Group 7-day waking average?

And with trumpets and crowds cheering I got another 5.2 yesssss

And good morning

@Docb The event was a local charity(?)/carer group(?) and the church putting on an Easter play for some special needs children in the afternoon and the church (and local) children in the evening. I was roped into providing the music and sound for them via mp3, not my keyboard). It was all good but a bit confusing for me as I had no idea what they were doing and could not see a thing from where I was. Thankfully they supplied a chap to give me cues for any changes that were required. The afternoon and evening were very good.

Today I walk the 24000 mile trip to Lytham, oh hang on, it's the other way ... 4 mile trip, to get some tomato juice as our local Sainsburys are closed for 10 days for a major refit. I need tomato juice as it balances all sorts of stuff (minerals, vitamins, nutrition things) in my diet.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning folks. 🙂 4.0 here.

A bit of admin this morning, then it’s full steam ahead on the Easter break. 🙂 Tomorrow, I’m taking our furry guest - Milly the springer spaniel - back to my mum’s to be picked up by my SIL sometime next week. Then I need to drop in on my bezzie and give her a big hug - she and her sister are nursing their dying dad at home, and are “exhausted”. It’s hard to know what to do, but if I were in her place, I’d want a hug! 😳
Morning all. A higher 12.5 but now dropping. Realised that i didn't bolus for a few crisps last night. Oopps!!

@ColinUK as @Wendal says, we are here to support whatever you decide.

@Gwynn congrats on the HS

@Bloden woohoo,we finish today as well. Have a good last day.
so will be taking meds outside of boxes and hoping no issues with security.
I took a backpack full of medicine in the original packaging through Heathrow and San Francisco airport security and neither even looked at it. San Francisco security did a cursory glance inside my insulin flask at the insulin cartridges but didn’t even get one out to swab or anything. To be honest most airport security seem to know and handle these things without any fuss. Even the Libre sensors are known and ignored by them. I’m sure you’ll be ok - enjoy your trip!
Not sure I can join you lot and say good morning as that was 12 hours ago for me - but it was a 6.2 back then. Now that we’ve experienced Friday, I can let you all know that the day turns out ok :rofl: (it’s 18:50 here in Sydney as I write this).

Did a lovely harbour ferry hop today from Darling Harbour near our hotel to Circular Quay (near to the Opera House) and on to Manly Beach, returning to Darling Harbour for our evening meal. Still struggling at times with high BG, hopefully it will settle down soon! Managed a good overnight stable BG around 6 so the basal must be ok - just my hopeless underestimating of carbs in restaurant meals!

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS - here’s a bridge and a house for you!

Morning all - more grey - sick sick sick of it!

6.3 with a nice flat line. Adjusted basal yesterday. Since a -25% temp basal worked I altered permanent basal by as near to -25% as I could given the increments of 0.05u per hour the pump allows. Seems to have worked well.

Stopped taking Clopidogrel 2 days ago and nasty acid reflux seems to have cleared up. Honestly I am sick (and rather angry) at taking meds to address side effects of other meds! The GP I spoke to on the phone even suggested surgery for a hiatus hernia that I've had for years with no problems! It's a major op I do not need. Mind you, might die of a stroke now without blood thinners...arghhh.

@Lucyr where are you off to on holiday? If you think it's necessary flatten the medication boxes and take them with you, but i've never been asked about meds by airport security. Hope you feel better soon.

@Grannylorraine hope you feel better soon too!

Have a good day all
My Other half was on clopidogrel after his TIA but they swapped it for apixaban which is apparently better.
Morning all. 7.1, bit high for my liking.

Meeting friends for lunch today in a tapas style Korean/Japanese restaurant. Never eaten that cuisine before, very daring for my little provincial city. I’ve looked at the menu and it looks good, lots of hidden sugar I would imagine, sticky sauces etc so it will be a guesstimate sort of meal! I’m going to drive so no alcohol to take into account.

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS.
@ColinUK a pros and cons list is a very good idea, hope you come to the best conclusion for yourself. can understand your frustration though, you’ve got this far etc etc but in this case your well-being perhaps overrules “winning”. Big hugs. Xx

Have a fab Friday folks.
My Other half was on clopidogrel after his TIA but they swapped it for apixaban which is apparently better.
Hi LL,
Know different drugs can effect different people in varying ways so same one is not right for everyone but I have been on Apixaban for over 18 months now so is part of my daily routine and have had no issues whatsoever.
It was 4.8 for me today. Looks like we're in for a dry and bright couple of days after a miserable grey drizzly day yesterday.

Morning all. 7.1, bit high for my liking.

Meeting friends for lunch today in a tapas style Korean/Japanese restaurant. Never eaten that cuisine before, very daring for my little provincial city. I’ve looked at the menu and it looks good, lots of hidden sugar I would imagine, sticky sauces etc so it will be a guesstimate sort of meal! I’m going to drive so no alcohol to take into account.

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS.
@ColinUK a pros and cons list is a very good idea, hope you come to the best conclusion for yourself. can understand your frustration though, you’ve got this far etc etc but in this case your well-being perhaps overrules “winning”. Big hugs. Xx

Have a fab Friday folks.
Hope you have a pleasant meal and experience.Have sometimes found the Japanese element consists of “ entertainment “ so juggling eggs etc and is often cooked in front of you.
I once arrived late for a Meeting in Amsterdam and joined the Japanese meal half way through and was starving.As they were cooking bits in front of me I simply picked on up to eat it.The chef then rapped his wooden stick in my direction shouting at me that it was not mine and I should have waited until my first course was ready whilst others were on a later course.
It was very formal but sounds like your Tapas will be much more relaxing
@eggyg it’s exactly that. What price justice? What does justice even look like?

My layman’s understanding is that I can press the pause button at anytime and can also press the GO button again in the future. I sort of want that confirmed because I wonder if that ability will be enough perhaps.

At the moment it’s so overwhelming. I’m not sleeping. I’m cancelling social engagements. I’m eating poorly.

Throw in that I’m working with my closest friend but he’s the one who can’t deal with any of the stuff that the case brings up at all so I can’t discuss it with him and I’m careening downhill rapidly.

Hopefully the chat with my ISVA will confirm I do have power and there is an option to pause things.

But then I’ll have to sit with how doing that will make me feel. Will I think I’ve let myself, the police, other survivors etc down if I stop things.

I almost called the SOIT officer to set up a face to face and say I’m having doubts etc but thought I’d talk with my ISVA before possibly doing that.

I’m seeing my folks (and brother, s-i-l and nephew) this evening so I’m bound to bring my thinking up with them too.

Talking about it helps.

On a side note, my undergrad nephew who is in his final year of his BSc has been offered a place at Oxford for his PhD that’s dependent on him getting a 2:1. He’s going to get a 1st without a shadow of a doubt.
So he’s skipping his masters and going to be doing a fully funded PhD in some weird physics thing to do with CERN type cyclotron or orgasmatron magnetic donut laser electron physics redefining thing I pretend I understand. He’s over the moon and I’m really happy for him!

9.8 after a carb binge yesterday, have very blurry eyes this morning, am so ashamed of my binge I nearly didn’t post this morning. My mental health is really getting the better of me at the moment

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS.

@ColinUK - weigh up the pros and cons and do what is best for your mental health.
@eggyg Be aware that Korean food can be very spicy indeed. Japanese not so much. Japanese is all about the quality of the raw ingredients and the respect shown to it, the chef, the diner. Unless it’s Wagamama when it’s all about speed and convincing us that food arriving when it’s ready is somehow a good thing. It’s still tasty!

9.8 after a carb binge yesterday, have very blurry eyes this morning, am so ashamed of my binge I nearly didn’t post this morning. My mental health is really getting the better of me at the moment

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS.

@ColinUK - weigh up the pros and cons and do what is best for your mental health.
I feel you.
I have eaten unwise choices this week. You’re far from alone.

Hopefully our mental health improves for both of us soon.