Group 7-day waking average?

Afternoon all - weather is unsettled. Sunny spells interspersed with rain.

7.9 this morning, an hour after the alarm had woken me as I was 4.1, so a dextrose and a bit of biscuit and fell asleep again.

Forgot to say yesterday, whilst having lunch I got a phone call to give me an appointment for a pre-op assessment for the cataract surgery. Have appointment next Weds and then it'll be approx 4 weeks for the op. Very quick (unlike the arthritic knee where it's a 62 week wait just to see the consultant!!!). But since we are booked on a Rhine cruise I think I will put it off until we come home. I don't want to be going on a cruise with a dressing on my face and no make up allowed!

Then this morning I get a letter with an appointment at the local hospital to have a 72 hour heart monitor on. I vaguely recall months and months ago someone saying they'd recommended me to have this, but I don't recall who. I'm totally unaware that there's anything wrong with my heart and I've recently had an ecg and another scan thingie which were both just fine. I'm heartily sick of all these medical appointments, especially when half what's wrong is side effects of blooming prescription pills. The Rosacea rash is back - side effect of one of the BP pills and I've not long finished 6 weeks of Doxycyline, which interfered with my insulin effectiveness to get rid of the last outbreak of Rosacea.. It's one thing after another.

Was going for a walk but it's raining again.... maybe later.

Congrats yet again @Pam123.

Have a good day all.
5.6 this morning for me.

Late posting as we went over to my wife’s sister first thing to check up on her recovery after her foot operation. She’s doing amazingly well and after just 2 weeks has progressed to wearing a boot rather than totally non-weight bearing and using a zimmer and crutches to hop around. We then met up with my wife’s ex boss who lives close to her sister, so that was good, although a shame that she is suffering from a fibromyalgia flare up.

By the time we got home it was evening, but still managed to cut the lawn and gave directions to my wife on pruning and weeding of the front garden (as it’s still uncomfortable for me to bend/kneel). Quick tidy up but it looks better. Looking forward to getting sorted and back to normal as there’s loads that needs doing around the house and garden.

Had the request to pay for next Monday’s treatment today, so paid that. Bit more than I was expecting, but I just need to get this sorted quickly so I can be normal once more!

@Gwynn - so sorry to hear of the pain you are going through, sending positive thoughts for both you and your wife.

Take care everyone.
Good morning! After a restless night with weird dreams (but not the amputation, locked in, trapped, etc. PTSD ones) I woke up with a jolt of pain where the wounds had been cleaned up yesterday morning. Then phantom pain came in on other side until I decided I need a painkiller. BG 6.5

Not sure what the dreams meant. It involved an actress with someone bumping into me as I made coffee (instant) spilling damp instant down my shirt. It was suggested I go out back to rinse my shirt but I emerged through the next-door neighbours back door. Then I was running free through St Albans market to emerge on the road out of Hatfield Market. So what does this mean?

Physio cancelled due to short staff again!

Dark but looks foggy and damp!
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.5

I had a lovely chat with my wife yesterday evening, fluent, engaged, responsive but that was followed by several odd calls from her overnight. Culminating with two very odd calls at 4am where she said nothing at all and after a short while just rang off.

Her illness is horrible

Update: I have had numerous calls from her now but she says nothing at all and disconnects after a short while. She does not answer her phone when I try to ring her. Very upsetting.

The last time she was hospitalised she refused to believe that the texts I sent to her were from me. She believed they were from an imposter!
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Morning a 6.7 for myself and yes Mikey it would take a real expert to explain the meaning of that dream.
Glad you had a good conversation with your wife Gwynn but know it is a volatile situation and lots of ups and downs and all you want is positive and consistent communication.
My heart really goes out to you.
Very busy and long day for me yesterday and although my BG control was good and lovely countryside I did have an experience am not in a worry to repeat.
As I travelled on the A55 outside Llandudno my tyre warning light came on and indicated I was losing pressure fast in my front tyre so clearly a puncture.
I decided to pull into the emergency lay-by and call the police on the lay-by phone.
Then usual stuff getting behind barrier and after about 30 minutes they turned up and were excellent.
They put air in my tyre(as no spare on my car or run flats) and as the traffic was so heavy they had to wait for a colleague to allow them to drive my car into the carriageway by blocking the lane and then escort me to the next exit and go to a nearby tyre centre.
My tyre did go back down so we had to slow right down but once we got to the tyre place it got sorted really quickly but not a nice place to get stranded but did reinforce one point.
If you get into trouble on a smart motorway and any red warning light get into the emergency lay-by ASAP do not risk limping on until the next exit.
If a I had chosen to drive for the extra 2 miles on the low pressure tyre I probably would have had to stop in a live lane and that would have been catastrophic given the level of traffic.
Anyway in a Chester today for a busy but hopefully less eventful day.
Hello haven't really slept but im 10.1 the not sleeping might be partly to do with worrying about my universal credit meeting this morning I haven't actually seen my UC work coach since what happened with my job happened just my restart "advisor"(I don't actually the restart scheme is very good) so I'm a bit worried about how that will go although it was a zeros hours contract and there are actually quite easy to lose. I haven't actually been fully taken of the system because I still get gernal emails sent out to all staff sometime I even ardently got sent the rota this week it doesn't make me feel great when i get those emails as it will just remind me about stuff(I know that's sounds silly as a few weeks have gone by now but I don't think getting emails will ever stop reminding me)
6.1 after a lasagne from pizza express last night, plus some halloumi bites and a couple of beers…
Morning all. 11.8. Graph shows i've been in the 12s all night despite 2 2u corrections before bed. I was doing so well before. I'm hoping the DF hasn't moved in.
Morning all!

A bright start here, and an unexpectedly lovely sunny day yesterday (which was very lucky as we had an outdoor gig in the evening).

Unexpected 5.2 for me. My basal needs are still dropping as the weather warms.
Good morning. 6'8 today.

Brains are complicated. I feel sad about the breakup. I feel guilty about hurting him. And I feel guilty about being sad because it was "my choice" to leave. Wonder at times if there's something wrong with me and if I can have a good lasting relationship. Mind you it's just the second one on my life, so not a long list of heartbreaks! But I was the one who initiated the breakup the last time as well so it brings back memories and makes me feel worse.
Morning folks, 6.1 here.

Ah, Thursday at last, a.k.a. teaching marathon day, then no more classes til next week. I hate this counting-down-to-half-term mentality that takes over LOL but what I’m really counting down to is a family get-together at the end of the month. Should be fun!

I loooove the new avatar pic @Robin!
Morning all.

Gym yesterday was fine. The physio was knowledgeable even though he looked about 12 which is clearly a sign I’m getting older!

I’m planning to go back to the gym Sunday morning prior to lunch and opera.
A 4.8 for me this morning. 🙂

Hello haven't really slept but im 10.1 the not sleeping might be partly to do with worrying about my universal credit meeting this morning I haven't actually seen my UC work coach since what happened with my job happened just my restart "advisor"(I don't actually the restart scheme is very good) so I'm a bit worried about how that will go although it was a zeros hours contract and there are actually quite easy to lose. I haven't actually been fully taken of the system because I still get gernal emails sent out to all staff sometime I even ardently got sent the rota this week it doesn't make me feel great when i get those emails as it will just remind me about stuff(I know that's sounds silly as a few weeks have gone by now but I don't think getting emails will ever stop reminding me)
I was going to type a ok something else just now but then realised if the company saw they might be able to work out it was me so may not be the best idea.
Morning All 7.1 for me here this morning. Had a great day yesterday as two of my friends from college (which finished last week) came over to my house for the first time and we just had a lovely day chatting, eating and then gardening together which made a huge difference in two of my beds which had become rather wild. It was nice to have some human company. Have a good day everyone xxx
Good morning everyone, 6.4 today for me.

Should be a quiet day today rather than rushing about, just a trip out to a nearby Smyths Toys to collect an order for the grandchildren! Will be seeing them for the first time since we got back from Australia (thanks to me being ill), so looking forward to tomorrow afternoon!

Take care everyone!
Good morning! After a restless night with weird dreams (but not the amputation, locked in, trapped, etc. PTSD ones) I woke up with a jolt of pain where the wounds had been cleaned up yesterday morning. Then phantom pain came in on other side until I decided I need a painkiller. BG 6.5

Not sure what the dreams meant. It involved an actress with someone bumping into me as I made coffee (instant) spilling damp instant down my shirt. It was suggested I go out back to rinse my shirt but I emerged through the next-door neighbours back door. Then I was running free through St Albans market to emerge on the road out of Hatfield Market. So what does this mean?

Physio cancelled due to short staff again!

Dark but looks foggy and damp!

It was 7.7 when I finally came to after 8:00.

Fig gone but cloudy and damp...