Group 7-day waking average?

5.9 again, same as yesterday. Sky is 10/10ths cloud at the moment with no sunshine in the forecast until late afternoon. Saw another sign of Spring when I went to get a newspaper this morning though - the council are out grass-cutting.

Electrician turned up when he said he would yesterday and we now have a new extractor fan in our bathroom (it's actually in the loft, of course). It's not as quiet as the old one my wife says. I hadn't noticed any difference. Maybe it just appears that way as we've had no fan running for at least 2 weeks, and maybe longer.

Swim day so will be heading for the pool later, and might get the mower out this afternoon. If the council are out grass-cutting it must be the right time to do ours.

@Grannylorraine & @Lucyr - hope you're both feeling better soon.

@Pattidevans - congratulations on yesterday’s HS

Have a good day, everyone.
Morning all. 6.3.

It’s Thursday so most be Wiltshire Farm Foods delivery for Ma-in-Law, it would be better if it could go direct to her but she “forgets” to put her heating aids in and doesn’t hear the door! She doesn’t live far away and Mr Eggy organises it for his haircut day so drops it off before he goes, I’m driving today as I’m dropping him off, no hair cut for me, and going to eldest daughter’s work to pick up a ton of bird feed, ran out of nuts and fat balls and Mr Woody was flying around looking for food yesterday, I felt really guilty! It was like not having sweeties in when the grandkids come round!

Had a nice late afternoon walk yesterday, the rain went away and it was very mild. We headed to a local pond to see if the frogs were there. We were disappointed that they appeared not to be but stood for a while and we saw that there was! Not many but enough to keep us happy. Quite often there’s dozens and dozens but I think the mating season must be all but over, lots of frog spawn though. See pics below. Loving my new camera.

Have a good day.

How does she find Wiltshire Farm Food?. I have tried both them and Meals on Wheels, and was underwhelmed. I find ready meals from Waitrose both better and cheaper, although I now cook from fresh some days. As I will be drained after physio a small pizza with salad might tempt me! 🙂
Morning all - more grey - sick sick sick of it!

6.3 with a nice flat line. Adjusted basal yesterday. Since a -25% temp basal worked I altered permanent basal by as near to -25% as I could given the increments of 0.05u per hour the pump allows. Seems to have worked well.

Stopped taking Clopidogrel 2 days ago and nasty acid reflux seems to have cleared up. Honestly I am sick (and rather angry) at taking meds to address side effects of other meds! The GP I spoke to on the phone even suggested surgery for a hiatus hernia that I've had for years with no problems! It's a major op I do not need. Mind you, might die of a stroke now without blood thinners...arghhh.

@Lucyr where are you off to on holiday? If you think it's necessary flatten the medication boxes and take them with you, but i've never been asked about meds by airport security. Hope you feel better soon.

@Grannylorraine hope you feel better soon too!

Have a good day all
I’m not sure if meds etc count as hand luggage or if they’re exempt if they’re essential. Maybe worth checking the fine print.
I spoke to the airline and they said no extra allowance is possible for medication as it’s a small plane. The maximum allowance of hand luggage for anyone is 35x25x20cm and 6kg

I don’t even own a bag that small
You can ask for extra hand luggage allowance for meds, mostly though for pumps etc. Think you need to book it in advance. I’ve never bothered as I don’t go for long enough to warrant it. When we went in our European driving tour for six weeks I had more meds than clothes!
Not with Aurigny you can’t, I already asked
Not with Aurigny you can’t, I already asked
Strange, i would challenge them because this is on their website.
Can I put medicine in hand luggage?
Aurigny › faqs

The FLEXI fare includes a hold baggage allowance of two pieces up to 23kg each. A further piece of hold baggage can be added to your booking at the time of ...

Medicines and inhalers with prescriptions and baby food are an exception. These items should, however, be carried in a clear, transparent, re-sealable one litre plastic bag. You will also need to comply with the prescribed screening and security checks to ensure safety.
Afternoon all

A rather late waking figure 5.8 for me today.
Strange, i would challenge them because this is on their website.
Can I put medicine in hand luggage?
View attachment 29630
Aurigny › faqs

The FLEXI fare includes a hold baggage allowance of two pieces up to 23kg each. A further piece of hold baggage can be added to your booking at the time of ...

Medicines and inhalers with prescriptions and baby food are an exception. These items should, however, be carried in a clear, transparent, re-sealable one litre plastic bag. You will also need to comply with the prescribed screening and security checks to ensure safety.
You’re looking at their rules for a different destination to mine. I did already ask them, they said normally medication should go in hand luggage but for Alderney the luggage is limited to 1x15kg bag in the hold (fine) and 1x6kg bag as hand luggage. The weight is fine but it’s the maximum dimensions of 35x25x20 that is the problem. Thats very small so I will have to do things like only take the one libre I will need to change to during the holiday and not the spare I would have taken in hand luggage case it fails and case gets lost etc.
The only bag I even own that fits the hand luggage dimensions is a small handbag, even my child’s size backpack is bigger than 35x25x20cm
How does she find Wiltshire Farm Food?. I have tried both them and Meals on Wheels, and was underwhelmed. I find ready meals from Waitrose both better and cheaper, although I now cook from fresh some days. As I will be drained after physio a small pizza with salad might tempt me! 🙂
When we ask her if she likes them she says she can’t remember! She’s 87 next month with mild dementia. She has carers in 4 x a day and they need to be able to just pop something in the microwave for her that doesn’t take long, they only have 30 mins. We used to get the supermarket fresh ready meals for her but the choice was very limited. Wiltshire Farm Foods have a big selection. They are expensive but she only gets the mini meals now as she wasn’t finishing the “normal” sized ones. She doesn’t/cant cook for herself anymore.
Good moaning! After a night free of phantom pain it has struck back! :( In last half-an-hour BG had shot from mid-7s to 11.2!

04:45 still no sleep but no pain! 🙂 BG steady
Did Wordle but have up on Quordle as not in mood...

06:35 still no sleep. BG steady at XI.III. Hoping to get an hour or two:s sleep!

After some sunshine and a hint of spring it's cloudy again...
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I’ve been stressed beyond belief recently. I’ve booked a catch up call with my ISVA for later today as I’m contemplating withdrawing support for the police investigation.
It feels like I’ve just had enough and I know it’ll get worse. I’m just not sure I’ve got the strength to see it through.

So I’m contemplating hitting the pause button.

I need to do a Pro vs Con list I guess but even accepting that I’m thinking about it is a seismic shift.

I’ve been stressed beyond belief recently. I’ve booked a catch up call with my ISVA for later today as I’m contemplating withdrawing support for the police investigation.
It feels like I’ve just had enough and I know it’ll get worse. I’m just not sure I’ve got the strength to see it through.

So I’m contemplating hitting the pause button.

I need to do a Pro vs Con list I guess but even accepting that I’m thinking about it is a seismic shift.
Morning Colin.So sorry to hear about your dilemma Colin and wish there was an easy answer but that is a decision for yourself as only you can balance all the pros and the cons and doing a list can help focus your mind and sometimes one factor can transcend all others in making that choice.
The forum will support you whichever way you decide.
A 4.8 when I got up at 4 to “ take the pooch out” who simply decided he wanted to disturb my sleep and now a steady 6.7.
I was shattered when I got in last night- 10 hours on an exhibition stand and throw in an hour journey each way.Mind you we had a barista on the stand so the coffee ( I generally drink decaf) was great and he explained why it tasted so good.
Very quiet day today with a podiatrist ( regular foot care) appointment and a nice run down to Easter.
My BG generally behaved yesterday which is always a worry when it is hard to “ control” what and when you can eat.
Apologies for long post but pleased it is back to normal.Only sad bit is one of my colleagues at the last minute invited me to meet her at a lovely garden centre near Glossop so we could have a right natter and brunch but I can not make it and we always have a good time.