PattiEvans will confirm) making it super effective one dose and next to useless the next by (I suspect) modifying the profile. For instance this morning I woke at 5.3 and a few hours later it had hit 13.1! (No alarms as signal loss yet again, yet again). The other day I woke at 6.6 and fought hypos most of the morning. Yesterday to add to my woes the big toe nail om my remaining foot came away!:( I am in a seriously bad headspace!
Morning all and 5.8 for me.

Still fine and dry. I've heard the word Morrisons mentioned

Band rehearsals temporarily on hold as our drummer's mum got a late diagnosis of bowel cancer and it's not looking good.

Have a good day everyone.
5.1 for me on another bright and sunny Berkshire morning with another fine & warm day in prospect. Got back on the garden chores yesterday and it was nice to be out in the sunshine in shirtsleeves and minus the usual sweatshirt. Filled two bags with assorted garden waste for the council to pick up today. Still lots to do out there though, front & back. That's a chunk of my day sorted then.

Swim later, as usual on a Thursday, and maybe lunch in town before I head home.

@Lily123 - hope the exam goes well.

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS. You sound a bit more upbeat this morning.

@Elenka_HM - sorry to hear that. Been there myself, and more than once

Hope everyone's getting some of this sunshine today.
Morning all

It’s a 6.1 for me on another beautiful sunny day here in Colchester where I’ve been for the last three days.

Have a great day folks.
Morning all - another day with a diffuse sun coming through a light veil of cloud. It seems we have gone directly from winter into summer. Yesterday afternoon was really hot. We sat in the pub garden wearing shorts in the evening - my little white knees on display for all to see!

4.8 this morning after yesterday's 10.0 and I'd done nothing different. No pattern at all I can see so can't adjust basal. @MikeyBikey it's weeks since I finished Doxycycline and it hasn't settled at all!

Off to Specsaver's for an eye test this afternoon, then Lidl for a grocery shop since they have generously given me a voucher for £5 if I spend £25 which is easily done!

Congrats on your HS @Gwynn and good luck with the bread making.

Another congrats to @Pam123 on your HS.

Good luck to @Lily123 for your exam.

@TinaD hope the flare passes soon. It sounds horrible.

Have a good day all.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.2 yesss
BP has returned to normal but that's due to meds. I will start to wean myself off the meds and see how things go.

Had a lovely call from my wife yesterday evening just slightly marred by her fear that 'other' people have been into the house whilst she is away. It's been a common theme for years. She cannot cope with anyone else in the house, so no visitors for years, not even family, except my one friend. Go figure.

Today I will tackle making bread and not destroying my wifes bread maker. We came up with a genius plan last night so we will try to talk on the phone with her giving guidance as we go. Sounds like it could be fun and a good way to interact. Normally it wouldn't phase me but the bread making machine is most definitely her province!!! So I'd better not wreck it.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Congrads on your HS hope the bread making goes well
afternoon everyone ,5.3 for me this morning just had dinner and post meal result was 5.1 , pretty happy with that going to have a bowl of home made chili no rice for dinner , have a lovely day everyone !!!!
@Elenka_HM - sorry to hear that. Been there myself, and more than once
Any advice to cope in the beginning? I'm curious for a different perspective. The few friends and relatives I have informed suggest chocolate and crying (both of those will be applied in appropriate doses :D).

Couldn’t sleep so I got up, 6.2 today which is ok, aching after 2 yoga sessions, but nice to do yoga again.

Hoping for another nice day today as my granddaughter has been on a school residential trip since Tuesday and most of the activities are outdoors, the weather here has been perfect, as although it is a residential trip it is at an activity centre close to where I live and only about a 10 minute drive from the school her mum works at.
Good morning - 6.3

Thanks for the good luck wishes everyone.

Have a great day everyone.