Group 7-day waking average?

Thank you @Martin.A @khskel @PattiEvans @freesia 🙂

I'm not into poetry but I do like writing, can be helpful. And it is good to remember that there are plenty of other fish, Patti, for those moments where my mind becomes a drama queen and goes all "that's us alone forever then!".

My first partner did actually like to write poetry and when we broke up she said at least the heartbreak would give her some inspiration. I was not proud at all for leaving but sounds like she found a little positive side of the situation...
By the way, 5'8 this morning. Went to the pharmacy after work to collect my prescription, including the pill which I don't think I will need in a while, oops. And being there I asked them to check my blood pressure because I had a text message from the surgery asking for it. I believe is part of their checks to continue my repeat prescriptions. Anyway, I was surprised when they told me I had pretty low BP and asked if I had experienced dizziness or light head recently. I felt unusually tired at work yesterday and this morning, blood sugar was normal so I thought it was the sudden rise of the temperatures. Never thought about low blood pressure! The pharmacist advised to drink plenty of water and said I'm "allowed" to eat a bit more salt.
Hey all.
No idea what my BG is this morning as I’ve not tested for a few days. I’m fine but just didn’t have the emotional bandwidth to deal with the diabetes as well as more CICA and police stuff. But that’ll settle and I’ll get back on track.
Interestingly though my food has been much more low carb this week than I usually manage even without testing as habitually as usual.
Good morning everyone

BG amazingly 5.2
BP no idea yet

Yesterday was another odd one. Two really nice calls from my wife. Then later a horribly sad one. I managed to talk to one of the nurses at the hospital and it was very helpful. They confirmed all the stuff I suspected and stated that my wife may have to stay in hospital for a while. They are working on a new med regime for her. No early rescue! Then in the middle of the night (3am) I had a lovely call from my wife. To be awkwardly blunt, this swapping between her being sad, calm, suspicious, upset, frightened, it's doing my head in. Since 3am no calls so I am hoping that she is finally sleeping.

Later a walk, set up things in the church.
Morning a 6.7 for me and wishing Gwynn and Colin support at this particular time.
Pooches settled down and having breakfast and hopefully enjoying the nice w/ end weather as our usual garden centre/ garden routine is maintained.
It is not the most exciting life but it suits us both very well and does energise me for the next week when it comes.
5.2 sensor
5.1 finger prick.

After a night out with beer and crisps.
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Up early after a poor night's sleep, having woken at 04:45 and then being unable to drop off again. Finally called it a day (or should that be night) and got up at half six. Tested while the kettle boiled - 5.7 this morning.

Went to the tyre place yesterday morning to see about two new tyres as they were advisories on the car's recent MOT but the people there inspected them and said that they didn't need replacing just yet, and were good for a few more months. Well, they're the experts I suppose, so why spend just short of £200 if it's not necessary? Good of them, though - they could have said nothing, replaced them and taken the money.

Looks like a nice day in store again so we're thinking of heading over to Hughenden, an NT place that was once the home of Benjamin Disraeli. It's only around 45 minutes away and we can enjoy a walk through the parkland and woodland there.

@Gwynn - congrats on the HS

Whatever your plans enjoy your day.
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Morning folks. 6.2 here after a few overnight low alarms - that’ll be my body’s glucose grab after all the activity yesterday!

Yesterday evening’s Taith Gerdded a Sglods / Walk ‘n Chips was a great success. As soon as we hit the beach, shoes and socks came off and everyone paddled along the beach. Lots of Welsh was being spoken, which is the whole point of events like this. Then we went inland, to a little woodland bursting with wild garlic - it was lovely in there, with the sun dappling the trees. Past the local church with its old iron gravestones...then the best bit, fish ‘n chips on the seafront and loads more Welsh spoken. Fab! I made a swift exit around 9pm cos everyone was thanking me for a fab evening out - I just turned up and showed everyone where to go!

More Welsh this morning, then gardening and walking and a trip to the garden centre - I need a longer weekend! Maybe I’ll mention it to the boss...
Morning all. 5.4 and was awake earlier today. I just couldn't go back to sleep. Bedding is in the wash and a load has already hanging on the line. Plan for today is to clean/dust through then enjoy the sunshine with my book.

@Gwynn i didn't know whether to give you a care emoji or a star. Congrats on the HS. Take care.

@harbottle congrats on your HS too.

@ColinUK hang on in there. Take care of yourself.

@Bloden the walk sounds lovely.

Have a good day everyone and enjoy the sunshine.
Good morning. 5.7

Still struggling with flare - walking is awful - sitting is merely dreary. BG seems to behaving itself a bit better. Lovely sunny morning.

Negotiating for a ride on lawn mower to avoid asking neighbour to mow for me. Although he volunteers it seems to me an imposition. The price of these things irritates my Scrooge DNA. Ah well, no pockets in a shroud.

Enjoy the weekend weather.
Morning all, 6.7 here, but been awake for about half an hour. Too busy swapping photos of the Northern Lights round the family. We saw them here in the Oxfordshire Cotswolds, just a red or green glow coming and going, daughter 5 miles up the road had a better display, but the pics from my nephew near Dundee knock ours into a cocked hat. First time I’ve ever seen them.
A 5.6 for me this morning. 🙂
And well done to this morning's HSs

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4.9 this morning for me, very pleased with that!

I had a call back from the urology secretary yesterday to say my appointment was June 10th! She really tried to bring it forward but that was the earliest they could offer. Feeling despondent and not wanting to wait a month I made an online enquiry with Spire Healthcare who called me back and offered an appointment with a consultant yesterday evening.

So I decided to take it up and so, so glad I did. The consultant checked my prostate and confirmed although it was large, it was smooth and no signs of cancer. He then swapped the catheter leg bag for a simple valve which immediately took away the constant feeling of urinating as well as being more comfortable to wear. He will get me back in after a week for the trial without catheter (3 weeks before the NHS appointment) to give the Tamsulosin chance to work to reduce the prostate size.

Still not feeling quite right, but both mentally and physically I feel better. It was so odd paying the consultant at the end of the appointment when he got out his card machine! Just grateful that I was able to afford to pay and expedite getting back to normal.

Sending positive thoughts and hugs to @Gwynn and @ColinUK .

Congratulations to @harbottle and @Paul Gibbins on your HS!

Have a good Saturday everyone!