Group 7-day waking average?

Hello haven't really slept but im 10.1 the not sleeping might be partly to do with worrying about my universal credit meeting this morning I haven't actually seen my UC work coach since what happened with my job happened just my restart "advisor"(I don't actually the restart scheme is very good) so I'm a bit worried about how that will go although it was a zeros hours contract and there are actually quite easy to lose. I haven't actually been fully taken of the system because I still get gernal emails sent out to all staff sometime I even ardently got sent the rota this week it doesn't make me feel great when i get those emails as it will just remind me about stuff(I know that's sounds silly as a few weeks have gone by now but I don't think getting emails will ever stop reminding me)
Once again it had left me in tears because I felt misunderstood and not listened to .(I hope none of you are transferred to this scheme it's done me more harm then go)
7.4 this morning before a busy day.
Eek! I CANNOT drink black coffee! I NEED all that naughty stuff to make it palatable! A Green Puking emoji! :rofl:
Same here! I prefer tea at home, and when I want a treat from a coffee shop I go for the nice iced drinks, frappé or a hot latte with flavoured syrup. I do ask for sugar free syrup nowadays, tho they mess my stomach sometimes. Can't blame only the syrup, coffee has never agreed with me and I'm starting to suspect I can't have a lot of milk either. So coffee+milk+sweetener in syrup is a dangerous combination!

There's a song all over social media now that goes " I take my whiskey neat, my coffee black and my bed at 3. You are too sweet for me...". Could never be me :rofl:
Morning a 6.4 for me and glad it’s Friday so I look forward to w/ end after a busy but very enjoyable week with a nice quiet day ahead.
My BG control which has been really good all week was spoiled yesterday by my nice lunch but it is all my own fault as I simply forgot to take my insulin as we rushed from the car due to the rain and I was too lazy to go back to the car to get it.
So I spiked to 12 but was interesting to see how it reacted without any insulin and it settled around 11 after 2 hours then I took a 2u correction and it came back within range.
I had a heavy carb meal last night with chicken wraps and whey my wife calls “ dirty fries”.Managing my insulin regime was a bit finger in the air as my BG was dropping due to my earlier correction so I give my insulin after the meal and was much more reactive than proactive as normal.
But by hook or crook it worked out well and returned to normal overnight.
Anyway hope it works out well for everyone today
4.9 for me this morning after a night with “signal loss” unless I woke up and scanned 🙄 happy with this as I injected 2 units of correction before going to sleep (somewhat apprehensively, given the signal loss situation) as my bg at bedtime is very predictable- I seem to get dp around 9/10pm?! Anyway, did that because I knew it would go up if I didn’t and only dipped into the red once, which could have been compression anyway, so I’ll take it. Didn’t realise how much I miss the alarms until yesterday when the signal loss business began.

Been a while since I popped in here, hope everyone is doing well!
Good morning 6.9

Very overcast this morning - hope it improves. No excuse for BG this morning as indulged in too many carbs yesterday. Must pull myself together on the diet front. Slept well for a good 6 hours and the flare decline continues - walking on eggs for fear of exacerbating it but definitely much better.

@rayray119 Sorry you are having such a worrying time. @Gwynn I hope that a longer stay in hospital may presage a better and more stable outcome for your wife's mental health. You have been coping with her symptoms for a long time so try and give yourself time to recover from the strain. She is safe where she is while her treatment can continue.

Congratulations to all those 5.2s. Jammy lot!
A bit of a shaky good morning,

My wife having become worse and having been reassessed and detained under section 3 of the mental health act (more serious), I now feel way over stressed and unwell, blood pressure and pulse way way too high. I have just called NHS 111 to try to get me some help.

I am finding it all a bit too much to cope with

However, at least my blood glucose is good this morning it was 5.0

Unfortunately my blood pressure was 157/93

Have a great day today whatever you are doing. I suspect I may end up in hospital...

And just to make things more interesting, i just did my back in!!! It is very painful and debilitating.

Next !!!
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Morning all


Bit of culture yesterday as I took myself off to the science museum to see this:
I’d heard it mentioned on This Paranormal Life podcast the other day and thought it sounded interesting.
Basically it’s a collection of really ornate clocks that had music boxes and mechanical/automaton bits inside to make them move when they chimed.
They were owned by various Chinese emperors.
It’s a small exhibition but it was beautiful. No photos I took do any of the exhibits justice.

Lunch at Pret followed by theatre:
Really powerful piece. I can see why it’s ended up on the west end stage as it packs a punch and a half. Not the easiest watch for me as it gets very on the nail with a lot of mental health issues but if it tours regionally then I implore you to go and see it.
Good morning 6.0
Yesterday was 6.5
Wednesday was 8.0

Can’t believe it’s Friday already
Been a busy week at work
Morning all. 5.1 here.

The sun is shining, and the weekend is calling. Lots to do and looking forward to getting it all done. First job, get my shiny new “growing table” up and running - I’m growing salad leaves, chives and radishes, yum. And it’s got a cover so that the neighbourhood cats can’t use it as a toilet!
A 6.1 for me this morning after a very restless night. 🙂

So close @Bloden and yet so far!

A pootling 5.8 for me this morning.

Really hope you can get some help and support @Gwynn - you’ve been carrying this burden for a long time. Hope the treatment your wife is getting begins to help her move through her illness, and that you can get some practical, emotional and psychological support yourself.

Huge hugs to you @rayray119 - hope the stress passes quickly
And another 5.6 for me this fine morning.
5.5 for me on a rather grey and misty morning, although the sun broke through while my wife and I were walking to Morrisons before breakfast and it looks set to be a fine and dry day. Hope so - our garden furniture hasn't see the light of day since the weekend.

Big Shop day, plus my wife spotted geraniums on offer at Morrisons, so will pick some up while I have the car. Geraniums are one of our garden favourites and I read recently that they're making a comeback, having previously fallen out of fashion and being referred to as 'grandma plants'.

@Gwynn - hope you get the help you need and that your day turns out better than you're imagining.

Two WFH today but both finish early on Fridays. Will we ever see 9-to-5, M-to-F again?

Have a good day, all.
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5.6 today, got a long day at work and already been manic as my colleague is on leave. Oh well I will prioritise and just do what I can do.

@PattiEvans - the Spamedica appointment makes sense, mum only had a short wait with them, unfortunately my optician will not make referrals to them, and as there has been a mix up with my Private Medical Insurance I get through work, I have not been able to be seen at the Spire Hospital, so far taken HR over 2 months and still no resolution as to why I am not recognised by Aviva as being part of the company scheme.