Group 7-day waking average?

I used to go to Japan a lot. Food was either relatively cheap and unappetising, (think sausages on sticks) or really lovely but excuciatingly expensive! Julian and I had a superb meal one time (in latter years we flew together on married rosters), cooked at the table for us by a lady in full Japanese kimono. It consisted of thin slices of beef cooked in broth and eggs.
Agree about Japanese food - went there a couple of times when I had a proper job. I think the meal you described is a variant of Shabu Shabu. We sat round a big pot of boiling water and plates of all sorts were brought out and you selected stuff and dipped it in the pot to cook it. At the end, the water in the pot was ladled into bowls and drunk by the company. The bill, which seemed to depend on the number of plate of Kobi beef consumed was horrific! Did you ever try Tepanyaki where you had your own chef who cooked individual items on a hot plate?

All the posh stuff was great but much more interesting was when after much effort we managed to get our Japanese hosts to take us out to the sort of restaurant they would normally go to after work before the two hour+ train ride home. A mad, bustling, crowded place where you ordered from hundreds of small dishes on a pad which then miraculously appeared on your table. Food was ordered in "rounds" until you had had enough. I remember that for our round we ordered the nearest thing to a British cafe meal of sausage egg and chips that we could find on the menu. Food was average, but the experience memorable.

Happy days.
Ugh - that Police request must have been horrible, almost like they were pushing the blame onto you. No wonder you are suffering. I can't help feeling that the Police are just making everything worse.
They're very careful to not do that. But it does feel like it is what they're doing sometimes.
Me too. I've got a blood test today, have had two days of Full English breakfasts (Cholesterol was a bit higher than they liked at the last blood test, so it's not going to be good today), had a stressful time at work, an absolutely insane event in private life that has caused pulse rate to go insane, blood sugar to go up, and have been daft with food - yesterday was a curry and rice for lunch, the day before potato with meal and veg (I was at a customer site for work, and lunched in their staff restaurant.)

I've pre-warned the nurse who deals with me the results are not going to be good!

Oh, and I've forgotten to taken any metformin for about 4 or 5 days...

So no one is alone.

On the plus side, after the blood test, I'm going to go to five guys for a burger and diabetes can go f**k itself for a day.
ooh I forgot that I've skipped some meds for 4 days as well...

Took all scheduled ones this morning and refilled my dosset box for the week.
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Morning All.
Keeping the same theme of 7.4 as Northerner so in very good company.
It was my 2nd waking up as the pooch had me out walking the mean streets of Cheshire at 3pm and then back up at 5.30.I did not take an earlier reading but in the interim Dawn P has been busy.
So a nice lie down needed and as usual really look forward to Easter break so will have a trial run this w/ end with garden centres/ cafes and in fact is nicer as less busy.
My wife is really looking forward to the better weather to get in the garden but have to get over the Arctic blast first brrrr.
Anyway will no doubt check in later but have a great w/ end all
Good morning everyone

Would you credit it ... BG another 5.2 and that after yesterday gobbling down a whole easter egg and some wine along with my usuall tea too. Mind you I did a lot of prolonged exercise during the day ...

Two HS in a row ... just one more for my name in the great hall of fame...

Today more prolonged exercise, and setting up the sound system in the church this evening for the service tomorrow.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
8.3 so we can call that a HS too if we ignore 3.1 of it.

Going out to a friends for pizza then to a concert tonight. Going to do some packing first.
Morning folks. 6.4 and a unicorn, I really thought they had become extinct again in Eggyland.

Yesterday’s meal out was a tad disappointing. I had hoped we’d share and have a nice mix of things but with one vegetarian and one ( fussy) non red meat eater it wasn’t happening. I chose the Korean belly pork, not spicy enough and we all agreed our sticky rice was very bland. The company was good though and in the end I didn’t drive, I had my chauffeur drop me off, so I had a nice ( large) glass of Sauvignon Blanc. Home at 3ish to chaos, youngest daughter, Zara and Eden were in residence. Gave them their Easter presents as we won’t see them on Easter Sunday, we’ll be too busy preparing for them all coming on Easter Monday for a sit down three course meal! 16 all together, although TBF Eden won’t need anything! We’ve decided to have a joint celebration as eldest daughter turns 40 on 3rd April! I actually can’t believe it as I’m only 29! 😉 For once they’re not lambing on or around her birthday, they tupped the ewes later so it doesn’t start for another 3/4 weeks. It’ll be all go when we return from Brighton late on Good Friday. I’ll have to hit the shops/ butchers early doors on the Saturday, we’re going out to a charity event on the evening, then we’ll spend two days prepping for the meal and rearranging furniture, meal isn’t until 6.30 as middle daughter working. We’ll definitely need another holiday after all that!

Today is doing final preparations for the break, a bit ironing, tidying the house etc.

Have a super, splendid Saturday. Very cold, but sunny, and gusty here!

@Gwynn congratulations, again.

Updated photo of the newest arrival, and Zara, there’s no show without Punch!


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Morning folks. 🙂 5.3 here...always the bridesmaid, eh?😎

You’ve got to laugh - I opened the curtains at 7 to a beautiful sunny Spring morning. Just 15 minutes later, grey sky and rain. If I close the curtains and go back to bed, will the sun come out again? If only!
Morning all. And thank you all for listening to my venting yesterday.

Had a call with my ISVA yesterday and lent on her for emotional support. Her role is to provide both practical and emotional support to survivors who are engaged with the legal system but I don’t tend to turn to her for emotional stuff very often. Yesterday it was what I needed though.

She fired off a quick email to the SOIT to say outline that I am struggling with the emotional impact of the ongoing investigation and I followed that up with a few more specifics and requesting a face to face.

SOIT is OOO until halfway through the week so I won’t hear anything for a few days.

Talking with Laura and sending the emails to SOIT helped though.

Saw family in the evening and didn’t tell them what has been going on. I wanted to let things settle a bit and see how I feel during the week. They’ll support me if I decide to withdraw support for the investigation or not, that’s a given.

After dinner we played UNO NO MERCY which quickly descended into chaos before it was put back in the drawer and out came UNO FLIP which is hilarious!

Dosset box filled. Morning meds taken.

5.9 on a lovely Berkshire morning with blue sky all around and not a cloud in sight. Cool though - not forecast to get into double figures today and there are showers coming later, with a 100% probability around lunchtime, so if I'm going to get the mower out it had better be this morning. Might be home alone for much of the day as my wife is heading up to Bedford shortly to visit family, returning tomorrow, and Saturday is our youngest's 2-10 shift at Sainsbury's. Not sure what our eldest is doing as he didn't get in until well past midnight after a reunion in London with his pals from Uni. One thing's for sure, though - he's not doing his usual Saturday Park Run or he'd be up already.

Whatever your plans enjoy the start to the weekend.
Good morning - 6.3

I’ve been completely forgetting to post,I have a lot going on.

Have a great day everyone.
A 4.5 for me this morning. Sainsbos delivery this morning. They gave me a £10 voucher to make up for last week's delivery debacle - which was nice.
An Ozzy first - woo hoo ! Joining @Gwynn today!


Feels weird to be evening here and you guys are just starting your Saturday. We had a lovely day today, visited Bondi Beach in the morning and had some lunch at the Opera House (@ColinUK - you would have been proud of us!), but maybe AU$28 (about £14) for some finger sandwiches and crisps, even if they were nice, is a little steep!



Enjoy your Saturday!