Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 6.1 after a night spent tossing and turning. I was too hot, too cool, restless legs, toilet a few times, couldn't get comfortable.

6.8 but as I had been to Bakeclub and eating far too much sweet stuff and most of the savoury was in pastry, I am actually quite pleased with that.

Starting back with my eating plan today, wanted to get Bakeclub out of the way first.

Very grey here today and for most of the next week.
Morning all, 5.8 here. I had a long period awake in the middle of the night. I cooked a stir fry yesterday evening and used a sachet of hoisin sauce, and I’ve noticed the effect before, it must be one of the spices in it. I’m very sensitive to caffeine in coffee and tea, I have to have decaf after 6pm, and this had a similar effect.
Good morning 8.1 today

yesterday had to go and buy a pair of trousers (with a bigger waist) as weren’t so comfortable when sitting / driving, it’s a good job I’m doing something to shed some fat and improve my fitness,
The jeans are 4” wider in the waist than I was wearing a year ago
currently 102.9KG 😳 think a year ago (when I had my ankle surgery) I was down to 94

have a great day everybody 😎
A HS for me this morning. A Heinz Special that is at 5.7. 🙂

Good morning 5.9.

I was expecting much higher. Yesterday evening, glum after rainy day and pain, I decided "bother the diabetes" and made a pizza. Of course it is always difficult to make a small amount of dough - which explains the nice loaf as well. Thoroughly enjoyed the pizza and, for some reason, had bread and honey for supper...

Weather here marginally better than yesterday. Looks like a mixture of sunshine and showers with a moderate breeze.

Wishing everyone a good day.
5.6 for me on this rather grey and damp Berkshire morning. Clearly rained a lot during the night, though it had pretty well stopped when I went down to Morrisons before breakfast. Also found ourselves on the Heathrow flight path this morning and were woken just before 6 by a noisy jet going over, followed by several more for the next hour. Thankfully it doesn't happen as often as it did a few years ago.

Trip out to the garden centre greengrocer this morning. We turned up there on Sunday to find the site closed due to a power failure. Their Facebook page says they're back up and running as normal today. Afterwards Sainsbury's, then my regular Tuesday swim before lunch.

@freesia - you've described the night I had, too.

Hope the weather doesn't spoil anyone's plans for the day.
Bit higher this morning at 6.6, but all day in range, so I’m happy with that. It does seem like my BG has settled now, so presumably the UTI infection has gone.

I got my hospital appointment yesterday for next Monday. My wife starts jury service then but a friend has kindly offered to take me and keep me company. Feeling a bit nervous if things don’t work out and I end up needing an operation, but the consultant was very matter of fact “we’ll get you sorted” so I’ll keep positive.

Take care everyone.
Peculiar couple of mornings, woke up yesterday feeling really dizzy and couldn't get my balance, was nauseous and actually was sick. Seemed fine by 12ish. Same this morning with the dizziness but no nausea. Took my blood pressure and it is really high, so I have taken and extra blood pressure tablet and will see what happens.
Miserable morning anyway.
8:02 BS 5.8 :D Well happy with that! Haven’t woken up in the 5s for quite a while now! Actually, been swinging a bit lately & BS has been erratic which, isn’t helped by my erratic eating & sleeping patterns! But, JUST starting to settle down a bit & confirmed at last by waking in the 5s: I like waking in the 5s as it gives me wriggling space & time for a DP rise before I eat breakfast; but, it sure takes a while to have good BS control all day before the waking numbers comes down! 🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Knowing that the Paris Olympics are coming up this summer, at the end if July & the start of August, I’ve been debating whether to get a TV license to watch it? So, I looked up whether I can get one for just one month but, no can do: only for a whole year & that’s just too much to pay for BBC programmes that I REALLY haven’t missed watching at all this while time without a license; I CAN really understand why SO many have opted out of a TV license! 😱 It IS a bit of a sacrifice NOT to watch The Olympics on the BBC this year but, my budget has been SO tight as the price of food has REALLY been biting, for everyone & not just for me! BUT, finally after waiting since the start of my Universal Credit application at the start of October last year, with payments started 5 weeks later in November last year, I have my Universal Credit Medical Assessment coming up on 21/05/24 at 09:00: when they said they were seriously backlogged last year & weren’t delaying payments because of it they really WERE! 😱 I’m a bit anxious about it actually but, hopefully if they agree with me & I really can’t work anymore I should be able to get more money? Which will make things that bit easier! I actually HAVE thought about the working issue quite a few times previously especially, after Covid, & I know I really cannot be trusted to waitress for quite some time now as carrying hot plates of food & drink for any distance is really rather dangerous: I’ve been quite shaky for years now just carrying a cup of tea from the kitchen to the bedroom at a distance of 70 steps; probably due to the neuropathy in my hands & arms! It’s been annoying that I NEEDED the saucer to catch the inevitable drips OR just not fill the cup too much despite going as slow & steady as I can with one hand holding the hall walls all the way: it’s just too cold to sit in the kitchen after sundown in the winter to have an evening cup of tea! 🙄:rofl: But, I’m used to it now & although it’s still frustrating sometimes I don’t get annoyed anymore! 😉:D My social worker will be with me so, hopefully things will go ok? Although, there IS a fear in the back of my mind that they say you CAN work & pay back all the money we paid you: that’s a NIGHTMARE! A Shivering In Anxiety emoji! Hopefully it won’t come that? :confused:

IF I DO get some more money soon ish I MAY reconsider budgeting an extra monthly amount, too early to work it out yet, for a TV license to watch The Olympics & other BBC programmes for a year: if paying for year; might as well watch it for year? :confused:
Morning all and 5.9 for me.

Stotting it down, I think I'll be giving the garden a miss today.

Currently investigating print on demand/drop shipping for our on line merchandise sales. It's an expensive pain in the bum having to buy and keep all the sizes and designs in stock when you only sell smallish amounts.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all

A happy 5.3 for me on a wet but pleasantly warm I'm pleased to say.

Have a great day folks.
5.2 for me didn't sleep well kept thinking I've missed something that needs to be packed I've got several list to go through hubby thinks I'm bonkers it only took him 10 minutes to pack what he needs raining but still warm off out for a few more things I forgot yesterday and the gym have a good day everyone


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Evening all - what a peculiar day it has been. It was really nice at 8 am when my BG was 4.8 and my friend and I decided over the phone that we'd go ahead and go shopping in Truro, catching the train to do so. By the time we arrived in Truro there was a miserable wind carrying rain sideways. We used to walk from the station into the town centre, but decided to catch a bus instead. Sat in the very inadequate shelter (no shelter) for 10 minutes until one turned up. Ran across from the Bus station to M&S and although there was some lovely linen clothing on sale it was all for much younger people who don't have wrinkly batwings i.e. sleeveless. Bought absolutely nothing.

When we emerged the sun was out and we traipsed off to Lemon Street Market to have lunch in Fig cafe. A very pleasant and comfortable venue. We both had Garlic mushrooms with Hoisin red onions on a flatbread and shared some skin on fries. Delicious, though I despair of the fries one is served these days, they all seem to be "end of the bag" little runts! I did leave some of the flatbread and by a miracle have been in range 99% for the last 24 hours and am now a happy 5.6.

Back to Primark where I bought some plastic travel bottles at the stunning price of £1 and back to M&S. Tried on trousers and I have decided that I'm destined never to get any to fit as I'm a much too peculiar shape. Though I have neither gained nor lost weight since last summer it has moved from my arms and legs to my middle! Gave up and went for a cup of tea in a local cafe. On to TK Maxx and yet again no purchases. I was worn out and we decided to catch the train home. Got a bus uphill to the station just in time to jump on the 4:29 train. The weather has alternated between miserable and raining and hot and sunny. I'm glad to be home and totally discouraged regarding shopping.

Time to cook dinner!

Once again... all love to those having a hard time!
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.1
BP is back to being high again. sigh!

My wife seemed a bit better yesterday but my friend, who heard her on the phone, said she sounded very poorly.

I slept well for a second night as my wife did not phone (she was phoning me every hour all night before). I am hoping that she slept too.

Today I have nothing planned. Perhaps a walk with my friend if it is not raining.

Made a cake yesterday with my wife giving instructions on the phone. I know how to make a cake but felt it a good exercise for us both to interact. Unfortunately her phone ran out of power about half way through the process. I carried on and the cake was fine. It was a good time with her on the phone too.

And, thankfully, I washed and cleared up my kitchen mess (I'm good at accidentally spreading flour everywhere) as I went along. At one point it looked as though a small bomb had hit the kitchen!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing