Group 7-day waking average?


A shocking 7.8, but the last thing I ate yesterday evening was very sweet, knew I should not eat it, but did anyway, didn’t enjoy eating it due to how sweet it was. Well paying the price this morning.

Sorry haven’t had a chance to read all the posts yet, will go back and do that when I have a few minutes.
Morning all - another grey one. Getting really sick of this - previous years have seen lovely sunshine in March. One year it was beach weather!

6.7 but the low alarm went off 3 times in the night. I firstly put a -20% temp basal on, it would seem that was not long enough as 2nd alarm went off. I realised the temp basal had finished and put another -20% on but it seems that was not enough as the 3rd low alarm went off. So I then put on a -25% temp basal and that worked. Going to have to cut overnight basal back by 25% which seems a lot. Not sure why - weather hasn't warmed up or anything.

@freesia, I see your D is off the other way - too high - could it be stress? Or just D being contrary?

Nothing much on today. I need to do some research into drug interactions to each other before emailing my own GP. Cannot stand the side effects I am having.

Making pepperonata (stew of yellow and red peppers with tomatoes) to go with Venison and Pheasant sausages for dinner later. There should be some Celeriac mash I can get out of the freezer.

@Eternal422 Thanks for the travel update - fascinating. BTW I was always told Levemir was a twice a day insulin. Surprised you have been able to manage on just one shot per day.

Have a good one all.....
@Eternal422 Thanks for the travel update - fascinating. BTW I was always told Levemir was a twice a day insulin. Surprised you have been able to manage on just one shot per day.
I know, I question this at each DSN appointment but keep being told my single dose at night is working for me. I have done basal testing and proved it does indeed hold me steady in the absence of food, but always wonder if I may be more flexible splitting the dose. I always have higher BG in the evenings, but then again that is primarily when I eat.
@Eternal422 - I've flown LA to Sydney, so not much different from SF to Sydney. 15 hours? Tell me about it. Crossing the International Date Line threw me a bit too, until I worked it out.
Our flight is 14h50 and crossing the International Date Line means we lose Wednesday! Very weird to try and get my head around it!
@freesia, I see your D is off the other way - too high - could it be stress? Or just D being contrary?
I think its definitely D being contrary. After the correction this morning i've been in target all day.
Good morning! Went to sleep early after yesterday's night owl (the lark was still asleep! 🙂) start. But I think my body clock is all to pot and that I am in Kabul. 4.9 on the finger as the AI brightness adjustment on my Pixel phone has gone to pot and I can't make anything out on it. DF is bad enough without Pixel Pixies messing round! :rofl:

Also another bout of phantom pain but t least I don't have to get up at s*dd*ing 5:00am! :(

Very dark so probably very cloudy!
Good morning everyone

BG 5.6

Off to the church with my keyboard trolley as a test of its practicality (or not). Taking my camera box on it tho to capture some sound system settings.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 6.3. Normal day yesterday apart from a chocolate overdose, (anyone tried Galaxy mint? Don’t, it’s addictive.) that shot my BGs up for a wee while. Ooops!

Had a lovely day yesterday, I went to my youngest daughter’s as we were going to take some jeans and a shirt back that her and her sisters had bought me for Mothers Day. Eden was sleeping and didn’t wake for her bottle when expected, so we were running late. We had to have our lunch before we left for the town. I actually got my lunch made for me, just a ham salad sandwich, but I don’t think my daughter has ever made me anything to eat, ever! It’s usually the other way round! We walked into town, it’s not far, and I got two blouses, a vest top and a basket for underwear for my airing cupboard! I’ve still got money left so I’m going to put it towards some new trainers. It was also a lovely day and when I came home at 3, Mr Eggy had cleaned the kitchen windows, inside and out, I’ve been nagging him for ages but the weather has always been against him, apparently! 🙄

A day at home today, ironing beckons, and I need to decide what we’re taking on our mini break next week. I thought coming down sarf it would be all blazing sunshine and mild temperatures, nope, rainy, cool and very windy! Typical!

Have a fabulous day. Even those of us on the other side of the world, well , nearly! @Eternal422
Morning and a 6.1 on waking and a 4.8 when I got out of bed but pretty nice line overnight.
Long day yesterday driving to Porthmadog and back but beautiful scenery so well worth it.
Off to hopefully sunny Southport today so will try my best to catch an ice cream at Crosby or Formby on way.
Possibly lunch in Waterloo which always brings memories back at playing Rugby there many moons ago where we had a bigger crowd ( plus a printed team sheet in their match programme) than the normal 2 men and a dog.
Will be missing on parade in morning as very early start and long day at a Conference in Manchester so if I survive that will be plain sailing until Easter.
Have a great day all