Group 7-day waking average?

Hope you have a pleasant meal and experience.Have sometimes found the Japanese element consists of “ entertainment “ so juggling eggs etc and is often cooked in front of you.
I once arrived late for a Meeting in Amsterdam and joined the Japanese meal half way through and was starving.As they were cooking bits in front of me I simply picked on up to eat it.The chef then rapped his wooden stick in my direction shouting at me that it was not mine and I should have waited until my first course was ready whilst others were on a later course.
It was very formal but sounds like your Tapas will be much more relaxing
Not this one I don’t think, it’s a tiny place! But you just reminded me that I have ate Japanese food, in Jamaica. I was staying at a Sandals resort ( I was one of a dozen travel agents on a fam trip, hard work but someone had to do it) and one night we had a show night where they were throwing bits of meat and fish about and chopping them up in the air. Not sure any of us actually got anything to eat, it was all over the place!
@eggyg Be aware that Korean food can be very spicy indeed. Japanese not so much. Japanese is all about the quality of the raw ingredients and the respect shown to it, the chef, the diner. Unless it’s Wagamama when it’s all about speed and convincing us that food arriving when it’s ready is somehow a good thing. It’s still tasty!
I can do spicy no problem, not sure about the raw though. 😳
@eggyg it’s exactly that. What price justice? What does justice even look like?

My layman’s understanding is that I can press the pause button at anytime and can also press the GO button again in the future. I sort of want that confirmed because I wonder if that ability will be enough perhaps.

At the moment it’s so overwhelming. I’m not sleeping. I’m cancelling social engagements. I’m eating poorly.

Throw in that I’m working with my closest friend but he’s the one who can’t deal with any of the stuff that the case brings up at all so I can’t discuss it with him and I’m careening downhill rapidly.

Hopefully the chat with my ISVA will confirm I do have power and there is an option to pause things.

But then I’ll have to sit with how doing that will make me feel. Will I think I’ve let myself, the police, other survivors etc down if I stop things.

I almost called the SOIT officer to set up a face to face and say I’m having doubts etc but thought I’d talk with my ISVA before possibly doing that.

I’m seeing my folks (and brother, s-i-l and nephew) this evening so I’m bound to bring my thinking up with them too.

Talking about it helps.

On a side note, my undergrad nephew who is in his final year of his BSc has been offered a place at Oxford for his PhD that’s dependent on him getting a 2:1. He’s going to get a 1st without a shadow of a doubt.
So he’s skipping his masters and going to be doing a fully funded PhD in some weird physics thing to do with CERN type cyclotron or orgasmatron magnetic donut laser electron physics redefining thing I pretend I understand. He’s over the moon and I’m really happy for him!
Forget others, however guilty it makes you feel, YOU are the priority here. I know it’s difficult, I rarely put myself first, but you really can’t go on as you are, can you?

On another note. What a clever nephew you have, sounds like a real boffin. Looking forward to hearing all about his progress and your shameless boasting. 😛
Forget others, however guilty it makes you feel, YOU are the priority here. I know it’s difficult, I rarely put myself first, but you really can’t go on as you are, can you?

On another note. What a clever nephew you have, sounds like a real boffin. Looking forward to hearing all about his progress and your shameless boasting. 😛
He his intellect and humility from me of course!
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A good start to Friday with a 5.1 on the old meter and weekly BP check 109/66, so more than happy with those numbers. On the downside I had a restless night with my IBS giving me grief again, although it's not so bad at the moment.

@Eternal422 - glad you're enjoying Sydney. We liked Manly when we were there, preferring it to Bondi.

@Gwynn congrats on another HS - I almost joined you.

Usual Friday Big Shop and a run out to the garden centre greengrocer coming up later, once I've read the paper. I was planning on cutting the grass today but it's been drizzling all morning so that's probably put paid to that.

Whatever your plans, have a good day.
Not this one I don’t think, it’s a tiny place! But you just reminded me that I have ate Japanese food, in Jamaica. I was staying at a Sandals resort ( I was one of a dozen travel agents on a fam trip, hard work but someone had to do it) and one night we had a show night where they were throwing bits of meat and fish about and chopping them up in the air. Not sure any of us actually got anything to eat, it was all over the place!
As long as you have fun and enjoy your meal.
Funny how others posts can remind people of things and your trip to Jamaica reminded me of a couple of things.
Most important was the honeymoon in St Lucia but your “ travel agent “ bit reminded me when I finished my Geography studies and a Canadian Professor wanted me to do a PhD in Latin American Studies at Calgary.
The two thesis subjects were “ Tourism in the Caribbean” and “ The future of the Amazonian Indigenous population”.
In the end I did not do it as I just wanted to earn money and another 3 years of study seemed a long time.
As you get older you realise you should have done it as it is a blink of the eye but I would have had a totally different life but happy with how it has all turned out

9.8 after a carb binge yesterday, have very blurry eyes this morning, am so ashamed of my binge I nearly didn’t post this morning. My mental health is really getting the better of me at the moment

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS.

@ColinUK - weigh up the pros and cons and do what is best for your mental health.
Sending you hugs!
@ColinUK I had a feeling something was wrong, because you have been uncharacteristically quiet of late. Stress is a terrible thing and can lead to physical ailments if not relieved. So please do what's best for you, and if that's either halting the process you are going through with the police, or stopping it altogether then so be it. You are never going to heal if it's on your mind day after day and you can't discuss it with the person you are working with day to day, you will just be internalising it. You know we're all here to support you whatever you decide.

@Grannylorraine I say the same to you - I had a bad time with bullying in one job - I had survived 7.5 years there which was longer than anyone else on the staff, but eventually I went to see the GP who signed me off. What a relief that was! I actually never went back as I was offered another job by a previous manager who had suffered in the same way. Your mental health is worth more than any job.
I used to go to Japan a lot. Food was either relatively cheap and unappetising, (think sausages on sticks) or really lovely but excuciatingly expensive! Julian and I had a superb meal one time (in latter years we flew together on married rosters), cooked at the table for us by a lady in full Japanese kimono. It consisted of thin slices of beef cooked in broth and eggs. Can't remember what it was called, but there was no raw fish to be seen. The most painful thing about that (apart from the bill) was having to kneel on the floor!

@Wendal - be grateful you did not choose to spend 3 years studying in Calgary - it was the most boring and uninviting city I ever visited!

@Gwynn, congrats on your HS.
@Pattidevans I knew that my absence and when I have been here my lack of conversation etc wouldn’t have gone unnoticed.
At the start of the week I just couldn’t even begin to put into words what was going on in my head.
I’m pleased that now I can and I can open up and move forward processing my thoughts and feelings etc.

Throw into the mix that last Friday I had my three month check in with my therapist (we’re half way through a 6 month pause) and that was the final straw really. Lots of things came up that I hadn’t been prepared for and without him there this week that’s been scary.

Also police requested SAR for full medical records and therapy notes from every single therapist I’ve seen since 1999, those notes coming to me, my having to read them and then send them on is also tough.

Obviously still dealing with the folks getting old and their inevitable deaths is not easy when you live alone as there’s no one to share the burden with. So it’s all on my shoulders. Or so it seems.
I used to go to Japan a lot. Food was either relatively cheap and unappetising, (think sausages on sticks) or really lovely but excuciatingly expensive! Julian and I had a superb meal one time (in latter years we flew together on married rosters), cooked at the table for us by a lady in full Japanese kimono. It consisted of thin slices of beef cooked in broth and eggs. Can't remember what it was called, but there was no raw fish to be seen. The most painful thing about that (apart from the bill) was having to kneel on the floor!

@Wendal - be grateful you did not choose to spend 3 years studying in Calgary - it was the most boring and uninviting city I ever visited!

@Gwynn, congrats on your HS.
I loved Calgary!
Morning all - weather report from West Cornwall is that it's grey again! However yesterday turned out nice in the end so fingers crossed.

6.9 this morning. I think I overdid the basal tweak a little from 06:00 so I need to increase basal a tad starting around 06:00.

Still not taking Clopidogrel - thank you @Leadinglights and @Wendal for suggesting Apixaban. It doesn't seem to have the same side effects as Clopidogrel. A girlfriend popped in for a cuppa yesterday afternoon and she is also on Apixaban with no problems. I shall be emailing my GP to see if I can swap.

So.... off to meet up with friends in town this afternoon - our usual Friday engagement which is always fun.

Have a good day all.
@Pattidevans I knew that my absence and when I have been here my lack of conversation etc wouldn’t have gone unnoticed.
At the start of the week I just couldn’t even begin to put into words what was going on in my head.
I’m pleased that now I can and I can open up and move forward processing my thoughts and feelings etc.

Throw into the mix that last Friday I had my three month check in with my therapist (we’re half way through a 6 month pause) and that was the final straw really. Lots of things came up that I hadn’t been prepared for and without him there this week that’s been scary.

Also police requested SAR for full medical records and therapy notes from every single therapist I’ve seen since 1999, those notes coming to me, my having to read them and then send them on is also tough.

Obviously still dealing with the folks getting old and their inevitable deaths is not easy when you live alone as there’s no one to share the burden with. So it’s all on my shoulders. Or so it seems.
Ugh - that Police request must have been horrible, almost like they were pushing the blame onto you. No wonder you are suffering. I can't help feeling that the Police are just making everything worse.
I feel you.
I have eaten unwise choices this week. You’re far from alone.

Hopefully our mental health improves for both of us soon.

Me too. I've got a blood test today, have had two days of Full English breakfasts (Cholesterol was a bit higher than they liked at the last blood test, so it's not going to be good today), had a stressful time at work, an absolutely insane event in private life that has caused pulse rate to go insane, blood sugar to go up, and have been daft with food - yesterday was a curry and rice for lunch, the day before potato with meal and veg (I was at a customer site for work, and lunched in their staff restaurant.)

I've pre-warned the nurse who deals with me the results are not going to be good!

Oh, and I've forgotten to taken any metformin for about 4 or 5 days...

So no one is alone.

On the plus side, after the blood test, I'm going to go to five guys for a burger and diabetes can go f**k itself for a day.
@Pattidevans I knew that my absence and when I have been here my lack of conversation etc wouldn’t have gone unnoticed.
At the start of the week I just couldn’t even begin to put into words what was going on in my head.
I’m pleased that now I can and I can open up and move forward processing my thoughts and feelings etc.

Throw into the mix that last Friday I had my three month check in with my therapist (we’re half way through a 6 month pause) and that was the final straw really. Lots of things came up that I hadn’t been prepared for and without him there this week that’s been scary.

Also police requested SAR for full medical records and therapy notes from every single therapist I’ve seen since 1999, those notes coming to me, my having to read them and then send them on is also tough.

Obviously still dealing with the folks getting old and their inevitable deaths is not easy when you live alone as there’s no one to share the burden with. So it’s all on my shoulders. Or so it seems.
Sending you hugs.
Morning all

A happy 4.8 for me earlier this grey morning.