Group 7-day waking average?

An Ozzy first - woo hoo ! Joining @Gwynn today!

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Feels weird to be evening here and you guys are just starting your Saturday. We had a lovely day today, visited Bondi Beach in the morning and had some lunch at the Opera House (@ColinUK - you would have been proud of us!), but maybe AU$28 (about £14) for some finger sandwiches and crisps, even if they were nice, is a little steep!

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Enjoy your Saturday!

I actually preferred Manly Beach when I visited. The juice bar did me a low sugar juice which gets a blank response in most of the UK. On my travels I found the average Australian, German (large choice of low carb cakes in cafes) and Swiss had a fat better understanding if diabetes than the average UK citizen! :(
Forgot to mention that it’s yet another Jewish festival. And yes it’s another one that’s basically “we’re Jews, someone tried to kill us, they failed, let’s eat!”

The festival is Purim and this is the narrative (lifted from Wikipedia)

The Book of Esther begins with a six-month (180-day) drinking feast given by King Ahasuerus of the Persian Empire for the army and Media and the satraps and princes of the 127 provinces of his kingdom, concluding with a seven-day drinking feast for the inhabitants of Shushan (Susa), rich and poor, and a separate drinking feast for the women organized by Queen Vashti in the pavilion of the royal courtyard.

At this feast, Ahasuerus gets thoroughly drunk, and at the prompting of his courtiers, orders his wife Vashti to "display her beauty" before the nobles and populace, wearing her royal crown. One rabbinical tradition of the Oral Torah interprets this to mean that he wanted her to wear only her royal crown, meaning that she would be naked, though this is not explicitly indicated by the biblical text. Her refusal prompts Ahasuerus to have her removed from her post. Ahasuerus then orders all young women to be presented to him, so that he can choose a new queen to replace Vashti. One of these is Esther, who was orphaned at a young age and is being fostered by her first cousin Mordecai. She finds favor in the King's eyes, and is made his new wife. Esther does not reveal her origins or that she is Jewish, as Mordecai told her not to. Based on the choice of words used in the text (and since the Torah permits an uncle to marry his niece), some rabbinic commentators state that she was actually Mordecai's wife.

Shortly afterwards, Mordecai discovers a plot by two palace guards Bigthan and Teresh to kill Ahasuerus. They are apprehended and hanged, and Mordecai's service to the King is recorded in the daily record of the court.[15]

Ahasuerus appoints Haman as his viceroy. Mordecai, who sits at the palace gates, falls into Haman's disfavor as he refuses to bow down to him. Having found out that Mordecai is Jewish, Haman plans to kill not just Mordecai but the entire Jewish minority in the empire. Obtaining Ahasuerus' permission and funds to execute this plan, he casts lots ("purim") to choose the date on which to do this—the 14th of the month of Adar. When Mordecai finds out about the plans, he puts on sackcloth and ashes, a sign of mourning, publicly weeping and lamenting, and many other Jews in Shushan and other parts of Ahasuerus' empire do likewise, with widespread penitence and fasting. Esther discovers what has transpired; there follows an exchange of messages between her and Mordecai, with Hatach, one of the palace servants, as the intermediary. Mordecai requests that she intercede with the King on behalf of the embattled Jews; she replies that nobody is allowed to approach the King, under penalty of death.

Mordecai warns her that she will not be any safer in the palace than any other Jew, says that if she keeps silent, salvation for the Jews will arrive from some other quarter but "you and your father's house (family line) will perish," and suggests that she was elevated to the position of queen to be of help in just such an emergency. Esther has a change of heart, says she will fast and pray for three days and will then approach the King to seek his help, despite the law against doing so, and "if I perish, I perish." She also requests that Mordecai tell all Jews of Shushan to fast and pray for three days together with her. On the third day, she seeks an audience with Ahasuerus, during which she invites him to a feast in the company of Haman. During the feast, she asks them to attend a further feast the next evening. Meanwhile, Haman is again offended by Mordecai's refusal to bow to him; egged on by his wife Zeresh and unidentified friends, he builds a gallows for Mordecai, with the intention to hang him there the very next day.[16]

That night, Ahasuerus suffers from insomnia, and when the court's daily records are read to him to help him fall asleep, he learns of the services rendered by Mordecai in the earlier plot against his life. Ahasuerus asks whether anything was done for Mordecai and is told that he received no recognition for saving the King's life. Just then, Haman appears, and King Ahasuerus asks him what should be done for the man that the King wishes to honor. Thinking that the King is referring to Haman himself, Haman says that the honoree should be dressed in the King's royal robes and led around on the King's royal horse. To Haman's horror, the king instructs Haman to render such honors to Mordecai.[17]

Later that evening, Ahasuerus and Haman attend Esther's second banquet, at which she reveals that she is Jewish and that Haman is planning to exterminate her people, which includes her. Ahasuerus becomes enraged and instead orders Haman hanged on the gallows that Haman had prepared for Mordecai. The previous decree against the Jewish people could not be nullified, so the King allows Mordecai and Esther to write another decree as they wish. They decree that Jewish people may preemptively kill those thought to pose a lethal risk. As a result, on 13 Adar, 500 attackers and Haman's 10 sons are killed in Shushan. Throughout the empire 75,000 of the Jewish peoples' enemies are killed.[18] On the 14th, another 300 are killed in Shushan. No spoilsare taken.[19]

Mordecai assumes the position of second in rank to Ahasuerus, and institutes an annual commemoration of the delivery of the Jewish people from annihilation.

Now the food bit!
It’s traditional to eat sort of biscuit things shaped like Hamans hat. They’re called Hamantaschen and they’re delicious!
I bought some different versions to take to the folks yesterday, lemon marzipan stuffed, jam centred, chocolate and hazelnut and the most traditional version which is filled with poppy seeds.
I’d intended to take pics of them all nicely arranged on a plate but the pastry is so ridiculously short that they all broke in my bag so we just picked at lots of broken bits over a cuppa or two.

If you have a local Gail’s then they sell the marzipan ones. Otherwise a good Jewish deli or bakery may have some but some commercial ones are awfully dry and over sweet.

They look like this:
Morning all.6.6 for me on this day I hit the big 60 . 57;years with type 1 Going out with some of the lads from back in the day .I'm out off practice now as I rarely go out .Could be interesting Have a good day folks
Happy birthday!
What have you got planned?
Morning all

7.4 after a challenging afternoon at work. I might go to knit and natter today, depends if the predicted heavy rain arrives, and t if is dry I will walk there if it is raining I will stay at home.

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS today and yesterday.

@Eternal422 - lovely pictures and congratulations on your Ozzy HS

@Colin g - happy birthday.

@ColinUK - still sending you a virtual hug today.

@Pattidevans - thank you for your kind words.
Morning all - another can't make it's mind up day. Look out the back and it's blue sky, look out the front and it's grey as anything with a stiff breeze and impending rain.

7.8 this morning after having treated for a low alarm at 06:00 with some liquid glucose purchased from the bakery aisle of Morrisons. Dextro were catching in my throat and causing me to cough a lot, so Julian suggested glucose which wasn't a bad idea!

Off into town again this afternoon to meet a g/f for coffee and to try and find a dark choccie easter egg for 'im indoors.

@Docb yes, sounds like Shabu Shabu that we had. Mostly we used to go to the Lion's Den in Narita village, run by Mrs Piranha. I don't recall what her proper name was but there was a huge circular tank of Piranha fish in the centre of the restaurant. You could get pork chop and chips in there for a reasonable price! She used to give regulars a little present - I still have a pretty small rectangular tray which I use for serving nibbles when we have guests. I am afraid the noddlng doll in a kimono was given to my god daughter many years ago.

Happy Birthday to @Colin g - have a lovely day.

Congrats again to @Gwynn on another HS.

Thank you @ColinUK for the tale of Ahasauerus et al!

Have a good day all!
Forgot to mention that it’s yet another Jewish festival. And yes it’s another one that’s basically “we’re Jews, someone tried to kill us, they failed, let’s eat!”

The festival is Purim and this is the narrative (lifted from Wikipedia)

The Book of Esther begins with a six-month (180-day) drinking feast given by King Ahasuerus of the Persian Empire for the army and Media and the satraps and princes of the 127 provinces of his kingdom, concluding with a seven-day drinking feast for the inhabitants of Shushan (Susa), rich and poor, and a separate drinking feast for the women organized by Queen Vashti in the pavilion of the royal courtyard.

At this feast, Ahasuerus gets thoroughly drunk, and at the prompting of his courtiers, orders his wife Vashti to "display her beauty" before the nobles and populace, wearing her royal crown. One rabbinical tradition of the Oral Torah interprets this to mean that he wanted her to wear only her royal crown, meaning that she would be naked, though this is not explicitly indicated by the biblical text. Her refusal prompts Ahasuerus to have her removed from her post. Ahasuerus then orders all young women to be presented to him, so that he can choose a new queen to replace Vashti. One of these is Esther, who was orphaned at a young age and is being fostered by her first cousin Mordecai. She finds favor in the King's eyes, and is made his new wife. Esther does not reveal her origins or that she is Jewish, as Mordecai told her not to. Based on the choice of words used in the text (and since the Torah permits an uncle to marry his niece), some rabbinic commentators state that she was actually Mordecai's wife.

Shortly afterwards, Mordecai discovers a plot by two palace guards Bigthan and Teresh to kill Ahasuerus. They are apprehended and hanged, and Mordecai's service to the King is recorded in the daily record of the court.[15]

Ahasuerus appoints Haman as his viceroy. Mordecai, who sits at the palace gates, falls into Haman's disfavor as he refuses to bow down to him. Having found out that Mordecai is Jewish, Haman plans to kill not just Mordecai but the entire Jewish minority in the empire. Obtaining Ahasuerus' permission and funds to execute this plan, he casts lots ("purim") to choose the date on which to do this—the 14th of the month of Adar. When Mordecai finds out about the plans, he puts on sackcloth and ashes, a sign of mourning, publicly weeping and lamenting, and many other Jews in Shushan and other parts of Ahasuerus' empire do likewise, with widespread penitence and fasting. Esther discovers what has transpired; there follows an exchange of messages between her and Mordecai, with Hatach, one of the palace servants, as the intermediary. Mordecai requests that she intercede with the King on behalf of the embattled Jews; she replies that nobody is allowed to approach the King, under penalty of death.

Mordecai warns her that she will not be any safer in the palace than any other Jew, says that if she keeps silent, salvation for the Jews will arrive from some other quarter but "you and your father's house (family line) will perish," and suggests that she was elevated to the position of queen to be of help in just such an emergency. Esther has a change of heart, says she will fast and pray for three days and will then approach the King to seek his help, despite the law against doing so, and "if I perish, I perish." She also requests that Mordecai tell all Jews of Shushan to fast and pray for three days together with her. On the third day, she seeks an audience with Ahasuerus, during which she invites him to a feast in the company of Haman. During the feast, she asks them to attend a further feast the next evening. Meanwhile, Haman is again offended by Mordecai's refusal to bow to him; egged on by his wife Zeresh and unidentified friends, he builds a gallows for Mordecai, with the intention to hang him there the very next day.[16]

That night, Ahasuerus suffers from insomnia, and when the court's daily records are read to him to help him fall asleep, he learns of the services rendered by Mordecai in the earlier plot against his life. Ahasuerus asks whether anything was done for Mordecai and is told that he received no recognition for saving the King's life. Just then, Haman appears, and King Ahasuerus asks him what should be done for the man that the King wishes to honor. Thinking that the King is referring to Haman himself, Haman says that the honoree should be dressed in the King's royal robes and led around on the King's royal horse. To Haman's horror, the king instructs Haman to render such honors to Mordecai.[17]

Later that evening, Ahasuerus and Haman attend Esther's second banquet, at which she reveals that she is Jewish and that Haman is planning to exterminate her people, which includes her. Ahasuerus becomes enraged and instead orders Haman hanged on the gallows that Haman had prepared for Mordecai. The previous decree against the Jewish people could not be nullified, so the King allows Mordecai and Esther to write another decree as they wish. They decree that Jewish people may preemptively kill those thought to pose a lethal risk. As a result, on 13 Adar, 500 attackers and Haman's 10 sons are killed in Shushan. Throughout the empire 75,000 of the Jewish peoples' enemies are killed.[18] On the 14th, another 300 are killed in Shushan. No spoilsare taken.[19]

Mordecai assumes the position of second in rank to Ahasuerus, and institutes an annual commemoration of the delivery of the Jewish people from annihilation.

Now the food bit!
It’s traditional to eat sort of biscuit things shaped like Hamans hat. They’re called Hamantaschen and they’re delicious!
I bought some different versions to take to the folks yesterday, lemon marzipan stuffed, jam centred, chocolate and hazelnut and the most traditional version which is filled with poppy seeds.
I’d intended to take pics of them all nicely arranged on a plate but the pastry is so ridiculously short that they all broke in my bag so we just picked at lots of broken bits over a cuppa or two.

If you have a local Gail’s then they sell the marzipan ones. Otherwise a good Jewish deli or bakery may have some but some commercial ones are awfully dry and over sweet.

They look like this:
View attachment 29671
Think they should make an opera about this! It sounds as mad as some as the others you’ve reviewed!
Morning everyone

A happy 6.1 for me on this fine sunny morning..
Good morning everyone

Would you credit it ... BG another 5.2 and that after yesterday gobbling down a whole easter egg and some wine along with my usuall tea too. Mind you I did a lot of prolonged exercise during the day ...

Two HS in a row ... just one more for my name in the great hall of fame...

Today more prolonged exercise, and setting up the sound system in the church this evening for the service tomorrow.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Congrats on your HS twice in a row sorry i missed yesterdays HS post x
Hi guys! 7'7 today, is getting a bit higher this days.

Bad news yesterday regarding a job opportunity I was really excited about, I was not shortlisted. Was sad for a bit, then moved on. Will take a break from job searching until April.

Went to the city to visit friends and had my first night out in a while. Was fun but the party places I knew there have changed. There was Lion King "Circle of life" mixed with techno music at some point in the LGBT club :rofl: also an alarming amount of stairs for a place where people are likely to get drunk. I slept in my friends sofa and today we took the train with some of her friends back to my town. It's cool to have visitors where you live because you actually visit places you normally don't! Plus we have booked dinner in a special place, really looking forward to it.

And also looking forward to a mini break in Spain next week. I wouldn't normally fly for such a short time and it is more expensive for the Holy Week but there's a family event and I was lucky to get holiday days approved. Also will get to see a cousin I haven't met since I moved to England, 4 years already!
I forgot to tell you earlier. A few days ago a Polish colleague had a milk bottle that said "Cornish milk" and she asked me what the Cornish part meant. Before I had a chance to reply she had to go attend a customer. After that she came back saying "I think I know what this is. Is not normal cow milk, it is made of corn!". Then she realised there was a picture of a cow in the label and things were not adding up. I did explain it was regular milk from Cornwall, but you have to give her points for creative thinking! Languages are funny sometimes :D
I forgot to tell you earlier. A few days ago a Polish colleague had a milk bottle that said "Cornish milk" and she asked me what the Cornish part meant. Before I had a chance to reply she had to go attend a customer. After that she came back saying "I think I know what this is. Is not normal cow milk, it is made of corn!". Then she realised there was a picture of a cow in the label and things were not adding up. I did explain it was regular milk from Cornwall, but you have to give her points for creative thinking! Languages are funny sometimes :D

I thought for years the Scotch Bonnet chilli was grown in Scotland . It actually comes from West Africa!
Good morning! Woke to a 6-hour signal loss but all the data was there. Why does Android 14 do this? Oh BG has risen to 8.6 from estimate ld 8;as I got annoyed!

Load of paperwork to go through. What happened to the Crystal Mark for clearer English!

Blue sky with white fluffy bits
Morning again Northerner being East of the Pennines is in an earlier time zone but can’t compete with a 7.1 but happy enough.
Had a Unicorn going to bed but the late 2 pieces of toast ( with a 3u correction) which I thought would take me over somehow I managed to keep within range overnight to maintain the 100%.
Happy to have a trip to our favourite lunch spot as sometimes if our daughter is not working there my wife wants to go somewhere else.
However my son,whose girlfriend has gone to Yorkshire to see her parents is home alone and likes it as well will come with us.
All of our dogs are toast monsters and pester us if eating it and one of our ridgebacks was aptly named Poppy as she lived up to her name popping up every time the toaster popped.She used to steal it from the side of the kitchen but we don’t have that issue with the daschunds.
As many of us have been through an experience of being admitted to hospital via an ambulance for various events I wonder if the sight of the ceiling lights while being whisked through on a trolley like the introduction on Casualty sticks in our minds.
It did with me when I dislocated a hip playing rugby and was admitted as an emergency about 30 years ago.Anyway weather yesterday is like the 4 seasons in one day but will be out in the garden soon but a few days with the gloves on
Enjoy the rest of the w/ end