Group 7-day waking average?

Hey everyone! 6'2 today.

Weather was miserable yesterday and my mood was gray to match. Today I finished the morning shift with a wonderful sunny sky. Shame I have to work again later!

I was teased by colleagues for my "rockstar" belt. That makes my style sounds cooler than it is, it's just a belt with eyelets all around. I like the aesthetic but also the fact that it fits wether I loose or gain some weight. I didn't think the look of the belt matters at work because it's covered by my waistcoat but seems like the end was showing a bit.

A supervisor pointed I must need the belt because I'm skinny. I know that's often a compliment and she openly admitted to be jealous, but I'm getting tired of their comments about it. Also struggling to find some formal trousers that fit me properly now. Ah, first world problems...
Hey everyone! 6'2 today.

Weather was miserable yesterday and my mood was gray to match. Today I finished the morning shift with a wonderful sunny sky. Shame I have to work again later!

I was teased by colleagues for my "rockstar" belt. That makes my style sounds cooler than it is, it's just a belt with eyelets all around. I like the aesthetic but also the fact that it fits wether I loose or gain some weight. A supervisor pointed I must need the belt because I'm skinny. I know that's often a compliment and she openly admitted to be jealous, but I'm getting tired of their comments about it. Also struggling to find some formal trousers that fit me properly now.

6'2" is tall for a girl as well. I imagine the supervisor is 5'1" and is jealous of that as well! :(
6'2" is tall for a girl as well. I imagine the supervisor is 5'1" and is jealous of that as well! :(
Good one! 😛 If I was actually tall like that I could almost reach my partner. I'm a mere 5' 3" and the height difference is very noticeable!

PS : I forget the potential confusion because where I'm from we measure height in centimetres.
Evening all .Been a busy day just managed to sit down and catch up on emails and this blog.Was a 6.7 for me this morning been pretty much in the 6 range all-day Congratulations to you two on the hs and a happy birthday to elenka Enjoy the rest of your evening folks
Congratulations to you two on the hs and a happy birthday to elenka
That is very sweet but you are a few months early! I believe you meant to wish a happy birthday to @Eternal422. Happy birthday, by the way! 😉
Maybe you could make March 17th your official birthday? I am thinking of another in June as mine gets lost in Christmas! :(
I'm lucky enough to have my birthday already in June :D

We always say my mum has two birthdays: the date of her actual birth and the date that appears in her documents, which is one week later. Apparently her dad took too long to register the birth, there were other times and it was not so convenient to get from their rural area to wherever they had to do this paperwork! I am going home soon and I just realised today, if I had booked just one more day of holiday, I'd be there for my mum's actual birthday. Not feeling the best daughter right now :(
And so it begins! No idea what day it is already :rofl: Despite a 40 minute delay leaving Heathrow, we caught up and landed slightly ahead of schedule, but then wasted some time waiting for a gate. Never mind, still in good time in San Francisco and now in our hotel at Fisherman’s Wharf. I see it’s 2:25am at home and just 7:25pm here - so my birthday has lasted longer than usual! Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes!

BG has been a bit all over the place, but I stuck to having half my Levemir at my normal UK time and will take the remaining half at 10pm San Francisco time (if I can stay awake until then!). Then revert to my normal once per day whilst we’re here. Did ok most of the day but hit 15 after the final meal before landing and only just got it back into range at 6.9.

Sorry, to fight up with all the posts on here, hope everyone is ok. Take care!
Good morning - 5.3

Have a great day everyone.
Morning a 6.7 for me and look forward to a nice but busy week and improving weather.
Good luck Eternal on your holiday and sounds like your are enjoying the journey and your new life ahead.
Birthday as well and Australia to look forward to so sounds. very exciting
Fantastic sporting w/ end and a couple of really nice lunches so all happy in the Wendal household.
Have a great week all.
Good morning everyone and I’m glad to say normal service is restored. 6.9 on my new sensor. That’s more like it. Will call Abbott this morning about getting a replacement for my naughty sensor. I’ve been using the Libre for over two years consistently as I got it on prescription, and four years self funded, on and off, before that. I can count on one hand the number of replacements I’ve had. So I don’t think I’ll have any trouble getting another one from them.

Got my new camera yesterday, I’m very excited. Spent a few hours getting to know it, and reading the manual. My head was hurting by then! I’m hoping to have more time with it today, forecast is good so will hopefully get outside with it. I did get a half decent photo of a siskin in the apple tree yesterday but haven’t downloaded it, haven’t set up the WiFi on it yet. That’s today’s job, amongst others.

Glad you got to San Francisco safely @Eternal422 enjoy your onward trip.

Have a good day.

Here’s a photo of my new camera, I feel like a professional! Although I know fine well I’ll probably never venture off auto! Much to Mr Eggy’s frustration, it was all going over my head when he was talking about aperture and shutter speed. Things definitely don’t sink in as well as they once did!


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Morning all, 4.7 here, been crawling along the top of the red all night, I’d like to blame the new sensor, but actually I think it’s my fault for not dropping my basal enough after exercise and a glass of wine.