Group 7-day waking average?

And so it begins! No idea what day it is already :rofl: Despite a 40 minute delay leaving Heathrow, we caught up and landed slightly ahead of schedule, but then wasted some time waiting for a gate. Never mind, still in good time in San Francisco and now in our hotel at Fisherman’s Wharf. I see it’s 2:25am at home and just 7:25pm here - so my birthday has lasted longer than usual! Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes!
Don't forget to buy a fridge magnet everywhere you go. According to a report today people value them above holiday pics as a reminder of a holiday, apparently because they see them every time they go to their fridge.

Enjoy your trip.
Don't forget to buy a fridge magnet everywhere you go. According to a report today people value them above holiday pics as a reminder of a holiday, apparently because they see them every time they go to their fridge.

Enjoy your trip.
My fridge is full of magnets from family! I always buy them for others and vice versa but never think of buying myself one. Good idea.
My kids vie with each other to buy me the tackiest magnets they can find, but sometimes they can’t find anything bad enough, and buy me a nice one.
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This is my favourite. New Zealand. I’ve to keep this up high so little fingers don’t take it off and break it. It’s made of shell.


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5.9 this morning for me, today would have been ok but I hopelessly misjudged the carbs in a fruit smoothie and shot up to 15. Corrected and got back into range fairly quickly afterwards. Splitting my Levemir dose on the day of travel did actually seem to work, now back on my normal single dose tonight. Last day in SF tomorrow, setting off to Sydney tomorrow night, 15 hour flight to look forward to!

Lovely day walking around San Francisco in the Spring sunshine (which is actually pretty close to one of our summers!), although we seemed to be in the minority wearing just tee shirts! Did give in and wore a hoodie on the open top bus tour though.

Saw the sea lions at Pier 39, although way less than we last saw a few years back, maybe it’s the time of year.

Good morning/moaning! Want to be asleep as have to get up at 5:00am for early doors podiatry. Woke with really bad phantom pain - burning at top of foot and sensation of broken ankle. BG 8.3 and rising. Don't want to take strong painkiller but seems no option as took Gabapentin (useless drug) as recommended before bed! :(

The good news! At Ophthalmology yesterday visual acuity , IR (infrared) scan, pressures and slit lamp all good,and some of my favourite crew both ways. 🙂

Sure it's cloudy as black as a coal hole outside.
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Good morning/moaning! Want to be asleep as have to get up at 5:00am for early doors podiatry. Woke with really bad phantom pain - burning at top of foot and sensation of broken ankle. BG 8.3 and rising. Don't want to take strong painkiller but seems no option as took Gabapentin (useless drug) as recommended before bed! :(

The good news! At Ophthalmology yesterday visual acuity , IR (infrared) scan, pressures and slit lamp all good,and some of my favourite crew both ways. 🙂

Sure it's cloudy as black as a coal hole outside.

Can't believe it. The pain has finally eased as I need to get up. My BG has also dropped to "Six at Five"!
GoodMorning a Late Len from me today

I’ve finally received a letter re-scheduled phone appointment with the Diabetic Consultant from hospital (following me missing his phone call earlier this year) also received the re-scheduled appointment for orthopaedic department (following me taking the opportunity to cancelling my last one a few weeks ago)

Congrats on HS’s yesterday @Gwynn & @MeeTooTeeTo
Morning all. Libre shows 15.3, finger prick 12.8! The graph shows i've been very high all night. I dropped to the 4s before bed so had a tiny palmful of peanuts. My TIR has been shocking for a while, just as it starts to go up, i end up with this happening and i drops back down. I hope i'm not coming down with something as its school holidays from Friday. There are a lot of bugs going around work atm.

@Eternal422 enjoy your last day in San Francisco and have a good flight.

Libre now showing 12.6 and dropping. Fingers crossed it continues, though not too low
Morning a 4.8 and a Unicorn and pretty flat line overnight going to bed with no corrections.
Eternal do enjoy your last day in San Fran and enjoy the next leg of your journey.
Will think of your 15 hour plane trip as much more taxing than my long car trip to the Lleyn peninsular today but some superb sea and Mountain View’s to enjoy.
Anyway wherever you are going and whatever you are doing enjoy
***warning, long post***

Good morning. A nice round 6, which I’m very happy with as yesterday for reasons unknown I was very high all day. Up to 18 at one point! I did something I never do, I had no choice but to do corrections all day therefore stacking insulin. It didn’t work! My insulin is fine, I’ve been using the same pen for about 10 days. I feel fine, health wise, I’m no more stressed than I usually am. I ate the same food I eat everyday. New sensor is fine, in fact my meter was showing high at times. The only thing I have done differently is up my Creon, a lot! Had a telephone appointment with the gastroenterologist on Saturday re my bloating and nausea, this is after two years of tests, scans and seeing an Upper GI consultant and Lower GI consultant. The gastro consultant gave me a gentle telling off as I had dropped my Creon to only one a meal as I tried to manage my “ condition” ( partially blocked bowel obstruction and adhesions) thinking I was doing the right thing. But I haven’t, because I’m having less Creon my food is just hanging about in my stomach unable to digest and is fermenting causing the pain, nausea and bloating. Makes complete sense and not one other consultant or GP has even mentioned my Creon or any other of my many meds I take. I’m to have 3/4 x 25k per meal and 1 x 25k per snack. I have never taken any with snacks, I’m not totally convinced it’s the Creon as I never was high like that in the past when I was taking up to 6 per meal, and I’ve been taking it for over 16 years. Who knows?
Managed to get it down to a more reasonable 7.5 by bed time no correction needed and I added one unit to my basal. Hopefully it was a blip and today will be better, I’m going away next Monday for five days, I really hope I’m not coming down with something.

Have a great day.

Two contrasting images. My rubbish day and my first bird photo ( Siskin) from my new camera.


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A 5.8 for me this morning. 🙂

5.5 on a rather cool and cloudy Berkshire morning, despite it being Spring Equinox today. Winter is officially over - Hooray and good riddance.

My wife and our eldest go back into their offices today for the first time in 5 weeks, and tomorrow our youngest is back on his regular shift rota, so normal routine finally resumes after their holiday Down Under, my 3 weeks or so home alone and a week of WFH and early nights as everyone got over their jetlag.

@Eternal422 - I've flown LA to Sydney, so not much different from SF to Sydney. 15 hours? Tell me about it. Crossing the International Date Line threw me a bit too, until I worked it out.

Tuesday, so off to the pool later for my usual 20 lengths, and might decide to stay in town afterwards and grab lunch in our favourite (independent) cafe. They do a mean BLT.

Have a good day, everyone.
Morning everyone

A happy 5.5 for me today, grey skies and a light breeze, might get some more gardening done today. Blood test later pre DM review next week.

Have a good day everyone.