Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everyone, it’s a happy 5.4 for me on yet another fine sunny day, 16.4c outside at the moment.

Have a lovely day everyone and don’t get burnt.
10.3 this morning after a bit of a scary time last night.

For some unknown reason I injected 28U of NR instead of Levemir! As soon as I realised I panicked as for me that represents something like 250g CHO! I resorted to gulping down sugar water, had 4 Oykos yoghurts (16g CHO each) and somehow managed to arrest the drop at just below 5. Of course it then gradually rose up to the 10 this morning. Just taken 14U of Levemir, representing half my usually nighttime dose. I expect today will be a little out of control! But, crisis averted.

@Gwynn - sorry to hear of your on-going upsetting calls with your wife, it is hard for you, but stay strong and try and take some comfort from the fact she is getting the right care.

Congratulations @Bloden, @everydayupsanddowns, @MikeyBikey for today’s HS and @Elenka_HM for yesterday’s HS.

Take care everyone!
Isn't it near there that the Hell Fire Caves are.
Yes, only 5 miles between Hughenden and the caves. They're next to West Wycombe Park & Village, which are NT, and which we've visited. We did walk up to the caves but it was too late to go in as they were near to closing. We've considered going back but haven't done so yet.
Yet another bright, sunny start here although we are right on the eastern edge of the yellow weather warning for heavy rain and thunderstorms later, so it might not last.

Had a really nice woodland walk at Hughenden yesterday. Busy, though - barely any room in the car park. Last week I posted about red kites being a menace over in Henley-on-Thames. Well there were signs in the picnic area at Hughenden telling people to watch out for red kites and there were some circling overhead the whole time. We saw six in the air as we were leaving but there was a dead fox at the side of the road, so I expect that's what they had eyes on.

Congratulations @Bloden, @everydayupsanddowns, @MikeyBikey for your HSs, and @Elenka_HM for yesterday’s. I almost joined the club - 5.3 this morning.

Our eldest is off shortly for the first leg of his team's play-off for the futsal equivalent of the UEFA Champions League and our youngest has his usual Sunday hours shift at Sainsbury's, which means my wife and I have the day to ourselves. I can see a trip out to a garden centre or two ahead, plus I want to do some shopping at M&S, either Bracknell or Camberley.

Enjoy your Sunday, if the weather behaves where you are.
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Morning all. I'm joining @Grannylorraine with a 5.1. Sensor change today, i hope the new one is just as good, this one has been quite accurate.

Ironing to do this morning then i want to make the most of the sunshine. BBC weather says rain is starting around 1pm, the Met Office say around 6pm. Lets hope the Met Office are right.

Congrats to @Bloden, @everydayupsanddowns and @MikeyBikey on your HS.

Have a reatful Sunday everybody, these weekends go so quickly.
Morning all. 9.2 this morning. I really need to sort my evenings out. I'm great during the day and actually last week had my TIR up to nearly 90 and then with one bad night and a bit of a delay putting my new sensor on it's plummeted down to 72 :( I clambered up the step ladder in my dressing gown this morning to go to my bathroom (we haven't been able to be upstairs for 5 weeks due to works being done) and got on my scales and as I suspected I have put on a few pounds so need to address that as having lost quite a bit of weight a few years ago, the year before my op, I don't want it to creep back on. Hubby's now been away for 6 weeks and I'm joining him in Norway in 10 days so that will be lovely. I've been fine on my own and have become quite "mechanical" (as my Mum put it) - but I will be very glad when he's back home, as will the dogs as he walks them a lot more than I do. Have a good day everyone and sending lots of love to those having a difficult time xxx
Forgot to post this morning. Summer has gone. It was here first thing, so I donned shorts and Tshirt.... and we went to the garden centre. Between home and there it went and when we arrived at the garden centre it was raining & cold. Fortunately since last year they have erected canopies over the area where the bedding plants are. It's no longer shorts/Tshirt weather though.

7.1 first thing. Last night's Pizza rocketed me to 17.7 and that was after only 2 slices. That's why we only have it once a year! Anyway that was the last time we shall waste 4 hours of our lives watching Eurovision. It's gone right downhill and I don't think even if the late Terry Wogan were to make a ghostly reappearance as the narrator he could save it! So no need for the tradition of pizza.

Julian currently erecting our little plastic greenhouse. Goodness only knows when we'll get out to put the bedding plants in. We were looking for a large container to transplant our olive tree into as well, but the ones big enough left no change out of £100... so need to look elsewhere.

Congrats to all the HSers.

Hugs and sending love to all those currently having a hard time.

Off to make a cup of tea!
Forgot to post this morning. Summer has gone. It was here first thing, so I donned shorts and Tshirt.... and we went to the garden centre. Between home and there it went and when we arrived at the garden centre it was raining & cold. Fortunately since last year they have erected canopies over the area where the bedding plants are. It's no longer shorts/Tshirt weather though.

7.1 first thing. Last night's Pizza rocketed me to 17.7 and that was after only 2 slices. That's why we only have it once a year! Anyway that was the last time we shall waste 4 hours of our lives watching Eurovision. It's gone right downhill and I don't think even if the late Terry Wogan were to make a ghostly reappearance as the narrator he could save it! So no need for the tradition of pizza.

Julian currently erecting our little plastic greenhouse. Goodness only knows when we'll get out to put the bedding plants in. We were looking for a large container to transplant our olive tree into as well, but the ones big enough left no change out of £100... so need to look elsewhere.

Congrats to all the HSers.

Hugs and sending love to all those currently having a hard time.

Off to make a cup of tea!
I don't know how big a pot you need but I bought one of the big floppy truggs and cut the handles off and drilled some drainage holes and it is doing good so far with a shrub in. I balked at the price of an equivalent sized pot.
Good morning everyone. First up I believe.

My wife seems to be ringing me every hour through the night!!! And that after she put the phone down on me yesterday evening whilst protesting her wellness and her anger at me for getting her into hospital!

BG 4.9
BP 120/79

Just had a shower as I was feeling itchy/ clammy all over. The temperature here got to about 23C yesterday which seems a bit too warm for May but it made for a good walk in the afternoon.

Today rest if I can. A local gadener may pick up our tons of garden rubbish today. That will be good. My one and only friend is coming to tea which will be good. Cheese and tomato pizza which will be good.

Have a great day today whateber you are doing.

Update at 7am (ish). Another call from my wife where she called me a liar when I said it can take a while for me to get to talk to one of the doctors (which is true it can take days). Not a good call after that. Welcome to Monday!!! ☹️
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Morning a 6.1 for me and a Unicorn after a quiet day in the garden yesterday and managed to avoid the Stormy experience something which along with the many other things I do not have in common with Donald Trump( apologies in advance as I should not make any political references).
While we were clearing out old flower pots in the garden we saw some movement and I was about to pick up one I noticed a pair of whiskers poking out of the end.It was a little vole so I did not want to make it homeless so left the rest of the pile and put some food down.
Anyway a nice trip to Southport today which I always enjoy so a nice start to the week and hope you all have a good week
Good morning Monday 6.9 today
8.1 yesterday
and 10.1 on Saturday

Been a busy weekend as my wife & I have been continuing landscaping in the garden
(we are going with a low maintenance garden)

have a great day everybody 😎
Morning all. Took zopiclone last night and slept the sleep of the gods.
7.0 this morning.
Morning all, 5.8 here. New sensor seems to be working OK. I had one of those 'Oh no' moments when I put it on yesterday, when I pressed it against my arm, there was an ominous silence for a couple of seconds, before the spring triggered and fired it into my arm, and the sound of it was much more sluggish than usual (can you have a sluggish sound? I mean it just sounded a bit half hearted, like it was on a go slow). anyway, so far so good.