Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 6.3.

It’s Thursday so most be Wiltshire Farm Foods delivery for Ma-in-Law, it would be better if it could go direct to her but she “forgets” to put her heating aids in and doesn’t hear the door! She doesn’t live far away and Mr Eggy organises it for his haircut day so drops it off before he goes, I’m driving today as I’m dropping him off, no hair cut for me, and going to eldest daughter’s work to pick up a ton of bird feed, ran out of nuts and fat balls and Mr Woody was flying around looking for food yesterday, I felt really guilty! It was like not having sweeties in when the grandkids come round!

Had a nice late afternoon walk yesterday, the rain went away and it was very mild. We headed to a local pond to see if the frogs were there. We were disappointed that they appeared not to be but stood for a while and we saw that there was! Not many but enough to keep us happy. Quite often there’s dozens and dozens but I think the mating season must be all but over, lots of frog spawn though. See pics below. Loving my new camera.

Have a good day.


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Morning all, 5.8 here. Catch up day today, went to Bristol to see my sister and brother in law, and nephew who dropped in, but it was a long day. Not helped that although I’d checked the route before we left, they’d sneakily closed a road by the time we got to it. OH was driving, so I had my usual navigator's argument with satnav, (I’m good at that, I always know best) which was insisting we did a Big loop and went back along the closed road. Coming home, the road was indicating closed on Google maps before we left, but when we got to the bit where we either carry on up the M5 or do the slightly slower M4/Swindon route, I just checked again, and lo and behold it was open again!
5.4 this morning.
Had a very stressful week and weekend, and have a blood test tomorrow… I’m expecting hba1c to have gone up as the stress seems to have caused readings to be a bit higher than normal. Ah well.

And I’ve just had two days off full English in a premier inn!

Might go and overdose on benecol.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.0

Something going on at the church, not sure what, but I have been roped into it anyway.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Checking in with a 7.2

Been scrolling through Rightmove for a amusement and found a charming Grade 2 cottage which comes with what the estate agent described as a “currently south facing garden”.
Do they know something we don’t?
A 5.0 for me today. I did get a 5.2 earlier but that was on the fridge thermometer. 😛


6.6 today, still feeling very low, but do have another counselling session booked for after Easter. Also feel like I have another virus, I am achy, exhausted, glands feel swollen again, only place I have been all week is a supermarket, although hubby is currently sneezing so maybe I can blame him. Hoping I will start to feel better when we change the clocks and have nice light evenings.

@Pattidevans - congratulations on yesterday’s HS and I have also noticed we are missing a few people.
7.2 halfway through breakfast when I suddenly remembered I’m diabetic

Bad headache today, the flu like symptoms hit yesterday lunchtime, as payback for my busy weekend last weekend.

Going on holiday next week and flying for the first time. Bit nervous about that, the hand luggage allowance is tiny so will be taking meds outside of boxes and hoping no issues with security.
5.4 this morning.
Had a very stressful week and weekend, and have a blood test tomorrow… I’m expecting hba1c to have gone up as the stress seems to have caused readings to be a bit higher than normal. Ah well.

And I’ve just had two days off full English in a premier inn!

Might go and overdose on benecol.
Two days of high readings and two full Englishes, is that even a word, won’t make much difference. Unless of course you had 10 hash browns and 14 slices of toast! 😉

I’m sure all will be well. Fingers crossed for you anyways.
7.2 halfway through breakfast when I suddenly remembered I’m diabetic

Bad headache today, the flu like symptoms hit yesterday lunchtime, as payback for my busy weekend last weekend.

Going on holiday next week and flying for the first time. Bit nervous about that, the hand luggage allowance is tiny so will be taking meds outside of boxes and hoping no issues with security.
Take your most recent prescription if you’re not taking the boxes, I’m sure they won’t even bother but it doesn’t take any room up. Have a great time.
Take your most recent prescription if you’re not taking the boxes, I’m sure they won’t even bother but it doesn’t take any room up. Have a great time.
That’s just the nhs app on my phone, I don’t get a paper prescription. I am happy to show them the app though. I don’t have a letter either.
7.2 halfway through breakfast when I suddenly remembered I’m diabetic

Bad headache today, the flu like symptoms hit yesterday lunchtime, as payback for my busy weekend last weekend.

Going on holiday next week and flying for the first time. Bit nervous about that, the hand luggage allowance is tiny so will be taking meds outside of boxes and hoping no issues with security.
I’m not sure if meds etc count as hand luggage or if they’re exempt if they’re essential. Maybe worth checking the fine print.
I’m not sure if meds etc count as hand luggage or if they’re exempt if they’re essential. Maybe worth checking the fine print.
You can ask for extra hand luggage allowance for meds, mostly though for pumps etc. Think you need to book it in advance. I’ve never bothered as I don’t go for long enough to warrant it. When we went in our European driving tour for six weeks I had more meds than clothes!
The app should be fine.
Even the TSA say that you don’t need to carry the prescription itself these days. They also say that tablets don’t need to be in the original bottle either.
And if anyone was going to be awkward with meds it was going to be the TSA I’d expect.

Of course they do say that toothpaste and lip balm are liquid so…