@eggyg it’s exactly that. What price justice? What does justice even look like?
My layman’s understanding is that I can press the pause button at anytime and can also press the GO button again in the future. I sort of want that confirmed because I wonder if that ability will be enough perhaps.
At the moment it’s so overwhelming. I’m not sleeping. I’m cancelling social engagements. I’m eating poorly.
Throw in that I’m working with my closest friend but he’s the one who can’t deal with any of the stuff that the case brings up at all so I can’t discuss it with him and I’m careening downhill rapidly.
Hopefully the chat with my ISVA will confirm I do have power and there is an option to pause things.
But then I’ll have to sit with how doing that will make me feel. Will I think I’ve let myself, the police, other survivors etc down if I stop things.
I almost called the SOIT officer to set up a face to face and say I’m having doubts etc but thought I’d talk with my ISVA before possibly doing that.
I’m seeing my folks (and brother, s-i-l and nephew) this evening so I’m bound to bring my thinking up with them too.
Talking about it helps.
On a side note, my undergrad nephew who is in his final year of his BSc has been offered a place at Oxford for his PhD that’s dependent on him getting a 2:1. He’s going to get a 1st without a shadow of a doubt.
So he’s skipping his masters and going to be doing a fully funded PhD in some weird physics thing to do with CERN type cyclotron or orgasmatron magnetic donut laser electron physics redefining thing I pretend I understand. He’s over the moon and I’m really happy for him!